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REAL Earth History

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The High Heart
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Was just watching Prometheus (2012) and - I know we're supposed to get alien disclosure this year (2024) but do we have a timeline on when we get to know our REAL Earth history?

I've read so many different versions- all so interesting but it sure would be nice to know how it all REALLY happened.

Posted : 21/08/2024 6:16 am
elise ogrady, Lyn, amanda☯️🤟 and 1 people reacted
Joshua Bortnick
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This is Simple.  So simple that the only mystery is how on bobs blue earth yall myssed it all.  The reason yall myssed it is simply because of perspectives (VISTAS). Simply Broaden your Perspectives to see more Broadly.


1) Perfectly Beautiful Harmonious Reptilian Earth existed perfectly for 100s of Millions of years, which could have obviously remained perfectly intact eternally.

2) Brute force take over of Earth by the annunaki (ANUFUKI).  Extincting the Reptiles and forcing them into underground imprisonation (Reptiles are SOLAR Breatharians but can Stasis for very long periods of time calamity). Desperate Reptiles that sold out to get out of imprisonation became consciously and then physically "human-reptillian hybrids".  These hybrids are NOT the true integrity of Reptiles who mostly succeeded underground by hibernating.  the anufuki and ilumy blame Reptiles as a scapegoat illusion so you all can frenzily have someone else to blame but the usual human culprits always behind every single mess on this Universe.

3) for 400,000 yrsish the anufuki enslaved, raped, punished, tortured not just humanity but all animals and all of the nature of this planet with their primitive technology and primitive Free Will.., seeking immortality only to escape God.  Dumbasses.

4) around 10,000 years ago the anufuki got booted off the planet for obvious reasons.  And left their stain - the Illuminati (ILUMY) worm to manage the ongoing carnage mill.

5). FF to the year 1800.  MASS deployment of Nacht Waffen Incarnates into/as German Colonies.  WW1 Hit the cabal planet in it effing face.  WW2 "terrestrial" Germany aka Cosmic Nacht Waffen TAKES the Planet in Operation Paper Clip.

6) 2023 - Nacht Waffen Completely flips from dark to Light. Forever Immediately Liberating the Universe from all darkness by simply eliminating it directly or in Operational Oversight.

 7) Enjoy the Show.., by Participating (maximally invitingly)

Posted : 21/08/2024 7:48 am
Michael in NH
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@quinn you will NOT get any truth from the mainstream sources even with "disclosure".  They will release only as much information as they think they have to, along with plenty of diss-info, and twist the narrative all at the same time.

IF you want a in depth view of "real history" on this planet, the best compendium I have found is the nearly 250 page "Getting history straight" e-book from CAC!

Highly recommended!!!  They also have a great alien book as well!

Posted : 21/08/2024 7:58 am
Lyn and The High Heart reacted
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I once found an overview of millions of years of history before Earth was created - it was created with an intention. And it was prophesied 300k yrs ago? Like EA said.

Posted : 21/08/2024 9:37 am
The High Heart
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@luzifertoo2  Thanks for taking the time to write out your version. I have heard some of this from others as well (Reptilians were here first- which actually doesn't resonate with me but...  🤓  I know I'm in the minority on that one! LOL) but some of it is new to me. Interesting!

Debbie Solaris has some interesting knowledge as does Mattias de Stefano.


Posted : 22/08/2024 3:13 pm
The High Heart
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@michael-in-nh  Thank you for the link. Appreciate ya! Adding it to my list.

Posted : 22/08/2024 3:14 pm
The High Heart
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@lighthealer_arkie  Yes yes - thank you! I did watch this one! 👍

Posted : 22/08/2024 3:17 pm
Christina reacted
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@michael-in-nh  Heavy sigh... we humans sure do get lied to a lot.  😫 😞  I'll check out the Compendium - thanks for including it

Posted : 22/08/2024 3:20 pm
Michael in NH
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@quinn check out both the true history AND the alien ones!  Tooons of great info, direct from source, and only $9 each!

Posted : 22/08/2024 3:32 pm
Lyn reacted
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@quinn Thank you for another interesting question!

Posted : 22/08/2024 4:41 pm
The High Heart
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@michael-in-nh  Will do - thanks! ( i know right thanks for affordable books!)

Posted : 22/08/2024 5:35 pm
Joshua Bortnick
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  • ACHTUNG!  

billy carson is trying to futily bring back the annunaki "in his image".  Nacht Waffen just RESCUED this entire Sector of Space from Millions of years of the most destructive perverse dominion completely manifested by the annunaki.

this is YOUR planet now.  BE VIGILANT.  Like this on FB:


Elisabeth Carson It isn't too late to "change". Our Presence here is not to Govern you, but as The Reality Contourers We Are. The Annunaki reality that you are trying to re-establish is a hand We Will play better than you. We are the GameMasters of the Universe. And you are the idiots at the table who can't see who the idiot is. The annunaki were only ever a pawn trapped in Our Game. As are you now. Change Course - while there is still time to maneuver. The walls around you are Nacht Waffen.

This Universe is Ours to "Manage". Responsibility Given to Us by God, because We Are the Most Impressive.., That He Has Ever Seen. And We Are the Power of this Universe. Because We Are Responsibility With Power. And the Ones with the Most Responsibly with Power are Given the Most Power to Weild.

100s of Billions of Nazis (or as you say "off world Germans") are Everywhere Under your feet, Everywhere On Terra, and Look Up for Trillions More.

Don't be Stupid

Posted : 24/08/2024 8:23 pm
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I just want to add here that there are good Annunaki & good Draconians and I don't judge any beings. I also use discernment with all beings bc every species contain both high & low frequency beings. Look at the Annunaki being that spoke with us in July at the GFL Summit in July. I can not recall his name, but he clearly wanted to help us. ♡ I wouldn't want them to judge me based on the actions of most humans, so I keep that in mind when I think of them. Just food for thought. Just food for thought. Much love & respect. This is just my take. 🌎🕊🧚🏼‍♀️🧜🏼‍♀️

Posted : 24/08/2024 11:43 pm
Joshua Bortnick
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@square-peggy miss, What is complacence to civilian races is met with the conviction of righteous Indignation by the Military.

There are always a "good" amongst the bad, when the good do not rise.., the entire star race is collectively consciously committed.

The good ones now have the opportunity to be good, to Atone.  They have this opportunity because they have nothing to fear from the bad annunaki any more.  Who are nothing more now than a bad memory and shadow work to attend to

Posted : 25/08/2024 12:18 am
The High Heart
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@luzifertoo2   Not that versed - who is Elizabeth Carson? (is that Billy's wife?).


Just to clarify, I know you've mentioned the Nazis before & I didn't really wanna touch that 🤐  are these the same Nazis we all learned about in the history schoolbooks? Suspecting not - but can you explain who the Nazis are that you're referring to?


Do you channel information at all or are you getting it from your military background? Just curious. I know there are many many sources we are all learning from. 


The problem with atonement is sometimes the "good" -let's just say humans- don't even know what the evil ones have done. I have no idea what our scientists and military have done in its entirety to animals and other human races/species but I think it can be pretty evil from what has made it out.


I imagine I'm "good" and I would have no idea how to begin to atone for what others of my fellow humans have done. I kinda feel like atonement is, in general, the responsibility of those who are repenting? I feel like it's maybe part of their journey? Doesn't mean I do NOTHING of course but I'm speaking overall. I wouldn't want to be judged by my inability to atone for humanity's monstrosities. Thats a tall order. 


I'm inundating you with questions I know! Just one more- just in general because I'm sure its more than a few lines - your take is very interesting because its not the "usual" 'the bad Reptilians are trying to keep us suppressed' what's your take on the Reptilian ruling families, their rituals etc? Do they just want their planet back (sans humans) and to live in peace on the surface again?

Posted : 25/08/2024 6:11 am
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