Sage explained
Can someone please explain to me, at a deeper level what exactly burning sage does to a space? I’ve always been told it clears negative energy and I use it around my home pretty often but today begin questioning, How does this work? How is this clearing the energy? How does Sage keep away negative entities? I’m not sure if I am wanting a scientific answer or a spiritual answer. I’m just hoping to have a deeper understanding of how sage is clearing and purifying.
Youv got me thinking now!🤯
I feel that it has something to do with the burning process, as fire is the ultimate purifier.
I also know that smoke represents clearing, leturally burning old beliefs.
I wonder if it comes down to the energy of the sage aswell, it's been used for centuries so the energy behind it and intention is strong.
Burning. Smoke. Sage. It's like a shower for the body but for the home using smoke instead of water.
This is all just what I feel, as EA would say take what resonates and leave what doesn't 😊❤️
@emilyyoung101 The spiritual effects cannot be explained scientifically. But, having said that, physical effects are very measurable. Saging is a native indian ceremony. It literally clears the air, as after a while, 94% of the bacteria are removed. It betters the negative/ positive ion balance, and, the ingredients in the burned white sage have a stimulating effect on your brain.