“SHADOW WORK” and D...
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“SHADOW WORK” and Dark energies

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Hi EA community:). I wanted to open up a discussion on Shadow Work and the darker energies that we may come across during our ascension process. As we all know trauma and attachments can be challenging to clear as we get into our activations. We run into different things in group sessions all the time. It’s a difficult topic because attachments and shadow work is uncomfortable. We are all here to bounce these topics off each other though so I wanted to start the conversation. 

Anyone want to share anything on this topic. For me personally, I had dark attachments that were holding me back. Patrice cleared them for me and it changed the game for me. My activations took off after Patrice cleared the attachments for me. Patrice also fixed some leaks in my energy field. I’ll tag Patrice @patricekrysztofiak because this is his area of expertise. Let’s get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Any questions or experiences are requested from the EA community members. Safe space here:) We all have these on some level. Very important topic for us all. ❤️ 

A little background for those not hip of this stuff. We acquire attachments, imprints, tags, implants and other dense energies that block some of our abilities to activate fully. We may have that last chakra that isn’t lit or spinning the right direction due to trauma or another source of a blockage. 


@lilynovastarseed 🙂 Curious your take?  “my mentor”

Posted : 06/07/2023 2:17 pm
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@rainyangel616 I hear yah. Nice. Good reads. Especially if your escape is reading. Kind of have to apply the knowledge in modern ways but the core is still the core of the information. The nice thing about those study guides videos is you can listen to them before bed or kind of fall asleep with them on and it like force feeds you the information. You can tell that your inner Alchemist is dying to come out. Casting divine spells of manifestation as the creator being that you are. 🪄 

We all get stuck in these ruts. I think if you heal your inner child and prioritize self love ❤️ and recovery that would benefit you a lot. Part of that is the ego death. We hit that bottom to experience an ego death then we are built back up but with our authentic selves taking the lead. No masks, only the highest version of ourselves in every moment possible. We all have flubs. I know I do. I get in trouble all the time. Lol. What we do is learn and adapt. Set goals and achieve them. Start asking your higher self to take the lead. Make the intention for your ego to exolve into your most authentic version of yourself. Then start setting goals. Like meditating once a day for at least 20 minutes. Start there. And try to show yourself love. ❤️ Man, you been through some shi*. I’ve been there. It’s rough down here. I don’t know why we were all crazy enough to volunteer for this one. Lol. 🤔 

Whose idea was that? Come on, someone fess up? It wasn’t disclosed that we wouldn’t have our abilities at first and we’d be trapped in a karmic loop operated by a nefarious ET Reptilian race that took over Earth. Probably good information to have. I’m just saying. ……:) JK ❤️ 💡 That’s over, luckily. 🙂 Now we have this opportunity to ascend in our lifetime. Maybe sooner than some may think. Exciting times and motivation to get healed and activated. We all learn from each other as a collective of ascending starseeds. All of us with homes not of this star system 🌎. We have abilities that are unmistakable. We have to own that and grow into our true galactic selves. The divine sovereign Angelic Light worker, Light warrior, Light Healers, light activator, way shower, whatever floats your boat. 🙂

Do you think you have ancestral ties? Like karmic ties along the ancestral bloodline? Cords attached to that karmic trauma maybe? You can cut cords to those blockages and attachments. They have guided meditations on YouTube. Patrice does that too. @patricekrysztofiak. He’s really good at that stuff. He’s the one that always works on me. I’m a tough one. Lol. He cut all my cords, fixed my energy leaks, healed a bunch of stuff and activated my third eye like crazy. It’s so much easier for me when I’m healing someone in a group session that he’s in. He locks on immediately. He identifies it before I can. Then he’s already off to work removing it. Cutting cords, healing energy field leaks. Basically removing all the baggage we carry around that prevents us from being where we want to be emotionally and spiritually. Those are the blockages and attachments that make us feel that way . We have a rebirth to do. Just cut all the cords. Lift all attachments. Repair your chakras. Merkabah. As you wish interject activations in there as you start your daily meditations. It’ll give you something to do every meditation. YouTube the heck out of these topics and you’ll get up to speed. It’s all out there. Lots of good guided meditations and frequencies. 



Posted : 13/07/2023 8:58 pm
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@nickq1233 Thanks Nick. I went to two sessions a couple months back.  Patrice worked on me twice.   He didn't say he saw much wrong at all, or didn't mention any. He had good things to say really while he was working on me. He asked me if I thought I am healing ancestral line and I said it might be so, because of immense pain. He said he got a heart symbol when he asked my ancestral line to help make things a little easier for me. He said a creature came into my house to spread a little happiness and he chuckled. ha  I wish I had asked what it looked like.  He said I was doing pretty good when he was looking around my third and and stuff. He had me visualize different things and certain breathing as he scanned my body.  I didn't have any dark attachments or anything. He did stuff but he didn't say much of what he did or saw with chakras and things. I guess nothing stood out. He might've mentioned toxins. 

Another woman said my third eye was a little foggy, to use rose quartz, and do some yoga for my hip.  One lady said she saw a white light streaming through the top of my head as I was trying to meditate along with all of this.  Another said she said a flower around my head area.  Federica said she got a name for a guide.  Hannah Yer  I think she said? Don't know the spelling.  One said I had a bird sitting on my shoulder and a heavy heart. A couple people wiped tears away after focusing on me, including Brett.  I think he only mentioned my hips, and my shoulder and left arm.   Federica said I am like the eye of a storm and I need to stay where I am, not try and do to much else, or too fast.  I am pretty calm within a storm. 

Maybe that's one of my purposes. To hold space, hold peace within all of this. People have always told me I seem so peaceful, believe it or not..ha  I am a pretty chill, quiet person.  All the things going on outside of me, or in the world, do not bother me really at all.  I mean I know a lot is horribly bad, but I don't feel it that much at all. I have a sense of calm about it all.  It's what's inside that bothers the fuck outta me. Like the mental, emotional pain, guilt, shame, memories etc. and having to rebuild a life from scratch. Sort of like the ascension process.     

I think I've been the only one blocking my way.  I'm awake. My third eye is pretty open already and I'm totally activating.  I think I thought I was worse off ascension or activation wise than I really am. Stuck in the dark for good.  It's been waiting for me for a very long time,  and all I need to do is take some consistent action.   Meditation is sooo key there.    

Starting a journal, like you advised.  Going to also do appreciation journal. Appreciation is so key in manifesting the goods things you want in your life.  I sat outside during the sunrise with my bare feet on the ground this morning, after a shower (much needed) and a walk.    Here's the one I did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oREozr_yHE   I also did some yoga on my new yoga mat, miracle..  I'm going to do that everyday as well.

I was up late thinking way too much with that last message. I don't know what's what exactly, don't really need to understand everything right now.   I am making appts. for things. Like a hair cut, gonna go buy new clothes, going to join a place where they have meditation groups, and a place where they have yoga groups.  I'm doing intermittent fasting starting today.  I have to write down a schedule, so it'll be easier to get things done. Yeah, slow down, keep it simple, take it easy. 

I read a lot of EA's book yesterday, good stuff. It literally explained all the ascension symptoms I've been having, and like where I'm at right now, was even in the book.  Knowledge needs to turn into action. Consistent action. I've felt that way for a very long time. It's not easy, but I'm starting. I think the meditation daily will help for sure.  I also made an appt. with a holistic healer and massage therapist. She uses a lot of Eastern techniques with massage. 

I was scattering myself around too much with looking up information.  I need to start looking within more now, and getting less from the outside. Come back to myself, and my higher self. We have all the answers within us. Of course I'll have my go tos, but I wont watch shit tens times per day anymore. 

I'm doing pretty good with the tablets so far.  It is not really too hard for me to grasp.  Have to read a few times.  It's way deep for sure. But I'm pretty good with depth.  Sort of how poetry is. It's not the words themselves, it's what the words reveal within the spaces between the words.  Sort of like how metaphors work too, but different.  I do want to look more up about it. Pics and stuff. It'd be way cool to actually hear Thoth say them in his language.  Goal.ha 

Posted : 15/07/2023 10:04 am
Nick Quinn reacted
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@rainyangel616 Thats really good that Patrice didn’t see anything too dense. Always a good thing. You should be wide open to accept the activations then. Anything you do should stick pretty quick. Meditation daily, activate all chakras, merkabah, kundalini, dna. Wall-a. 🙂

Third eye can get dormant if we aren’t meditating daily. That’ll rectify itself once you meditate daily. You’ll see your psychic abilities really take off with your third eye strengthening. Clairvoyance, telepathy, channeling, clairaudience, visions, words, messages etc. I try to sketch my visions so I can keep them in my journal. Awesome that your guide is surfacing. Typically if someone reads you like Cassandra, they’ll be met by one of your guides. Like a protection thing too. Our guides will greet whom ever enters our energy field. Sometimes our guides will toss the person. I’ve been tossed out of plenty of energy fields. Lol. Like twice a week, even if I have been in that energy before. Guides and our higher selves run the show in that regard. Cool that you got that info. 

 That’s such a good thing. To have that centering ability amongst the chaos of energies. If you can find your eye of the storm, that’s balance in energy. Your energy must be pretty strong to illicit that kind of reaction. Do you feel like you latch in pretty strongly to the energies that you interact with? Like with Bret? Your third eye is ou,ping, just feed it. Meditate, meditate, meditate. Daily, heck more than daily. On any given day I’ll meditate 2-3 times just depending on what’s going on. Shorter , more frequent period are good too. Whatever fits and resonates with you. 

Awesome on the journal! 📓 You’ll thank yourself for that. Lol. You can use it to sketch your visions too. Also for manifesting. Set you desired outcomes and your desired emotional states by writing them in your journal:). Yeah, a gratitude list is huge. So good for raising vibration and encouraging manifestations. Helps encourage positive outcomes, it motivates the Universe and you guides to see that you’re in a state of gratitude. In a perfect world we are engulfed in a state of Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, 🙏 gratitude and balance. We want to sit still in those emotions to raise vibration. Maybe meditate in gratitude as well. 10 minutes, eyes closed expressing gratitude to your higher self, inner child, Mother Father God, the Arch Angels, Source, the Universe, your ET guides, your Elemental guides, your multidimensional guides, ascended masters (yeshua, st Germaine etc) and so on. What we put out we receive back. If we are putting those emotions out into the Universe, the Universe will return the same 10 fold back to us. ❤️ 

I love the self love. So so so important. How can we truly love anything else is we aren’t rooted in love for ourselves. We’re made up of love and light. Love yourself, get your hair done, get some clothes, awesome to hear about group meditations. Let me know if you find some good places. I only participate in the Cosmic Awakening and Lilys group meditations. If you find a solid group let me know. I struggle in large groups though. My energy gets pulled for healing and activating so it gets hard if I’m not prepared. I’ve made the mistake of thinking I’d be just chillin in a group meditation and I didn’t fill my jar with water and I didn’t have the sage going. I paid for that. Now if I’m in a group, any group I have like everything going. Water in the jar, Crystal around my neck, sage in the diffuser blowing towards me, sage oil all over me, crystals soaked in sage oil resting in a selenite bowl. I don’t mess around, any more. It’s easier to prevent than it is to deal with a dense energy after. You have to wash it away by a Crystinend shower or bath with AA Michael helping you wash away the low vibrational, negative and parasitic energies you may have run into without proper protections in place. Then a purification meditation after. Energetic hygiene is so important. Its almost easier to be very selective on which energies we interact with than to attend everything. I don’t do energy work or anything like that on the regular because of that. I’ll pick and chose different soul family members like my soul twin, soul sisters and the Cosmic Awakening group sessions that I can make it to. It’s been fun to experiment. Everyone is like healing and activation training for me. Lol. I Learn so much in these group sessions. You kind of hear things about energy work but it’s different when you experience the details of that work real time. The feel, the instinctual understanding. Like someone else is running this show today. Lol. When I get into a deep meditative state it’s like my higher self just takes over and goes to work. I can’t control it well because I feel like it’s him doing the work. Ha ha. I can break off an energy and I can take over but mostly I’ll just let him do his thing….It would be cool to find more safe groups though.:)


Very good idea on the massage and holistic ❤️‍🩹 . Reiki is great too if you ever jump in Bret’s group. Bret’s schedule is changing a little but I think it’s mostly Tuesday and Thursday at 4pm PST, 6pm Central,7pm EST. I leave those sessions so calm and balanced. Bret is so calming in his approach. His reiki knowledge and skills are impressive. I’ve noticed such a different in my balance since I’ve met Bret. @scolere06 🙂


It’s a lot of information to process. The ascension is a completely new realty for us all. To learn that you are a Angelic Multidimensional extraterrestrial 👽 waking up to your real mission….  That’s a lot. Lol. The old life and Ego was just to occupy your experiences to get to this point here. The mission. The reason why you volunteered to come here from the Halls of Amante. I probably butchered that spelling. I’ve only heard the name. No idea how it’s spelled. Channeling life. Lol.

It’s a lot to unpack but you know everything already. Your higher self already knows everything that you’re learning and processing. That’s where that discernment comes in, where you just know it’s correct information. You’re not learning anything. You’re remembering everything. ..:)






Posted : 15/07/2023 11:14 am
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@nickq1233 Totally true. We are remembering. For me, it's not like I'm actively trying to not let the outside world bother me that much, it's more like it is just that way. I mean, nothing phases me that much.  I think it's because I have already suffered tremendous emotional pain. So it's kind of like being immune? Just not going there. And maybe it's the way it was supposed to be so I would become a strong force. Maybe Federica was also saying don't be swept up in the storm?  I don't have to do too much in that area. 

My inner turmoil is the part I have to calm, or allow to calm.  I think that's it.  I've had so much inner turmoil, that anything outside has no room to get in. Just not happenin.  I don't know anything.  I'm figuring out different things as I go and that even changes daily. That's funny you mention you get kicked out of people's energy by their guides..haha   

What I did after I asked her to see if she can tell me something about my guides, like a name, I closed my eyes and said come forth to them.  Maybe in the group if you're going to check someone out, you can ask them to tell their guides to allow it? Maybe the guides wont anyway if they see fit. I don't know. 

That's funny you mention you get kicked out of people's energy by their guides.. haha  What I did, and I don't know how I knew what to do, was after I asked her if she could tell me anything about my guides, I closed my eyes and said come forth, in my mind. 

My guides gave her the image of the eye of the storm and that I was the eye. I guess I should interpret it in my own way.  She said do not move out of the eye, stay there. Now that I think of it, I think she mentioned an onion and peeling back layers.  Like maybe I have to stay calm and allow the storm, the pain, the layers to come off, not try and fix or resist or move, or run away. 

Heck it means more than I thought.  In a way it sounded like don't take action, or else I'll be in the storm, which frustrated me because I desperately needed to take but action in a good way. Don't try and do too much too fast?  Get all overwhelmed with all that I need to do.  Just gotta take it easy, but get shit done! No more fuckin around. 

You mentioned all of the protection you use and the ritual you go through before each meditation or group meditation, lol.  I bet you smell pretty good afterwards..haha   Personally, in a way, I feel like I'm my own worst enemy. Like what comes into me is by my own doing. I need protection from myself. lol  Like I would automatically be protected. Like I always have been.  But I was the one that veared away and put myself in danger. My fears, my thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions, unhealthy actions, resistance, escapism,  are the only things that can hurt me. 

I have lived in the dark for 38 years, and have conquered a lot of it, and feel I do have the potential to conquer it entirely.  But we'll see once I start meditating regularly and yes, I'll call in the angels.  Looking forward to using my light weapons in battle.. reminds me of Clash of the Titans I used to love as a child.  Or the Heman cartoon.  I Have The Power!!! lmao

Posted : 15/07/2023 12:06 pm
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Actually I was thinking, I can't even decipher when a negative energy comes near me or in my head, because I haven't felt any different yet. So it's probably always happening. I've been feeling bad for a really long time, so I think once I get cleared out and start feeling better and more content and start feeling good feelings, because I feel none at all sad to say, then maybe I'll notice when they do come in you know?  I haven't allowed myself to get to a place where I really feel good because the feeling of feeling good and then feeling bad again is worse then not feeling good at all.  I have to stay there. 

I have to convince myself I can stay there, that it's not like it used to be, I don't have to suffer anymore.  I'm not drinking anymore, I'm not in the same place as before, no one is hurting me anymore, I'm safe and so on. Because that belief has been so ingrained in me, it's hard to snap out of it and allow myself to actually believe there's hope.  I might mentally think yeah there is, but my inner belief system isn't catching up yet.  It's got a lot of rewiring to do. But action is what rewires those patterns.  As you create new habits and stop acting on the old patterns, the old pattern connections in your brain literally come apart, and new connections are made. Believing, allowing, receiving.  

Posted : 15/07/2023 12:29 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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@rainyangel616 nice to read about your progression since you hit this Forum, and the help and love you received from other members. Heartwarming ❤️ 

Posted : 16/07/2023 10:24 pm
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@lighthealer_arkie    Thanks Arkie, I am progressing.  I heard a video from the the GFL site, saying it is probably going to seem like we are taking three steps back and two steps forward this year an probably the next.  So I guess it's normal to feel like you're sluggish a long.  We gotta take it easy on ourselves.  I was doing way too much yesterday and it got me feeling so sick.  I was listening too too many videos, not on here, but like light language ones, cuz i've never really heard those before, but I don't think you're supposed to listen to like five with a couple hours. ha    I'm trying to settle down and work on my present day life. Been so desperate for change, and now, but neglecting the those things that will help bring those changes are not going to get you there.   Action is my stage now, being in the present moment.  Haven't started that mindfulness writing yet but it's a goal today. I have a psychiatrist appt in a minute and i do not think I want to get back on antidepressants even though it's been very difficult feelings all these feelings. I know she'll want to get me back on because she doesn't get it.  I've been off for 2 months now.  Was on them for 20 years. I'm gonna say no, I want to keep trying to do this myself.  Sometimes I get to feeling really bad though and scared,  but I need other forms of medication, like the sun and the earth and mediation. Do what I can first for a while.  Not get back on cuz I'm not all better in a month.  How are you coming along in your journey? 

Posted : 17/07/2023 7:44 am
Nick Quinn reacted
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@rainyangel616  💪  to say no to chemicals!

There are fine herb replacements like Hypericum, if you ever need this, plus vitamins. Or the Healing Codes to make a free ' medicine'. Or nothing, if you notice these are just awakening symptoms. 

Posted : 17/07/2023 9:15 am
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@lighthealer_arkie Hi, i just got back. not getting on meds.  Yes I do use a couple supplements, like magnesium, D3, l-methylfolate, sea moss powder, I take neem and turmeric powder balls every morning as well.  And coconut oil and apple cider vinegar as well. I'm trying to use food a lot. Never looked up the healing codes.  but after the Q and A EA did I'm definitely setting intentions for my water now. I think we can do that with everything we put into our bodies. Just gettin started, and thanks. Sometimes I just kind of freak out.  I'm so much more sensitive to how I do or do not take care of my body. 

Posted : 17/07/2023 9:26 am
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@rainyangel616 I hear that. It's easier to remember than to learn new information that's for sure. We must have to experience these kinds of things to be able to hold compassion for others that may be experience similar challenges. Humbling for sure. Can you imagine, never being challenged or to have never experienced failure and struggle? I think that's part of why we've incarnated into these bodies living as a human. We gain an intimate compassion for the struggle and trauma attached to being incarnated on Earth. Your life experiences have prepared you for what lays ahead:) 

Inner turmoil. Yep, we all deal with that. It's difficult to find that "balance". It's a struggle to stay centered and in that perspective of inner peace and balance all of the time. I like meditation because it grounds me back into a state of mindlessness. A zero thought state of mind for a period of time. Reiki and grounding have been other tools that have been helping me with balance. Sometimes I feel like the more that our guides are trying to tell us something the more inner unrest we experience. Almost like if we follow our higher selves and our guides direction more than not, that inner turmoil settles and is transmuted into balance. Are you incorporating Saint Germain into your daily invocations (gold violet flame of transmutation/transformation)? In the morning I'll call out to my higher self, Mother Father God, Divine Spirit, Source, Arch Angels and Saint Germain. Like part of my morning routine. In the shower I ask the Arch Angels/ Mother Father God to help me crystine my shower water. With the intention to cleanse and purify my mind, body, soul, spirit. Wash away any low vibrational, negative, parasitic energies, entities, beings, attachments. Same shower Ill ask for divine light to pour over me to repair any leaks in my energy field. Then I'll Invoke AA Michael sphere of protection over me to prevent low vibrational, negative, parasitic energies from interacting with my energy. I find that the more we flow with our inner voices the more that inner turmoil subsides. Its super beneficial to have the support of the Arch Angels and Ascended Masters as we navigate the shadow work. We have Divine resources like Mother Mary, Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, Saint Germain, Mother Father God/Source, the Arch Angels, the Saraphim. So supported when facing these inner battles. 

Yeah, I've gotten in trouble by peoples guides before. I'm better about asking for permission now a days but even if I have permission sometimes I'll get booted. I was connected to my soul sister one time and her higher self tossed me into another person's energy field completely. She tossed me right over into my Soul twins energy field. Thats the only time that I've been toss from an energy over to another person energy field. Happened twice actually, same people, 2 different meditations. 

Interesting. Federica is great. Maybe like you said. Stay centered in your balance. Peace, love, stillness, replenishment. Maybe like "make sure to put on your oxygen mask first so that you can be more effective at helping the others"? Then stay in you center? Your state of inner peace. Like what you experience during meditation:).

I feel like we have to stay calm and centered as we allow the trauma and blockages to release and lift. Lots of tears though and we should just let it all flow. As many times as we need to cry. It's all part of the process, lots of tears. Especially right now. The energies coming in are forcing us to surface the deeper seeded trauma. Maybe you have some repressed trauma to release? I've had a couple things pop up pretty recently. Stuff that got buried in my subconscious because of trauma. Like the stuff that happens to you, but you don't remember all the details because of how traumatic it was. You just kind of let the emotions surface, accept the reality that the event happened, face it, own it and allow it to pass. Feel the emotions, allow the tears to flow. No mental wall up and allow it to pass. Shadow Work by definition. The nice thing is we can release trauma and we can move on lighter after we face it. Staying centered in that eye of the storm is where it's at when we're facing these emotions. Because we are in control of our emotions and how we are feeling. You can keep a loving, grateful, peaceful emotional base while processing these traumas. Maybe that's the message? Not allowing the trauma to initiate negative emotions such as fear, jealousy, regret, anger etc. I think if we face our trauma and darker energies from a position of love, compassion, peace and grace its very beneficial. 

Yeah, I'm a freak about protection now. I've had things lifted and I don't like to have to deal with negative energies. I smell like sage oil after a meditation, that's for sure. lol. It takes practice to get into the routine of protection but it's so important. Less of a push and pull process if we can keep the high ground that we capture in our spiritual battles. It sucks to make positive strides only to acquire new low vibrational, negative or parasitic energies to set us back in our pursuit of complete activation. There are some things we have to do daily as spiritual energy hygiene. I wish the protections were permanent but part of these rules are that we have a lot of support, but we have to ask. Law of non-intervention. It applies to most contributors and beings supporting us currently. With that being said, you have to ask for some things daily. At the bare minimum, Ask Arch Angel Michael daily for a sphere of protection around your energy field. Filled with divine white light. Keeping out and repelling any low vibrational, negative, parasitic energies. At least once a day, preferably in the morning and ask that AA Michael protect you for the entire day. If you do this daily at least you'll have some divine protection in place. 

You can add in the other protections and support systems as you need them but Divine protection every day, every morning. Sage oil here and there and after you exchange energies and you'll be way more protected. As you experience the difference you may find yourself doing it multiple times a day or before meditations. Maybe even calling in the Ascended Masters or other helpful guides for protection, manifesting and transmutation. Very true on re training the brain and habits. Lion Mane mushrooms helps support those new neural repairs and connections too. I take mushroom total daily to provide that brain cell and neural repair enhancement ability. We're in a constant state of movement and activation so I think it helps support the new brain cell and neural transmitter reconfiguring's. 



Posted : 17/07/2023 11:39 am
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@nickq1233 I almost bought the mushroom stuff off amazon. I think I'll get some.  Yes I will start practicing routine protective measure.  it's hard to get started with that stuff when we're not used to asking for those types things or visualizing things, or trusting that what we ask for will happen.  Every word out of our mouth matters so much more than people realize. I have been setting intentions for my drinking water now.  EA mentioned it on GFL summit and again on the Q and  A live session.

Posted : 17/07/2023 2:51 pm
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I wanted to ask you how you learned to do all that you are doing when it comes to rituals and protective stuff and all.  Did your guides and galactic family tell you the different things? Or did you learn yourself? 

Posted : 17/07/2023 3:30 pm
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@nickq1233 I'm not sure about some things.  I do not believe we are all the same, from the same place, with the same mission, needing to do the same things.  I might not need to do what you do and vice versa.  We also learn what we learn and know what we know and understand. There's always stuff that we still do not know.  I am never certain on anything and always have an open mind. Even EA says that if she doesn't know something it doesn't mean it's not true.  I like that. I've heard her say things about how she thought she knew,  just to find out by the GFL, that wasn't correct, and it bugged her. Such as karma can only be healed on this planet, when actually it can be healed off.   Even our own galactic relations that we have encountered, only know what they know, and can probably only answer us, if we are able to form the questions.   Even then, who knows what is available to that particular race, or whoever you're talking to.  I am going off what I feel sure about.  I will never be taken off the right path for me. I have control and power over the knowledge I receive and integrate. It is not all the same for everyone.  If I'm a Starseed, it doesn't mean I came from the same place, with the same mission as all other Starseeds, and need to do the same things in the same way. You know what you know, and you don't know what you don't know, and that is still relative.  Being in a state of  I know nothing, is probably the best way to be.  Everything is ever moving and changing, even knowledge, and truth. 

Posted : 17/07/2023 5:03 pm
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Light Codes: 594
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@rainyangel Totally true. 🙂 We’re literally divine creator beings with the ability to manifest our outcomes. Good or Bad. Lol. We want to avoid the State Puff Marshmellow man outcomes. Ghost busters, lol. 🙂 Ray!…

Peace, love, happiness, abundance, gratitude, balance, joy, excitement.
Positive mind set creates positive manifestations. 

Yeah, it’s a quest for enlightenment for sure. You don’t want to fall into false light either. Discernment is very important. Lots of stuff on the internet. There are good channeled messages on Youtube though. I see it as this. I channeled this the other day actually. I’ll post my notes. Excuse my chicken scratches, I don’t write well when channeling. I think 🤔 our quest for knowledge is to gain enlightenment or noses when we’re seeking these kinds of spiritual answers. When I was channeling a couple of nights back I was being told that the 5th dimension is a perspective change. Not a physical relocation or a major change in that way. There will be lots of changes of course but on the mental plane, It’s to gain enough enlightenment that our perspectives change. Then we start manifesting 5th dimensional realities collectively as we all obtain enlightenment and understand Universal truths. The 5th dimension is already here. We just have to refocus our lenses to truly see. Manifest a peaceful world, filled with love, happiness, abundance for all, gratitude, balance, joy and excitement. At the end of the day it’s about knowing enough things about spirituality, Divinity and yourself to perceive the world differently. To remove all limitations and boundaries. Heal and activate. Manifest your desired outcomes. You can do so much just by stating your intention to do it. It really is amazing. We have the support of an entire Galaxy right now pointing us in the right directions. Heck Universe really. Source’s Divine Plan. 💡 ❤️ 

On the protections and ritualistic stuff, early on it was all telepathic and guided. I started from scratch so my Telosion family had to walk me through everything. At first physically because my third eye wasn’t activated yet. I started cold turkey. I had no esoteric or spiritual tools. So it started. Meditation first, third eye activation, telepathy, education ie. Alchemy, Energy work, Hermetic Philosophy, Angelic Realm protections. That got me to a point where I could start looking for additional answers and ask appropriate questions. I met Lily and she’s shown me a ton about activations, healing,Divinity and Christ Consciousness. I receive downloads as well, not sure what else to call it. Random information for random things. My higher self has really come through as well. As I gained the different abilities back I re activated my psychic abilities so I can channel my higher self and my galactic guides too. I want to dive in and get really good at accessing the Akashic records. That’s my next esoteric 🧐 goal. I’ve tried some guided meditations on YouTube and have had some success so I want to try to get better. It’s like an intention to access the records but then you’re met by a guide. I need to get better about figuring out my questions ahead of time. I forget everything I want to ask when I start interacting with the guide. Work in progress I guess. 🙂

It’s interesting the things that unfold that you wouldn't think to be part of the ascension. The ET thing hit me first and overwhelmed me. Then to see how much larger this thing really is. It’s Divine, Rare and Amazing. We have the whole galaxy watching us right now. The Christ consciousness component is a trip with the Angelic realm, Saraphim, MotherFather God, Divine Spirit, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, the Ascended Masters, Source etc.

It’s like we live in a fairy tale now. A cross between Star Wars 🛸 and Harry Potter 🪄.

Everyone’s all psychic like Jedi’s and wizards casting spells and manifesting stuff. Full on Divine light warriors. I’m impressed with our collective group of starseeds. We have some Divine bad asse*. 


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Posted : 17/07/2023 7:13 pm
Posts: 879
Leader Registered
Light Codes: 594
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@rainyangel Exactly. The common origin that we all have is from Source and the Angelic realm. We all share our Divinity together in Christ consciousness. From there we all have a variety of potential galactic origins. I'm anchored in Lyra with Telosion guides. I also have Arcturian, Sirian, Pleaidean, Elemental and Angelic guides. Someone else may be anchored in the Pleiades, "7 Sisters" and have Pleiadean guides and a mix of Galactic, Angelic and Elemental guides. The important thing is that we are receptive to the guidance. Flowing with the guidance real time. As soon as we have a thought, we take action towards the guidance.

Did Federica do a starseed origin reading for you Angie? Wonder if you have any star races that resonate with you?

We all have different missions here on Earth. Those details will repeat themselves in different readings, channelings and meditations. YouTube, internet etc. A lot of the time we're performing our missions and don't even realize it. Just by waking up and learning about the truth we are anchoring in higher dimensional energies. So important. I really feel like this is a period of time where we need to heal, activate, learn and support the other starseeds to do the same. As we all become more educated on the Esoteric, Galactic's and Divinity we start manifesting from a different perspective and that's where the real magic happens. Once we get a certain percentage of the starseeds awakened and activated everything will change. The 5th density grid will come online fully, and our innate abilities will be strengthened or activated. The goal is to manifest a reality in which we can work together with our galactic families in the physical to create a new Earth. A service to others society where everyone will have abundance. The society will be rooted in love, peace, happiness, curiosity, joy and amazement. New ET technologies will be introduced to society ie med beds, replicators, free energy etc. We'll be free completely from the economic slavery systems and oppression. We all have our missions that support this outcome. I think as you start meditating daily and you keep healing and activating that your mission will become crystal clear. By default when in doubt, help another starseed. Provide information, support, love, light etc. The rest will unfold in time. You'll realize that you're right where you need to be at the right time to execute your mission set. 🙂

Posted : 18/07/2023 8:16 am
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