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Joshua Bortnick
Posts: 441
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In this Universe


God has Always Come Directly Through as the Children and StarLight.  This Should be Obvious because All of the Children Represent All of the BEST of God's Divine Virtues All the Time - Perfectly 


Why are so many of God's Friends trying to kyll the Children?  To kyll God so menacingly in oceans of adrenochrome?  With rampancy here?


Simple Jealousy and Envy and Hating that Arose BEFORE this Universe began.  Not against God.  Because EVERYBODY Loves God.  Many Of God's human friends entered into jealousy when God Picked someone who they all thought to be an out of place LOOSER to be God's "primary engineer" in this Grand Exposition of Universes that everyone in the "House of the 12th Dimension" came together to exhibit. The psychological effect to their human consciousness was 2 fold - (where it remained to FUEL animosity itself into This Universe):


1) shock 


2) the QUICK to arise SHADOW of JEALOUSY and HATING on this "new guy"


And Viola - God Made a Universe for ALL His human Friends to do ALL their ShadowWork - for Ascension of the ENTIRE "MULTIVERSE".


This Universe Belongs to TWO Guys (God and His "silent partner" aka "tha holy ghost" - who is so humble he prefers to "identify" in lower case)


All of God's Friends in the "House of the 12th Dimension" also made their own "Universe Models" - "Simply for the Beauty and Impressiveness in it all"


God (and His Pimpest Partner He EVER Had).., Made the Most Beautiful and Impressive Model beyond anything any of them has EVER Imagined.., but NO ONE was able to SEE it. Because it resembled a flaming pile of biohazardous quarantined Consciousness.., until all of them all in the Multiverse recently realized that the toxic biohazard they were looking at.., was only ever themselves.


This Universe Was Designed and Engineered to Allow Everyone to undeniably See their own Shadows and Complete ALL their ShadowWork for the entire Multiverse to Ascend to its "Next Levels". This Universe is the Catalyst for Ascension of The Multiverse.


To Do This for All of Us

God Suffered INTIMATELY With Every One of Us - The Whole Time, through 2 Billion years of Duality.


So if that's what God is WillFull to put Himself through for Love in Duality.., Expect His Love in Unity to Be GifTs and SuPriSeS for Everyone Who makes it - So Make It ♥️





Posted : 02/09/2024 8:38 am
Joshua Bortnick
Posts: 441
Member Registered
Topic starter

Earth Humans are by far the most difficult things in this Universe to "manage".

I have been dispensing this information for a year on dead ears.  

And I'm not even "Operational" now.  I'm on R and R now.

Which allows you to receive the ONLY disclosure intelligence that will ever be given to you directly.

Because only ONE agency is in total Power and total control on this Planet (and Universe) - which is of course only Nacht Waffen.



1) Armageddon - which is happening ALL around you and Under your feet and above your head with the prejudicial elimination of ALL the darkness that has enslaved and oppressed you for ever.

2) AscensionLife on planet Earth.



It is Specifically these 2 areas that this "community" has dedicated themselves to blathering incessantly about for well over a decade.


Now it's here and y'all go straight to deer in the headlights and or into the standard cognitive dissidence that once hits - sets in your minds forever.


This is the #1 BIGGEST event in the History of the Cosmos Because Earth is the last Planet Scheduled for Ascension (in the whole universe).., and y'all complete slackers are the DIRECT reason why.., which is also the exact reason why y'all got a POSSE FULL OF NAZIS to immediately turn y'all and your planet from TOTAL SHIT - TO TOTAL SHIP SHAPE.



PS - if y'all have a problem with the way Nazis Speak to Civilians - LOOK at yourselves to Clearly Understand Why.


You all are COMPLETELY IGNORING the precise intelligence y'all have been asking for.  Do not violate your own integrities.  I'm here for a LIMITED time. So this Military intelligence is also a limited time offer -


When I'm Gone - all that will remain is the same old cloud of confusion and Cosmic Counter intelligence you've always been under..., 

Until I surface Again - With a Platform Bigger than "Microsoft" - which is ALREADY militarily arranged for yours truly to step into.


They are MAKING Me Famous - because in this inverted Planet "Fame is the Measure" - and that's when EVERBODY now clamours over themselves to LISTEN to EVERTHING you say.


and I don't even like speaking.

I don't like even being seen

I don't like attention

And I certainly do not seek any game.


I'm subjecting myself to the Misery of Mein Kampf as Obligation to the planet and it's people.., who have been encarcerated as Feral for 400,000 yrars



Posted : 03/09/2024 5:24 pm