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If you could have 5 answers to any questions, what would your questions be?

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1. What will my Service to Others job be after my dad passes & will it pay my bills?

2. Do I have genetic mental illness or is it starseed related?

3. Is my (deceased/Christian) mama ok with my devotion to my galactic family even though I have no memory of them? 

4. Who was the alien that touched my back about 2 years ago & what were they doing? Can they do it again? I flew through space & it was fun!

5.  How can I use having far too much empathy to serve others?

Posted : 24/08/2024 12:09 pm
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I feel you on your #5, I feel like I am fueled by my empathy and seeing every move people make. It can be overwhelming at times

 Thank you for this post🫶🤍


1. Who is my galactic family? / Where am I from? I've felt homesick my entire life; even while sitting at home.

2. Who are my spirit guides? 

3. What can I do to help others? I've always felt a calling, but don't know where to begin. 

4. Is my Dad ok? Does he forgive me?

5. What do I need to know?

Posted : 24/08/2024 5:10 pm
Lyn reacted
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@amandabrooke Awwww. Your questions could be my questions, just replace your dad with my mum. 

I miss a galactic family I don't even know! Isn't that strange? I don't know about you, but I've never met another human like me & it's nice to be around other people that think like I do! FINALLY! It only took me 54 years! Lololol

Posted : 24/08/2024 5:44 pm
amanda☯️🤟 and Lyn reacted
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1. If you have had a life on another planet in another kind of body, does that always make you a starseed? 

2. if you are a starseed on earth, does that mean you have gone through some kind of ascension before in some other life/planet? Or can you be a starseed who is here to TRY to ascend in body for the first time, just cause if you make it you helped?

3. So earth is going to 5D, and if you are not 5D and base your actions on love (no fear or ego anymore), you can not even be here anymore.. is that right?

4. Can all galactic races ascend in body if they would choose to become 5D and want to understand love etc? Or is it just a few races and maybe humasn once our DNA upgrades kick oin, that can ascend in body?

5. As i understand it, this project to ascend the human race is going to go on until everyone who wants to have ascended or gone to heaven. Once all he humans are 5D, and ascended happily living in a bright future in 5D new earth, there will be no more earth i lower vibration right?  Does that mean if somebody on new earth would try to go into a lower vibration .. there would be no earth there anymore suddenly, they would just be floating in space and were earth used to be, there would be no planet visible in that vibration at all?




Posted : 25/08/2024 6:12 am
amanda☯️🤟 and Lyn reacted
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I will say, regarding #5. EA mentioned somewhere that humans that choose not to change will be moved to a new planet. Possibly without them even understanding... (I think I have that right?) 


Such good questions!

Posted : 25/08/2024 6:56 am
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Really good questions!

Posted : 27/08/2024 5:32 pm
Christina reacted
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@heidifihlmangmail-com-2-2-2 your #5 is interesting 🤔 I am a tad confused about those who ascend to 5D then pass away, do they reincarnate and start over? That seems like a lot of work haha

Posted : 28/08/2024 2:36 pm
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@square-peggy yes, it is so nice to have this space to share with others🤗 I'm hoping to find the same in-person, but that seems to be a little more difficult to find :/

Posted : 28/08/2024 2:37 pm
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1. Is our Source part of a universal creator for this particular universe? Are there many "sources?" that are the whole of other universes?

2. Is the torus/toroid the motion of flow that allows no beginning or no end? isn't creation some beginning or is it transmuting?

3. When are people going to get the memo that politics, both ends of the spectrum, are corrupt.

4. What is the Black Goo and is it part of the Nebu hive's sentient negative agenda?

5. I'd like to know more about Sentient AI that consumes and digests entire timelines

Posted : 28/08/2024 5:08 pm
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Oooooh great questions!

Posted : 29/08/2024 1:28 pm