New Telosion ET Cra...
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New Telosion ET Craft recorded last night 7/20/23

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Hey EA Community,


I just uploaded some new ET footage from last night. Telosion craft. Hope you enjoy. Thanks:) ❤️

Posted : 21/07/2023 10:20 am
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@nickq1233 Hey Nick, 

The reiki sessions are great. My goal is to continue activating my abilities (don't know what they are yet) and learning. 

I've been learning how to use the binoculars so I've spent some time pressing buttons and flipping through settings. I thought for sure I saw a craft signaling with a strobe but quickly convinced myself it must have been my imagination because so many planes kept flying around. The planes circle while they wait for their turn to land at the airport so it can be confusing. That's funny they hang out at midnight. I'd stay out all night if this human body didn't need 8 hours of sleep. 😴 

Posted : 02/08/2023 4:19 pm
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@amy-3 Those are great goals. Let me know if you ever want me to work on anything specific during reiki. I spent most the time last session working on some stuff for some others and only had a few minutes to connect to your energy. We did good work that day. I locked onto your third eye and your energy was strong. Wild but that's good. You'll find balance in that, especially participating in reiki. Maybe next one I can work on your chakras? They already may be activated; I know your third eye is. I can work from your root up. If I hit something we can work on that too:) You'll find that your third eye will get more powerful over time too, especially with reiki. Are you experiencing much psychic related activity. Do you use any psychic tools like a pendulum, tarot cards, oracle cards etc? Didn't you have a visual the last group session? If its personal, we can talk reiki related stuff during the group so its private. I don't talk much about the details that I'm involved with during the Cosmic Awakening group sessions just for privacy reason. A lot of that kind of stuff is super personal. 

I bet you saw a craft. Its super confusing with the strobing but almost all of them do it. Most of the craft will blink in some way to signal you. Rule of them, if they are strobing, they're trying to get your attention. lol. I'd wave to them honestly. Or cycle through the IR button until you get back to color a couple of times. The binoculars put out a red IR laser light when it's on black and white mode. Then it turns off on color mode. From the ETs perspective you are flashing at them ..Red, brighter, brighter, brighter, brighter, off. And again red light, brighter, brighter, brighter off. just a couple rotations to signal back. You may see a trail behind some of the craft, just another way for them to get our attention. Thank God they don't use audible signals. Your neighbors would be pissed. lol. Are you reviewing the footage after on a computer? You'll totally see stuff when reviewing the footage that you didn't notice while you're recording. Sometimes there is multiple things going on in the frame and you may be focused on one thing or another. plus, you can review back footage if you ever have those second guesses like it may be a plane. Just make sure to hit record before you start looking. I've missed several things that i wish i had the recording function going. Also. Stop the recording and re initiate it after like 5 minutes. like hit the record button to turn it off then hit it again to start recording again. That way for video file sizes are manageable. So you can share the footage and upload it. I'll end up with like 3 videos to review if I'm out there for 20 minutes. I learned the hard way how large the file size can get with a 20-minute long 720p infrared video file can be. You can use free video editing software like movie maker or iMovie to trim the clip or just upload the whole video. If you're taking video in 5-minute increments give or take you can totally send them to people and share them really easily and you won't necessarily need t trim the video because 5 minutes isn't too long to sit through the get to every event. You'll get orbs too so pretty much all the footage is interesting. 


Posted : 02/08/2023 5:01 pm
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@amy-3 I live in an apartment complex but there's yard space.  I like to look for stuff during the day during weird weather, rainy cloudy and what not and also during sunrise. The clouds are just so unusual for me these days.  I mean what clouds have sharp edges and defined shapes?  But it certainly will be so interesting to see what I see with these and at night for sure.

Posted : 02/08/2023 5:32 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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@rainyangel That sounds like the perfect place to sit and watch the sky’s with your binoculars. Just make sure to hit record before you look. Lol. And like I was telling Amy just kind of hit the record but every 5-7 minutes and hit it agin to start recording again. So that you can upload them to YouTube or edited them easier. You can email the video file. I upload my footage then clear my memory cause I don’t have enough storage. So YouTube is perfect cause I can upload then clear the storing on my Laptop 💻 and the footage is public and on the internet for ever:) You can play around with free video editors too. You’ll love the orbs you’ll catch. From what we’ve talked about over different topics. You probably have an army or orbs around you. 🙂

Posted : 02/08/2023 5:48 pm
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It looked small from where I was viewing it, and I don't think? it was a mothership, but I am not sure either. I've never seen a mothership before as far as I am aware, I assume they'd be huge? This one looked like it could have been the size of a regular airplane, except I didn't hear it make noise (perhaps becuase it was so far up? And on that note, I don't think I can even recall if you hear airplanes make noise as they fly over you, if all of them are up so high or not. I have no clue about this, sorry for my rambling lol.) and I didn't see any typical tail or wings from it, but maybe that's because it so far up and small for me to see? Hmm.

I have had voices when these crafts would come regularly and beam so much light from them, when I'd sit outside and watch the sky from my backyard with just the intention of wanting to see them.

Once around this time, I was really in tune with my clairaudience and I'd had a few voices ask me if they could visit me in my home, but I can't remember if I thought that it was the beings who were from the crafts I saw then or not. I just ended up asking first, "who are you?" I think because I was wary, and I don't remember what they said. It's so hard to remember the things that you hear and experience when you come back down from the higher frequencies. Must be that I am still acclimating to them now because it is getting easier to remember nowadays as I regularly connect with the higher realms, or try to. Being in nature in the mountains was so cleansing and refreshing, it made me really understand my connection to the earth on a whole new level, I fell in love with nature, truly.

On one occasion though, I was in my room and all of a sudden I remember seeing this vague flash of light, but even though it was vague it was intense because I could feel the energy, and the energy was blue, I could see it. It was like my room filled up with the blue energy in a split second, barely noticable, then it was gone just as fast. I don't know what that experience was, but it definitely changed something in the energy of my room, I could feel it. Maybe it was my spirit guides doing something I wasn't aware of, lol. I immediately thought I'd been visited by my star family or something and then had my memory erased, but that was just an initial ... hopeful thought, I suppose. 

Yes, my ears do ring on occasion, but recently they are doing it more often actually. I feel like it's picking up. I can see energies moving around me in wisps of light and color, I've had this ability for awhile now, I just assume they're my spirit guides because I can sense their energy and it is so benevolent and loving, from the higher realms. I also see sparks of light of various different colors, usually blue or white, sometimes orange or red, or even green or pink and occasionally I will see this indigo one that feels like such a protective presence, it makes me feel safe when I try tapping into it. I am used to seeing these so it doesn't freak me out. 

Posted : 02/08/2023 7:33 pm
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Here's a video from last night. They were circling around the house. I got them on Ring camera too. I'll try to post that too 🙂  

Posted : 02/08/2023 9:38 pm
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Caught some of the crafts on Ring camera too:)

Posted : 02/08/2023 9:41 pm
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@nickq1233 Yeah I can't wait.  I think I'm going to see more than orbs.  Probably dragons and different creatures. 

Posted : 02/08/2023 10:27 pm
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@abby14 That makes sense. The mother ships are like football field size. They are usually cloaked too. You’ll see their outline or they’ll have that cloud vapor cloaking them. If it was silent is was a craft. Airplanes definitely make noise. Jets are super loud and prop driven planes are loud too if they are close enough where you may mistake them for a craft. Good point, wings and tail fins are pretty obvious too. You can rule out a plane pretty quick. Interesting that you mentioned hearing voices from the craft. Me too. Ive overhead them talking amongst their selves too. They asked you if it was ok for them to visit you? So cool. I get your apprehension. I’d want to know who it was too before I gave them permission. Did they response to you to identify who they were? They really do try to interact with us in a way that’s within our comfort zone. Although they scared the crap out of me when they showed up in my bedroom the first time. I rolled over and caught them on accident. I had to take a leave from work when they started showing up. I wasn’t awake yet so I thought I was going crazy. 

Awesome that your clairvoyance is strong enough to receive like that. It really helps to have our psychic abilities activated when communicating with them. It’s all telepathic communication like you mentioned. Words, sentences, thoughts, questions, answers. It’s a trip. Do you feel like your psychic abilities are pretty strong? Are you picking up on energies in nature? Like elementals? Or like plant life, tree life and such? I love nature too. Grounding and re energizing for sure. I love elemental spirits. 🙂 

interesting that you brought up blue orbs. I was just talking to someone about that the other night. I’ve caught a couple on camera too. Are you seeing them both indoor and outdoor or mostly indoor? Are they expanding like an accordion then retracting back into a ball? I’m part of a starseed group chat on telegram and everyone was posting their orb video they were taking a couple nights ago. We were using a pendulum to try to identify the sources. One was a collective ET guides, another was a relative that had passed. You feeling the energy from them? You mentioned your ears ringing. That’s probably the best indicator that ETs are near you. You’ll sense that change in energy, then your ear will ring. Probably your Galactic family, honestly. Do you feel like they are working on you at night? Activating you, healing you etc?

Posted : 03/08/2023 3:09 pm
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Ok! This is what I captured last night at 1:30am MT. The date stamp is wrong... I've fixed that for next time.

Before getting back into bed I decided to look out the window and spotted this bright light. It was blinking red and white but never moved. 

I tried my best to hold still as I changed settings and focus. Let me know what you think?!? 😏

Posted : 03/08/2023 3:25 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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@amy-3 Yay, you got a craft ! 🙂 You got a spherical craft. About the size of a truck? At the distance you caught it? You got IR and color mode captures. Awesome job. You’ll get way more variety of craft as you continue to record them. The spherical craft can stay fixed and move. They blink too like you captured. Good job playing with the focus and switching through IR modes. There’s no such thing as a stable binocular shot, especially when you’re focus and hitting the IR button repeatedly. You did a great job. I want to see more:) Look for low, bright stars too. Those aren’t stars. You probably have several of them around your place. Have you had any experiences in your home? Ear ringing, energy differences, weird memories of faint dreams of something happening at night while you were sleeping or while you woke up for a second during the night? Any sleep paralysis? I can’t remember if I’ve asked you this yet? I’m going to create a shared post in the general section for all of us to post our footage. 🙂 Maybe we all can grow that thread with our footage? I know several other members that have taken recent footage. My sister is talking footage tonight. She just got her binoculars in today. Same binoculars of course:) Awesome footage and I want to see way more. Lol. Very good capture. Looks Telosion. Do you know your starseed origins? Lyran? 





Posted : 03/08/2023 6:06 pm
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I got my infrared binoculars.  Figuring them out and going to try them out.  Did you see the couple phone camera pics I posted.  I thought for sure there were a couple that were like for real.  I mean somethings seem so obvious to me . I wonder sometimes if others see the same things even in the pics because like that bird pic I posted a long time ago in my house during saging was totally for real.  It was sitting on my plant in a different vibration. I show it to my son and my sister and they both don't acknowledge it. Like my sister didn't even see it.  Here's that one again.  I'll connect that one again. The sunlight from the morning was shining through my glass doors through a crack I opened and I was saging the house.  I added another pic a took a long time ago that looks like some kind of light crafts or something that doesn't look like real clouds, then I put up the cat one and the dragon looking one.  The dragon one really gets me cuz it's so defines.  You can see a mouth open, wings, even a long thin tail. Anyway, I'm unpacking my binoculars now.  This is gonna be fun fun.  I just added another.  I just noticed it. It looks like an eye of a creature even sort of mouth. 

Posted : 04/08/2023 12:23 pm
Nick Quinn and Amy reacted
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@nickq1233 The craft I recorded looked like a low bright star. I had glanced out the window and thought... That is definitely inside our atmosphere. No experiences inside my home just yet. No ear ringing or sleep paralysis. Looking forward to watching everyone's shares on the new thread!

Posted : 04/08/2023 12:44 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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@rainyangel awesome phone pics Angie. You caught what looks like a Pleaidean craft. The bright amber glowing craft near the clouds. Like this. Like 2 of them in your pic?

Posted : 05/08/2023 5:20 pm
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@nickq1233 wow that's cool.  I'm seeing a few things in the same area right across from my couch where I sit and can see the clouds through my sliding glass doors to my balcony

Posted : 05/08/2023 7:56 pm
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