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New ET footage from last night 7/18/23

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Hi Guys. I wanted to post some new ET footage from last night. Hope you enjoy it. 🙂

Posted : 19/07/2023 8:55 am
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@nickq1233 Awesome!

Posted : 23/07/2023 4:54 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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Wow, so they came and woke you up literally and physically.thats so awesome! I've done my awakening all alone and still am. I would love to have a personal experience because no matter how much footage I see ,ufo or even of alien, and I know 100%this is real. There's something inside that just won't snap . My brains not connecting the footage I'm watching as something that's actually happening in real life , it's weird. I have to experience it myself. So I want to do that as soon as possible because  I think it's going to play a big role in fully awakening. Do you have any tips or suggestions on how to draw them to you or to let them know your wanting to interact with them other then asking for it? 

Posted : 24/07/2023 7:15 pm
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@k-miller1211 Yeah. Crazy couple years. Would never have thought. You have solid faith and love. 🙂 

I totally can relate to you in having to experience things yourself for the realty to sink in completely. That’s exactly how I am. I need constant proof. I document everything because of that. My UFO footage is all date and time stamped. I keep a journal. I have to keep records to keep proving to myself that this is happening because of how severe the paradigm shift has been. It’s like every morning I wake up and I think the last 3 years was a dream. Lol.  It’s all, just been too much:). Just ridiculous when I think through it all deeply enough. The truth relating to our galactic families is intense. A true family. When you connect you’ll feel like the most loved person ever. Or when you realize that they were already there this whole time. 🙂 It’s important to discover these things ourselves. Your discovery will be amazing. You’ll embody that experience as your own. ❤️ 

Tips on inviting contact. Yes. First look outside at dawn and at night. Look for their craft. Or any signs that the craft are around like brighter than normal stars. Orange dots, red dots. Sometimes dots blinking in the sky. Maybe you’d think they were airplanes at night. FAA requires a specific strobe sequence and colors so you can eliminate an airplane pretty quick. You can meditate while outside or before and set the intention. Something like “ I would like to make contact with my galactic family and my ascension team”. You may get “spirit” like activity from that too but it’s all part of contact. Most starseeds that have regular contact have a ton of paranormal type stuff around them. Orbs, knocking on the walls, movement out of the corner of our eyes or even Sleep paralysis. I think we probably realize that our galactic family is with us well after they’ve been with us. That’s why I recommend looking up at the sky. My Sister is catching the spheres in PA. She just caught 4-5 in the sky today. Around dawn it looked like. Or right before. I’ll post an example of what you may see during the day. This is one of those spherical craft above me at work. I’ll attached a close up pic. These are a dead giveaway that they are there. An infrared binocular can see all the craft, even cloaked.

Outside of literally looking for them in the sky and flagging them down or flashing a flash light at them. I’ll wave too if I see them. Or jester to my heart ❤️. In meditation you can connect as well. I do that all the time. Maybe you can build in a daily thing in your meditation? A quick, “I would like to interact with my galactic family and ascension team please”. Maybe hold space on that intention for a couple minutes. You may receive messages in that silence as you hold space. If you’re doing that daily and building a routing out of it, you’ll manifest that into your reality. Breaking it down, you’d be interacting with them over meditation at the very least and informing them of your intention to make physical contact. Or to see a craft up close. As a rule of thumb assume that who ever you’re talking to in meditation is listening. If you’re popping outside maybe a couple times a week when it’s getting dark. Maybe on the weekend or whenever you have time. I think that’s the lowest hanging fruit when it comes to initiating contact. You can do ce5 as well. It’s like a standard for ET interaction. You shine a laser at them and there’s a protocol. I don’t do any of that. I’ll flash my IR light at them though. Like to signal them. They’ll flash back. You can use a flashlight too. If you see a blink in the sky and it’s not obviously a plane, signal the craft by flashing the flash light on and off. Like obviously enough where they will pick up on it. Most likely they are already watching you and have been anyways. You should take photos of the sky the next sunset or dawn. Right before the darkness. A bunch of pics of the sky. You may catch something that you didn’t see? The cloaks will look like bubbles. Double or triple bubbles. Or you may catch orbs or the spherical craft. Similar to why ghost hunters take a ton of pictures at a haunted location. Things show up in images that we don’t always see with our eyes. 


 IMG 0916
Posted : 24/07/2023 8:11 pm
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Hey hiw you been doing ? Just rewatching your videos and was wondering, Do they talk about anything or give you advice or communicate in any type of way? If so what are they saying. If you want to share that is. 😊 I've been doing my daily aframations ,calling in my galactic family and friends of the light and I think I'm about 75-85% sure I seen at least 2 so far, they were super far away but idk I still need that 100% . It's so annoying. lol. Don't matter what I tell myself .😤😩. It's all good I know things take time. Take care . Talk to you later.

♥ kayla


Posted : 10/08/2023 4:19 pm
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@k-miller1211 Doing Good. How’s things over your way? Awesome that you’re seeing your ET guides. It’s like baby steps to acclimated to them. Are you feeling their energy? They try to take baby Just to desensitize us to them. They like to interact with us within our comfort zones. Sometimes that means at a distance. I do communicate with them. I talk with my ET family daily. They give me tasks to do, mission sets and give me guidance. They answer a lot of questions and provide me a whole lot of random information. I usually don’t know why they tell me some thing’s that they do until I get an opportunity to share the information. I get downloads as well with random information. They’ve told me that I’m an ambassador for them so I guess I’ll just roll with that. They give me a lot of information. Relating to the GFL activities, different ways they are supporting global events, they share information about the cabal. They share their plans for Nesara Gesara and information relating to the solar events and our evolution into crystalline. I learned about Divinty from them, Arch Angels, Source, Divine Spirit etc. They set me straight on a lot of stuff. As my psychic abilities improved, my communication with them has improved. It’s just so much info on a daily basis I couldn't begin to try to list it all. Im drinking through a firehouse over here. They do communicate after events that make the news as well. Like when the balloons were shot down over the US, they ensured me that they weren’t GFL craft. They warn me about potential cabal plans and things I need to look out for. Just a lot of communication. Lol. I bet your ascension team is near you all the time. Above you in craft, beside you with their energies, below you within the crystalline grid and Agartha. Have you received messages back when you communicate?

Posted : 11/08/2023 3:34 pm
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@ Nick Quinn . Hi, Things are going about the same over here. Thanks for asking .How are things going for you? Any new aliens come to visit the ambassador ? ☺lol.......... About recieving any downloads, When I go for walks usually around an hrs. Hr. And a half I will talk to myself and I feel like I've been given a couple downloads that way and a couple times randomly at home when I'm focusing on life and different circumstances , I always stop and try and feel Where's this coming from me or someone else? If I feel like it's coming from the right side of my brain it's probably a download but I can't be 💯% sure but for now there my only ways of validating anything for myself....I meditate  and get to a point where I'm completely relaxed and I feel connected like I could get to the next step but then I get these intense body vibrations ,where I'm actually shaking IRL and I can't hold the vibration it's to strong so I have to pull out of my meditation...I tried holding it in different chakras and the one I could hold the longest in was my sacral chakra but its still under a half of a this because my vibration isn't high enough? I wish I could channel to ask what's going on ,so I can work past it .


Posted : 17/08/2023 4:12 pm
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@ Nick Quinn . Hi, Things are going about the same over here. Thanks for asking .How are things going for you? Any new aliens come to visit the ambassador ? ☺lol.......... About recieving any downloads, When I go for walks usually around an hrs. Hr. And a half I will talk to myself and I feel like I've been given a couple downloads that way and a couple times randomly at home when I'm focusing on life and different circumstances , I always stop and try and feel Where's this coming from me or someone else? If I feel like it's coming from the right side of my brain it's probably a download but I can't be 💯% sure but for now there my only ways of validating anything for myself....I meditate  and get to a point where I'm completely relaxed and I feel connected like I could get to the next step but then I get these intense body vibrations ,where I'm actually shaking IRL and I can't hold the vibration it's to strong so I have to pull out of my meditation...I tried holding it in different chakras and the one I could hold the longest in was my sacral chakra but its still under a half of a this because my vibration isn't high enough? I wish I could channel to ask what's going on ,so I can work past it .


Posted : 17/08/2023 4:13 pm
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