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Remote viewing question

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I have been starting to do remote viewing and it brings me to a mountain and I go inside and release trapped people. Does anyone understand what this is or have experienced it before? 

Posted : 21/09/2023 7:06 am
Lyn and Nick Quinn reacted
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@foxyrach26 Thank you for posting!

Posted : 21/09/2023 9:15 am
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Yes, I believe that's your soul doing its work mission. I have done similar things finding poched animals in containers in a harbor ( what made me realize it was not a dream, is that I didn't open the door of the container, i walked through it like I was a ghost ).

Posted : 22/09/2023 8:30 am
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Yes! I was like a ghost as well. I wish I knew what I was doing. 

Posted : 24/09/2023 2:54 pm
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I wish I had the ability of understanding what’s going on when I remote view. The other night something came beside me and showed me this contract and wanted me to sign something. My head started feeling tight and like EA taught us to do, I asked to feel its frequency and it left. What in the world was that about? I’d love to know. 

Posted : 24/09/2023 2:57 pm
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@patricekrysztofiak is there a way to figure out what I’m doing while remote viewing? I’ve asked for answers but haven’t got any feedback.

Posted : 27/09/2023 7:57 pm
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@foxyrach26 I wonder if it's Mt. Shasta. @nickq1233 recently told me about the Telosions, an alien race he says come from Alpha Centauri, but some might live under Mt. Shasta. I'll link the thread below, where he tells me more about the Telosions.

Posted : 27/09/2023 11:53 pm
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Thank you…I’ll look into it cause I’ve never heard of that before. I’m getting desperate for answers 

Posted : 28/09/2023 2:44 am
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You have to keep asking, it takes a while to get the information, because 3D is so dense, you have to ask over and over again before you get the answer to your question. It took me a long time to get to that point (I don't even get to it anymore because I didn't practice for a while since I have no question/desire to go any place ).

Posted : 28/09/2023 3:18 am
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@coreymatthews Hey Guys. 🙂 It could be Mount Shasta or anywhere under the surface or Agartha. There are so many subterranean facilities. The Selosions under Mount Shasta have an aura that glows white. If you see them, at first you may think "Ghost". Just because of the aura shield. It makes them look white. Like a white glow in front of them and surrounding them. They wear Greek type attire when they dress casually. The attire look like robes and dresses. They'll also wear their suits, like space suits. Blue with an emblem or badge-looking insignia. Looks like a triangle sort of or upside-down V. Does what youre seeing meet this description? For whom you are seeing? They look very human. Just taller with slight differences in their cheeks and eyes. From a distance, you'd think they were tall white, blonde-haired humans. They have different colors of hair too but blonde is the most common. They look very similar to Pleadeans. Telos is a City under the mountain so you'd see white pyramids and a city of operation with people inhabiting, living going about their day-to-day in a 5th dimensional way.

Posted : 28/09/2023 9:11 am
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@foxyrach26 Interesting!

Posted : 28/09/2023 10:57 am
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I can’t tell what they look like cause it’s blurry. It looks like they were trapped and when I went in, they all fled out of the mountain like they were stuck there. Then I saw a bunch of small pink orbs rush by me. No clue what the orbs were but I’ve been seeing them since I was a kid. I’d love to know more 😔

Posted : 28/09/2023 2:56 pm
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@foxyrach26 Oh ok. Interesting. I wonder if you are picking up on subterranean child trafficking and enslavement? Darker topic but there are children that have been enslaved in subterranean facilities by some really negative people for a long time. It started with Draco ET and some elements of the human cabal have kept it active. Using the children as energetic sources. They thrive on low vibrational energies so doing what they do to the children used to help feed the Draco parasitic energy requirements. I've heard from others that they have helped in the astral and on other planes in relation to this topic. Releasing the souls from energetic imprints left behind once someone passes in a traumatic way. I think EA did something similar for the people who perished during the Maui fires. I've heard of others executing missions at night to help the current children who are still enslaved. Maybe this is what you could be seeing?

Posted : 29/09/2023 8:36 am
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That response has resonated with me the most. I haven’t watched the maui video yet so I’ll have to check that out. Thank you so very much!!!! 💓

Posted : 29/09/2023 7:10 pm
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@foxyrach26 ❤️❤️❤️

Posted : 29/09/2023 8:03 pm
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