“SHADOW WORK” and D...
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“SHADOW WORK” and Dark energies

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Hi EA community:). I wanted to open up a discussion on Shadow Work and the darker energies that we may come across during our ascension process. As we all know trauma and attachments can be challenging to clear as we get into our activations. We run into different things in group sessions all the time. It’s a difficult topic because attachments and shadow work is uncomfortable. We are all here to bounce these topics off each other though so I wanted to start the conversation. 

Anyone want to share anything on this topic. For me personally, I had dark attachments that were holding me back. Patrice cleared them for me and it changed the game for me. My activations took off after Patrice cleared the attachments for me. Patrice also fixed some leaks in my energy field. I’ll tag Patrice @patricekrysztofiak because this is his area of expertise. Let’s get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Any questions or experiences are requested from the EA community members. Safe space here:) We all have these on some level. Very important topic for us all. ❤️ 

A little background for those not hip of this stuff. We acquire attachments, imprints, tags, implants and other dense energies that block some of our abilities to activate fully. We may have that last chakra that isn’t lit or spinning the right direction due to trauma or another source of a blockage. 


@lilynovastarseed 🙂 Curious your take?  “my mentor”

Posted : 06/07/2023 1:17 pm
Cree and Fallon reacted
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@nickq1233 oh yeah, shadow work and clearing is an integral part. Working through each chakra individually starting from the Root making your way up to the top and clearing attachments, healing trauma, and cutting cords out of each has been profound for me and those I work with!

Posted : 06/07/2023 3:07 pm
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Yes, its a necessary daily job. I feel that is really important not only to bring in but also expand from within. 


In: Source and your own concious light to every corner of all of your bodies.


From within : expand chi, expand your life force, for example by reiki, chi kung.


Let that concious from within and from higher vibes go to the front of your chacra' s but especially at the back and under, your feet and under your feet! 

So many people are light at the front but uncounsious at the back and under. 


I noticed that with almost every client I had so far, the atlas, place of the skull behind, should get your attention when you clean. 

Also physical places where your nerves already got numb, like scars or tooth issues, or numb digestion organs by not healthy food/ toxics


I my self have been ' pregnant' a lot of people and beings that wanted to hide, safety and comfort and energy. I used to have problems to say no, felt like not caring. But I started to notice that even cord cutting, owning my own system helped others too. 

It helped me a lot to know that I can also push energies out of my body from within. I do that and when energies get pushed out they meet my guides, my guides mostly pull the energy out and give it to God to judge. Sometimes I see a devil waiting to get the energy as if he has a right to. But I still most of the times give it to God to judge, after i watched who it what it was.


This i did intensely every day for now three years and noticed routine helps and cutting cords still make me sad, but its just refreshing for everyone. 


Also noticed that talking in groups about trauma feels like the group concious , the love and understanding of it is pushing the trauma in the light and just gets so much lighter! It can be a relief. But only with a group of people who are truly kind and caring for you, that is my experience. 


About entities. A few years ago I met some and got rid of them i think after ages. I was shocked that they could be so connected to my feelings , feelings I saw as my own. But i recognised that it were not my feelings but theirs cause, that situations never worked, a mix of being sad although I was doing the things I thought, I felt I wanted. That made me notice that an entity manipulated my true feelings. By studying those situations and look back in my life I noticed a pattern, like moving to an area etc. Anyway the manipulation in feeling got so clear that i got rid of some energies. And I felt like reborn. 


Those are a view of my experience in this area, 



Posted : 06/07/2023 7:47 pm
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I call it "spiritual hygiene". Of course when I started my journey there was a lot to clean. It took me 2 years to get "clean" (removed all the onion peels), and that was 2 sessions a week ( 3-4 hours sessions everytime ). Plus meditation, yoga etc.. I was very blessed to have met the right person on my path who really knew what she was doing.

But the good part is that shadow work can be fun. Removing dark energies with laughter is the best medicine.  (Which surprised my mentor, she thought i was making this up, until she realized, it was all real and I was moving really fast, I was so ready to get this done).

I don't work only with chakras, I start from the top of the head to the feet. But i also work a lot OUTSIDE of the body, there are so many things hiding outside of the body (yes we are multidimensional, and a lot of crap is hiding out there).  I have removed really horrible demons from people, but everytime that makes me laugh, i'm definitely a weirdo do that regard, the most horrible, the more laughter!

Sometimes When i do shadow work on a person "B",  i land on a person "A", when i tell them i'm working on their "aunt"/"husband" or whoever, it makes total sense to the patient, and their life changes quasi instantly, it's remarkable "technology".

But this is a never ending game. I put a lot of work in my spiritual hygiene, i go get checked and clean at least once a week by the best people i Know, i totally let go of my ego and accepted i'm faillible to protection , and i need help too!  That is for me a very very proactive practice as I don't want to "contaminate" my patients with eventual things that could be attached to me.

This post was modified 2 years ago by Patrice
Posted : 07/07/2023 2:04 am
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Heyyy FAM 👋🏻✨️🥹🫶🏻👽 

I know I need some sessions with you beautiful light workers!! 🥰 however until I can do that.. besides crystals, sage, candles, baths, journaling/talking to my younger self, writing letters & wishing/wanting better for your happiness and life..

is there anything I can do on my own to help heal the life traumas I've been truly healing my entire life but cant escape. 

I know its mindset but all im given is the darkness. I do and see the things to be greatful for which really does help. I almost lost a few weeks back to this life but something spoke to me and lifted me a bit so I could choose a different path. Life is a CHOICE,  death is a decision. 

Lost my uncle to murder,  mom the next month & then my Grandpa who I lived most my life with In under 9m!. I'll take any and alll help!! Forever a student of life🫶🏻

Posted : 07/07/2023 4:26 am
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Awesome information. We have some really experienced starseeds in the forum regarding this topic. It’s great that we can tap you all for guidance and experience. Hopefully we’ll keep this thread growing so others can get more familiar with the potential resolutions for these energies and attachments. 

Posted : 07/07/2023 6:06 am
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@cssndrk Hey Cassandra. Thanks for posting your question and sharing your experience. You’re doing some really good things to help mitigate these types of energies. Life is challenging and we deal with the types of things you mentioned. Sending love your way ❤️. Crystals are huge for preventative measure. It’s a catch 22 though. We need to purifier our crystals daily or they can hold low vibrational energy. If you hold a protective stone in your left hand while you’re meditating or doing your shadow work it really helps to trap the energies for you. Just sage your crystals after. I have sage oil that I use with a diffuser. I’ll wipe sage oil over my clothes too if I’m feeling like I need to. Sage is an essential tool for cleansing and purification. Arch Angel support would be another tool. We can call of Arch Angel Michael any time we encounter low vibrational energies. I invoke a sphere of protection around myself daily. My intention is for the sphere to be filled with divine white light to purify my energy and to prevent low vibrational, negative and parasitic energies, attachments, entities or beings from interacting with my energy field. I use an energy catch jar too for low vibrational / negative/ parasitic energies. Just fill a jar up with purified water and put a rose quartz Crystal in it. The Arch Angels can use elements like water to trap energies for you in the physical. I’ll post a picture. If you ask for help, Divine Spirit will come through. If you end up getting someone to clear your energy it’s ah immediate thing. I rely heavily on Mother Father God/Source, my higher self and the Angelic realm for protections and purification. You can try to ask the Arch Angels, Source for help with clearing attachments and cutting cords. I tried myself but got stuck on something that I needed help with. You may be able to clear some of the energies yourself too so definitely try it in meditation. My take.

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Posted : 07/07/2023 6:25 am
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@cssndrk Sage oil and diffuser pics. I carry a small vial of sage oil with me just in case. It’s easy to put a drop on  your hands and smear it all over you if needed.

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Posted : 07/07/2023 6:26 am
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@cssndrk  i'll be happy to offer you a session. I think can help with 2 out of 3 . I can see them, so it means they can be transmuted. 

Posted : 07/07/2023 7:16 am
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@rainyangel616 Hey Angie:) Awesome video. Cool that you found some good guided meditations. You can really fall deep into meditation 🧘 with the right video. Sounds like you found the right meditations for you. Yeah, repairing chakras is super important and Lily is a master at that. When I’m repairing a chakra I’ll visualize the chakra light up , then I’ll spin the chakra clockwise while holding space. I’ll usually call in Arch Angel Metatron as well. Arch Angel Sandalphon too, especially for root chakra repair. I don’t know why but I’ll get AA Sandalphon come to me a lot when I’m working on healing ❤️‍🩹 or repairing someones root chakra. Maybe work some visualization with with your meditation for the chakra you’re focused on. Also grounding is huge for the root, walking bare foot 🦶 in nature, visualizing your energy field grounding to Gaia and receiving energy back from Gaia. Stuff like that work well for the root. 🙂 love the crystals you’re using. I wear shungite around my neck. I have the same pendulum holder. It’s cool, you can swap out stones easily. I use Black tourmaline as my primary protective stone in my left hand when I’m in meditation or working on healing or activating someone. Look at you, putting all your tools to work. 🙂 You have the right focus. Your present , now moment is where your power is. For crystalline energies I’d work in some dna activation meditations too. Thanks for sharing Angie. ❤️

Posted : 07/07/2023 9:20 pm
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@nickq1233 my medium mentioned angel Michael is my something. I do love essential oils and I try to bubble myself daily too. I LOVE the clearing my crystals more. I sage my apartment and briefly the crystals but maybe I'll do it more intentionally. I love wearing my Malas too!

Posted : 07/07/2023 10:29 pm
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@patricekrysztofiak you can see what ? You're so kind 💛

Posted : 07/07/2023 10:33 pm
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@rainyangel616 you are not alone and I feel your mindset is getting ready to pull you out.🫶🏻✨️ I like to think we're ALLL doing great because we get another day. Knowing tomorrow may not come makes you really want to make the best of today however,  our feelings and brain wiring of our life can sure hold us down! I found EA right after my mom left earthside and I couldn't be more thankful to finally TRULY find MY family ❤️ even if we're on different areas of the world, we're all here on the forums together! I REALLY REALLY appreciate EVERYONE sharing their survival tricks and taking the time to write such details. We are all students of life! I wish you light and the strength and energy to get yourself out of the darkness ✨️ ❤️ I don't have any special gifts but I sure don't mind being an open ear and available for you to msg anytime you feel alone and just want to chat with someone! Xoxo

Posted : 07/07/2023 10:41 pm
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Posted by: @cssndrk

@patricekrysztofiak you can see what ? You're so kind 💛

Yes, i see objects around or on people, the objects (triangles, thorns, circles, emojis, insects like ticks), represent things to be cleaned up.  I see that everywhere (i m still learning on how to deactivate this in regular life, because sometimes i see things on people at the store 😂😂😂). I can see it remotely too since we are all connected. 


Posted : 07/07/2023 11:15 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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  1. @rainyangel616 ouuu a necklace you can CHANGE THE CRYSTAL HOW COOL !!!! I LOVE nature and working out, it really will help your soul feel good !!! 😊😊
Posted : 07/07/2023 11:17 pm
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