“SHADOW WORK” and D...
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“SHADOW WORK” and Dark energies

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Hi EA community:). I wanted to open up a discussion on Shadow Work and the darker energies that we may come across during our ascension process. As we all know trauma and attachments can be challenging to clear as we get into our activations. We run into different things in group sessions all the time. It’s a difficult topic because attachments and shadow work is uncomfortable. We are all here to bounce these topics off each other though so I wanted to start the conversation. 

Anyone want to share anything on this topic. For me personally, I had dark attachments that were holding me back. Patrice cleared them for me and it changed the game for me. My activations took off after Patrice cleared the attachments for me. Patrice also fixed some leaks in my energy field. I’ll tag Patrice @patricekrysztofiak because this is his area of expertise. Let’s get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Any questions or experiences are requested from the EA community members. Safe space here:) We all have these on some level. Very important topic for us all. ❤️ 

A little background for those not hip of this stuff. We acquire attachments, imprints, tags, implants and other dense energies that block some of our abilities to activate fully. We may have that last chakra that isn’t lit or spinning the right direction due to trauma or another source of a blockage. 


@lilynovastarseed 🙂 Curious your take?  “my mentor”

Posted : 06/07/2023 2:17 pm
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@nickq1233 The thing is, is that I'm wondering how vibrations and frequencies help with headphones on, when it's only going through your ear canal and not directly around your body. Or does it still affect your body by only going into your ears? Like chakra healing for instance.  How is playing root chakra frequencies into your ear only, with headphones on blocking the noise from being around our body or root chakra, going to help? Does it flow through your body in a different way if it's through your ear canals only?  I'm confused and maybe its a silly question, but.

Posted : 09/07/2023 3:21 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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@rainyangel616 For me, I feel the vibration. It’s like, the stronger the vibration, stronger the effect. Get that vibration into your energy field through your chakras or energy centers. Crown/ third eye in this case with headphones. Think of it as vibration not sound. Vibration is what carry’s the “magic”. Think of all these things as energy in motion, us too. Just energy in a mental Universe created by Source. 🙂

Posted : 09/07/2023 4:33 pm
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Hey Community! 

We took a trip to the redwoods late June through 4th of July. I was so excited because the redwoods speak to my soul and it's been some time since I've been back. Unfortunately I started having vivid nightmares each night. One in particular where I was forced to fight a man (he was zombie like/empty) to the death with my bare hands. 😞 I can't remember the 'why' behind him trying to kill me in the dream.

I did two things: unexpectedly, and yet so divinely, drove past a crystal shop where I purchased a Shungite cube to help keep me grounded. And connected with Megan Rose during one of her lives where she directed me to focus on my 10 year old self. I need to spend some time getting to the base of that trauma. I'm not entirely sure how but I appreciate this conversation because it's refocused my attention now that I'm home from our trip.

Hopefully this experience is helpful to others contemplating a downpour of bad dreams. 

PS. It sounds like I need to start diffusing sage because I haven't been clearing my crystals daily. I did wash my crystals in the Russian River to cleanse them.

Posted : 09/07/2023 11:27 pm
Fallon and Nick Quinn reacted
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@meika04 Hey Amy. Thanks for sharing your experience. I feel you on the redwoods. It's like we have parts of our soul embedded in some areas of Nature. I feel the same way about Mount Shasta. Like part of my soul resides there. Maybe you're picking up on your Elemental family too when you're in nature? Yeah, definitely cleanse and purify your crystals. They trap so much energy for you, the cleaner they are the better. Just, so you don't have low vibrational, negative or parasitic energies hanging around trapped in the crystal. Sage oil and the diffuser make it so easy. You can even drop some oil on the crystals and smear them all with sage oil. I'm not a super fan of burning sage in the house. That's why I like the diffuser or the sage oil by itself. A glass filled with purified water and a rose quartz crystal help trap low vibrational, negative and parasitic energies as well. Using the element of Water though the intention of invoking Arch Angel Michael to trap the old energies for you. I'm starting to leave my jar full of water now. It really does help trap the energies that we don't want lingering. 

This is definitely the time for facing trauma and releasing these types of attachments and blockages. The energies coming in are forcing us all to face our shadows so that we can bring them to the surface and release them. As you mentioned, we may be dealing with past life trauma. Like a death or murder in some cases. The trauma can surface in meditation, in psychic visions, in dreams etc. I had reoccurring dreams about early abductions trauma that I had to face. Lots of things have come up for me that I'm processing. The things that our higher selves are aware of, buried deep in our souls and subconsciously. These energies are as dense as you can imagine knowing what we all can potentially have experienced over our numerous lifetimes or incarnations. Did you win the fist fight to the death? Or what outcome plays out in your dreams and visions? I love shunghite by the way. Wearing it right now around my neck :).

Posted : 10/07/2023 1:23 pm
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@nickq1233 Hey Nick, I did indeed win the fight. It makes me laugh now. Why did I leave out such an important detail?! 😆  Another interesting tid-bit from our trip; I was gifted a free rose quarts at the store where I purchased the shunghite. Only the rose quarts never made it home. I'm not sure what happened to it but clearly it wasn't a crystal meant for me. I'll get a rose quarts sometime soon. 

Thank you for your tips. I'm at the very beginning of my journey and I want to do everything I can to unlock by abilities.  

Posted : 10/07/2023 1:55 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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@meika04 Oh good. Lol. At least you’re defeating your trauma. 🙂

Totally how that works with crystals. I’ve had them disappear but never reappear. My favorite Amethyst Crystal just vanished one day. I had to get a replacement. Maybe just not a match any longer. Maybe your rose quartz just wasn’t aligned with you. On to the next rose quartz :). We are here to help. If you need anything just reach out. We have a good amount of starseed on the forum that have been through the activation process. Or going through the advanced stages of it now. Lots of resources here to tap. Reach out any time. 

Posted : 10/07/2023 3:07 pm
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@cssndrk That's so sweet of you ❤️ We all need somebody who will listen to us without judgment❤️🙏Thank you!

Posted : 11/07/2023 12:08 am
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Hey, Nick! Thank you for opening up this discussion! I would be so grateful to learn from you and the community in regards to shadow work concerning lucid dreaming and astral projection.

I would love to lucid dream and astral project, but I worry that I have formed the potentially false conclusion that these activities are unethical and generate bad karma.

A few years ago during sleep, I felt my visual perspective (something like my astral body or my soul, I suspect) leave my body and begin to float a few feet above my bed with the intention of spying on an ex-girlfriend of mine who I falsely believed was interested in getting back together. Around the same period of time, I attempted to astral project to a different ex-girlfriend who I also falsely believed was interested in getting back together! As I did so, I saw a pulsating ball of amorphous white energy with three or four shadowy figures looming over it and back at me. These shadowy figures looked like classic 1950s silhouettes of government spies in trench coats and broad-rimmed hats and I felt I knew right away that these were government astral projectors involved in both of our stories. I've done much clearing since then and I have no intention of "spying" on anyone at all, but I still worry about finding out how to astral project and lucid dream for the highest good of all beings involved! Would you be willing to share any suggestions for me? Thank you!

Posted : 11/07/2023 3:54 am
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@luke-n-ballmer Hey Luke. Oh yeah, the hat men. Not fun running into them. You'll see them in the astral or during periods of "sleep paralysis". When I was a kid I came across them quite a bit. You'll hear others describe similar encounters. The tool to avoid the lower 4th astral energies is to rise above that plane. If our vibration is high enough, we'll operate on the upper fourth or 5th astral planes or higher depending on our galactic origin and vibration. We avoid all the negative stuff by working on ourselves and raising our vibration. If we are doing thigs that may violate the free will of another person, we may run into these types of energies. When astral traveling we'll have a window of opportunity to invoke Divine projection and to set a clear positive intention for our astral travels. It's that transition period from deep meditation to dreaming that you need to take control. Turn it into a "lucid dreaming" situation where you are in control before you fall totally asleep. I think if we are following good solid moral guidelines, we should avoid the types of denser energies that you're describing. A lot of us our performing missions in the astral at night as well. Sometimes we'll remember but most the time we don't. I've talked to people that have recent memories of leading trafficked children to safety through underground tunnels. Rule of thumb if you're planning on astral traveling or have been involuntarily, invoke Arch Angel Michael to protect you. Before bed just ask Arch Angel Michael to provide a sphere of protection around you. Have the intention for the sphere to be filled with divine white light. Keeping out all low vibrational, negative or parasitic energies, attachments, entities or beings from interacting with you. Allow only the energies with the highest level of love and light to be allowed to interact with your energy. You can do this before bed or any time you need protection. I invoke AA protection every day. First thing in the morning in my shower I ask AA Michael to Crystin my water to purify my energy and I ask for protection for the day as well. I do the same before meditations and before doing any work that will involve exchanging energies with another person ie, healing, activations, cord cutting, galactic root anchoring, readings, channeling etc. It's nice because, as we activate and clear our attachments and trauma our vibration raises so high that we just don't come across anything darker anymore. Out of sight, out of mind:)

Posted : 11/07/2023 8:53 am
Fallon reacted
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Thank you! This is such powerful information and I am looking forward to applying it my journey of awakening and raising my frequency!

I have felt entirely connected to Archangels before (never visually, but entirely in the realm of purely verbal thought and inner “knowingness”), but I have felt a fundamental confusion in trusting whatever communion my soul may be having. 

My dad told me in 2020 or so that a teacher named Adyashanti once said, “I know that I am enlightened because I do not believe a single thought that arises in my mind.” 

I heard this and I think I took this to mean “every verbal thought, visualization, feeling, or inner knowing arises entirely from ego and should be constantly discarded and forgotten about.” 

I still have no idea where the verbal thoughts in my head arise from or where I would like them to arise from in a lawful and loving universe. The verbal thoughts arise in my mind constantly and I usually hear spiritual teachers say something like “be still and do not engage these discursive thoughts.” But I do not know how to describe or utilize the mechanism of free will that may have the ability to choose whether or not to engage these verbal thoughts. What if one verbal thought comes from an AA trying to heal me? Why would I ignore it? What if another thought comes from a dark entity feeding on me? Wouldn’t I want to notice the moment it was feeding in order to free my attachments? 

I have this narrative in my mind that “all Buddha did to attain pure enlightenment was sit under the Bodhi tree for days on end, allowing all discursive thinking to collapse in on itself.” So I then suppose I pressure my human to do the same thing — “simply observe every thought without reaction, that’s all it took for Buddha and Christ and so on!”

But what does it mean to observe a thought? Who is observing? Oftentimes I may hear “Simply know you are the observer of the thought.” Is this not another identity, another thought, the moment it is verbalized? 

I have experienced clear moments where I felt my free will being guided by a power I thought I felt to be pure goodness, pure Source. Now I wonder what the experience of free will even is, more than ever.

Posted : 11/07/2023 3:01 pm
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@luke-n-ballmer I’m happy that the information resonates with you.:) You have to be open to hearing it for it to have an impact. Awesome stuff man. As you mentioned we can carry conflicting energies. That’s awesome that you feel a connection to the Arch Angels. Your divinity clings to those resources. The darker energies surface which creates confusion in us all. Like a switch from light to dark. We all deal with this on some level. The nice things is we have the information now. We can do something about it as we make our way back to Divine Spirit. Separation is over now. We’ve experienced a great deal of separation from Source and our divinity through the way of life and programming that is present here on Earth. As we heal our trauma, lift our attachments and activate our innate abilities we manifest the changes needed to ascend back to divinity. ❤️ 💡. The quote you mentioned is a sure way to not listen to clairvoyance or psychic impressions. It’s amazing how the earlier generations of the population reinforced the control systems to deter us from re activating our divine abilities. If anything, we should take note in our times of zero thought. When we are in the present moment with zero thoughts, thats when we receive telepathy, clairvoyance, psychic impressions, guidance, channellings etc. 

Listen to the thoughts and impressions that your guides are providing you. Sounds like they are hard at work. Lol. We have to retrain our brains to remove the programming. By default think, if you didn’t intentionally create the thought, it’s a message. Maybe start journaling. I keep a journal and note anything worth noting. I sketch my visions in the journal as well. I’ll document my dreams, astral travels, whatever I can record so that I can look back. There’s stuff in my journal that I completely forgot about and some of the information is connecting to other information. I wouldn’t have picked up on the connections if I didn’t have a journal. Reiki is awesome too when trying to find that balance. I jump in a reiki group twice a week and it helps a ton with balancing the energies. Our “Reiki Master Teacher” Bret is awesome. @scolere06. Straight up Wizard, lol.

On the Buddha comparison. I wish it was that easy. We’ve been through some shi*. Being incarnated on Earth leaves a mark. We have to put in work to shed our veils and regain enlightenment. Clear trauma, “shadow work”, remove blockages, repair our energy field leaks and re activate our energy centers, merkabah and activate our dna to accept the crystalline conversion. We are all doing that daily. The more intentional we are about this whole process, the faster and smoother it is. Can’t fight it or hide from it. May as well benefit from it. 🙂

Posted : 11/07/2023 7:09 pm
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@nickq1233 That sounds crystal clear to me! 😀 thank you so much for your warm welcome to the community and valuable wisdom! I am looking forward to deepening my own growth and learning how to contribute whatever is in my journey to give back 🙂

Posted : 11/07/2023 9:14 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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@nickq1233 I actually decided to go to this site https://www.crystalinks.com/emerald.html   and read the tablets that way, then I'll probably go to the Kybalion video and watch that.  I really resonate with the tablets so far.  I'm on the third one.  It made me cry, and is so poetic, and I feel I already understand much of it.   That wisdom has permeated throughout many teachings, and I have read many teachings, or actually most of what  learned did not come from books or teachings, but from within, through the darkness and pain. Many books just kind of validated what my soul already knew, and then added to it.  It totally resonates and I get chills when reading it, especially if I do it out loud. It is like food that I want to devour, or a thirst being quenched.  

I read some of it when my son was into it at age 20.  I guess we all learn different things at different times in our lives according to our needs and levels of understanding.  I've learned so much the past six months. It's given me a much broader perspective on everything going on and who I am. The first two tablets I have read so far,  have already given me some confirmation, on some of this most recent teachings.  The first two tablets have said a whole lot already.  I can't wait to read the others. 

I'm not brand new to a lot of things. I've been awake. But I haven't been awakened by an alien yet.ha  I also have never practiced meditation regularly at all, which is so key.  I got pretty stuck in the dark side of life, over and over,  or in my mind I have been.  I'm sure it has been for a good reason, and a higher purpose. It better be, cuz F that.

Many who have never fallen into hell, do not ever seek answers, or have to go within to try and find them. EA said many Starseeds choose rough paths so that they will for sure wake up in this life, and can also help others overcome the same things.   No matter how much knowledge you have though, you can still die.

Sometimes being awake here is much harder than being asleep. That feeling of being utterly disconnected from Source. Being trapped and awake at the same time, is a tragic feeling to have.  It is like sitting in a prison with the keys in your hands.  That last YouTube video EA did recently, gave me some helpful insight about trauma and addiction.  I feel angry.  I don't feel much love inside at all right now. But righteous anger is one up from despair and hopelessness I suppose.  I'm going to set my alarm to meditate throughout the days.  Wish me luck. Should start right now actually.  I'll let ya know how I start to feel, or what comes up. I have no idea yet.  

Posted : 13/07/2023 10:19 am
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@rainyangel616 Angie, so cool. Love the website. I’m going to download the pictures to my laptop. Maybe use an image of an emerald tablet as my screen saver. Very cool. Thanks for posting that. Right? That information will bring out emotions big time. A lot of Awe Hahs as well. 🤔 When you read them you just know it’s true and monumental information. The master key to controlling our manifestations and understanding the Universe. I love Thoth/ Hermes. I dipped into Alchemy and the teachings of Thoth/Hermes before anything else. My guides started there along with meditation. Once I became proficient at meditation that’s when the activations and healing started happening. Third eye first then gradually over time the others. Along with healing ❤️‍🩹. Heal a little, activate a little. Lift an attachment, activate a lot. Push and pull for months as I face my inner shadows. It’s been a constant process of healing, releasing trauma, clearing blockages, activating and lots of practice and prayers. And a ton of Arch Angel invocation. 🙂

So cool that your son resonated towards Thoths teachings too. Having control of our Manifestations and understanding Universal law is a game changer. I think the Emerald Tablets, Flower of a life, the Kybalion and the Art of Alchemy should be curriculum in school. I attached a pic of the books 📕 that I keep out at all times. I feel like the base of our abilities are rooted in the Divine but the most powerful tool that we can use is Alchemy. Divine Alchemists we are. 🧙‍♂️ 💡 ❤️

Everything we do esoterically has an element of Alchemy interwoven throughout. 

“Harry Potter Shi*”  🙂 


Dude, we gotta get you meditating daily. When you get your headphones I think it’ll help you a lot. You’ll be motivated to test those frequencies out on YouTube. 20 minute goal. ❤️ take the first 5-10 to invoke Arch Angel protection and settle into your zero. “ I want to connect to Arch Angel Micheal please. I ask that you protect me in a sphere of divine protection. Shielded against low vibrational, negative, parasitic energies, attachments, entities or beings.” Have the intention for the sphere to be filled with divine white light of the highest vibration. Only allowing energies of the highest vibration of LOVE and LiGHT to be able to interact with my energy field”. Once you’re protected have some fun. Be playful with it. Experiment. Try to get to that zero thought 💭, in the now present moment. Then ask a question. The first thought you have is the answer. Just practice that at first. Something to keep you motivated to do it daily. Especially as you start to realize that you are getting answers back. 🙂 Higher Self, Angelic guides, Elemental guides, Galactic guides, Spirit, Source etc… That’s motivating. Channeling is an innate ability of ours. Telepathy, clarvoyance.  It’s all part of the “Gig”.
You can use a pendulum too for yes or no answers. Just make sure to invoke AAMichaels protection first. We never want to interact with an energy of lower vibration. We’re trying to raise ours above the lower 4th astral plane where darkness and low vibration often reside. Here’s a link to a pendulum set that they have on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Butterfly-Pendulum-Divination-Witchcraft-Metaphysical/dp/B098XGX7LV

Let’s change that separation you feel. You are literally Source. We are all in the mind of Source, one with Source. Just practice meditation daily and start asking questions. Get connected. That’s what we are doing .”Ascending”, Ascending back to Source through our Divinity. We are rooted in the Angelic realm first. Before any galactic incarnations. Our first physical incarnation was in a star system, yes … but we are all Angels, at one with Source. ❤️ like Divine Galactic Angles. LYRA ❤️ 💕 💗 🌌 

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Posted : 13/07/2023 5:23 pm
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@nickq1233 Hi Nick. Lots of HUGs.  Thanks for all the inspiration and advice. Will do.  I think I might just buy those books you have off amazon as well. Reading has been like meditation has for me.  Non-existent.  I get all these good books and don't read them.  I bought EA's book, and it's just sitting there attracting dust.  It's kind of embarrassing really. Like wtf Angela, you want so bad to get better. Nothing that new. 

Yeah, I do need to walk myself right out of this bullshit.  It feels like I'm immobilized.  It might not be all my doing actually. I keep blaming myself and beating myself up. On a higher level yes, I chose this particular life, but I think the plan for this particular human DNA was in place, and I  chose to be the one to jump into it, to help heal this lineage line maybe? 

I'm starting to gain some traction and strength. Not enough though. Gotta get this going because the suffering of staying in place is getting worse.  I'm starting to look at things from the outside, having a deeper perspective.  My human has a lot of resistance that's making it hard for me. Deep down I know that if I just full throttled it with all the shit I know to do, the healing and ascending would happen pretty fast.  It feels like being very pregnant for a while now, and it's way past due, and I'm goin into labor but trying to resist the birth.  Aint workin. ha

My human thinks she'll literally die and if I press too hard it might freak her out, to where she retreats or tries to escape, possibly killing herself in the process, delaying and making everything even harder.  ha  What the fuck am I talking about?  I'm going back and forth between my human and I. ha That's total progress! Even if it seems like I have only moved an inch.   

I feel like I have an immense amount of power within me that has been accumulating.   I don't know what it's like to fly, but I've wanted to for so long. I'm afraid to fly, feeling like I'll fall and die, but if I don't I for sure will. 

I think one way I can try and describe how I feel, is like doing an experiment on an animal. They put them in a box and cause them suffering so that they want so badly to escape. Then they give them a way that looks like they can escape and lead them through it by dangling some delicious food, and the promises of comfort. They get so far in this difficult obstacle and think they're finally getting out, you know that utter relief you might feel if you're finally escaping some horror? They can smell and hear this paradise getting closer. The happy sounds of other animals.

But as they turn the final corner and see the door, they get shocked and thrown back into their original spot. They try again and think maybe they did something wrong, and this time they'll make it. The same thing happens, over and over again until they give up. 

The pain of thinking they're being freed just to be shocked back to where they were,  is worse than staying where they are.   Then the shocker is taken away and the door at the end of the obstacle, that they now know by heart, is opened wide for good.  But that animal will never try to get out again. Trained hopelessness. It's be done in labs.  I believe the dark ones did this to humans and it stayed within lineages and karmic loops.  It's where I've been put in this life. Or where I chose to put myself.  But now that I'm in it, pretty incredible how well it works.  But the fact that I'm seeing it now, is a powerful thing.

This is a really fucked up feeling.  Like I'm observing Angela and trying to persuade her to come, that it is ok now, and also feeling what she's feeling at the same time.  Being both at once. I want to force her and get this over with already but it's not that simple. If it was, then I wouldn't be here in this life trying to fix this shit you know? ha  She's not a person, she's a lineage line, because I'm the person in it. I'm the person in the human lineage line, but not human. I fucked up their game. Yeah.  I think I'm starting to get it.  People don't know how hard this is. Fuck me.


Posted : 13/07/2023 8:10 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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