Isn't everybody a starseed?
A starseed is someone, a soul, that incarnates into a human being on planet earth, helping this civilisation to raise their vibration, right? But I wonder, what is a, let me call it, neutral human soul then? I mean, souls are eternal, right? Humanity started at one point. There must have been souls that volounteered to incarnate as a human and contracted themselves to have one of the first human experiences on this planet. And I guess, these souls just stayed and incarnated over and over, until they become now, what I call a neutral human soul? But haven't these been something else before? Aren't we all starseeds?
I'm very curious about your opinions on that 🙂
@evamartens0096 Thank you for your questions! Please check EA's video regarding starseeds topic:¤t_page_id=117411#!
I was thinking the exact same thing before.. then EA gave a definition something like : a starseed is somebody who has incarnated somewhere else before earth AND that agreed to come here now in order to help humanity
I myself also think that we are all starseeds in a way.. the ones that has been here a long time since humans evolved, the ones that came here later in order to help. Then there are some NON starseeds, but these would be for ex Reptilian souls who actually incarnated in order to try and keep the vibration low on earth hmm
Glad you asked because I am uncertain also. I am new here but have been following EA and her Downloads. I understand what and how she explained everything but I am still unsure what category I fall into. 😊
@evamartens0096 Yes and No. 🙂 A Starseed is a soul that doesn't originate from Earth. We all have galactic origins that anchor our soul families together in the place of our original physical incarnation down from Source. Some are anchored in Lyra, other in Pleiades and so on. Yes, we are in human vessels but we arent human. The temporary vessels that we are in are changing as well. We incarnate into a human 2 strand DNA vessel. During the ascension we gain back our innate DNA structure through a process of transmutation. 12 strand DNA enables us to ascend and re acquire our innate divine abilities like healing, activating, clairvoyance, telepathy etc etc. It's Christ consciousness that we are transitioning back to as we are divine Christed beings to begin with. Not everyone on earth is a starseed though. We have chosen to come here to help raise the collective vibration and to anchor in 5th density energies for Gaia so that she can ascend fully as well. As we meditate, heal, activate etc we progressively make our way back to 5th dimensional existence. We have to clear our blockages, attachments and trauma and activate our chakras, kundalini, DNA, Mercaba and crystalline properties. Through this process we increase our vibration and therefore anchoring the 5th dimensional energies into the crystalline grid. Heal, activate, ground into the grid. Many starseeds are starting to find their Soul Tribes/family and Galactic families now as we're ascending closer into 5th dimensional energies. Hope this helps.
@evamartens0096 I read my post back and I think I made it confusing. lol. To answer your question more directly. Yes, everyone is a starseed but Earth based souls are not on the same mission as starseeds that originate in different star systems. Earth based starseeds are incarnated here and other planets in this star system and also anchored to this star system. We are not. We are visiting here to help with the ascension and got trapped in a karmic loop, but our home is with our soul family in other star systems. We're finally ascending now so we are realizing our mission here on Earth for Gaia. We're also on our own personal missions to rectify and correct different things associated with our previous incarnations and to ascend our selves as "Ascended Masters". Everyone has their own journey and pre incarnation contracts. The short of it. 🙂
@rainyangel616 Good questions. It’s so complicated. Never a straight answer. So maybe think of it this way. Earth based souls rooted in this star system and galactic based souls rooted in their own star systems. Earth based souls are home here and incarnate on the planets in this star system. They are younger souls and haven’t been incarnated that long in comparison to their galactic brothers and sisters. Galactic starseeds are much more experienced and are older souls. Many from Lyra, Pleaideas, Arcturus, Sirius, Alpha Centauri. And many are also ascended masters already. They’ve already ascended, in some cases several times. So they already hold 5th dimensional energy or higher depending on their origin. We are always rooted where we first incarnated in physical form originally from source. So technically a human based soul incarnated here on Earth is home essentially. The galactic starseeds are here to help Gaia ascend because the Earth based souls didn’t carry the higher dimensional energies and weren’t experienced enough to anchor in the 5th dimensional energies. We came here to help but got stuck in a karmic loop. That’s over now and we are free and ascending along with Gaia. We had to incarnate here in human vessels to anchor the higher dimensional energies for the Earth based souls to ascend. Luckily DNA is fluid and can change to resonate with us as we ascend hence the 12 stand DNA conversion. We also have the ability to convert from carbon based bodies to crystalline. That’s happening currently as well. As we get more and more starseeds activated we activate the crystalline grid which is a 5th density grid. Human based souls can ascend and can contribute to the ascension but we need to anchor in the 5th dimensional energies first which is what’s happening at this time. Eventually everyone on Earth will ascend and Gaia will be back to her innate 5th dimensional state. 🙂
@nickq1233 Thank you so much Nick!! This helped a lot. I think I'm understanding it now. What a huge concept. Glad, we're still all part of the source family, so in the end, we all originate from the same place 😊
@evamartens0096 Totally:) We are definitely all connected and part of the same Source at the end of the day. Just different life plans and experiences so that Source can experience a wide variety of things. In that regard we’re all family:)
In the Danica Patrick interview EA explained it very clearly, why we, starseeds, came to Earth, now. Everybody here in this community is a starseed btw. I (re)watched it just the other day, what a coincidence 😅 Sorry it's a long watch but EA is such a good speaker, you get addicted easily...
@lighthealer_arkie long watches of EA are never a problem with me 🤣 😍 thanks for sending!!