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I had another download about our soul. When we create something and we pour our heart and soul into it, what does that mean to you? Now, when we sell what we create for money, what does that mean to you? I truly believe we need to revert back to good old fashioned bartering system. What is the one thing we are not supposed to manifest? money. What fuels fear in this timeline? We truly need full disclosure on why systems were created to keep is trapped here. These systems are not even working FOR us. It is our human right to know what we each hold in our own bodies. We hold within us a collective of energy. This energy is from source. Source created us ALL. It is our right to know how to use what is in our bodies. It is our right to know how to use this energy around us. Does any of that pertain to money? Religion. School. Government. Health. on and on and on and on. This ties in with organ and plasma donation as well. To know what you are actually donating would be fair, right? The cold hard fact is that we, eventually, will NEVER need to donate ourselves ever again. We will be able to heal ourselves and others with the power of our energy. Using what was already given to us does not cost money. We use our free will to do better for ourselves and others. 

Posted : 16/11/2023 8:46 pm