If we have ego frac...
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If we have ego fractals that experience every timeline how can free will exist?

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This question has been haunting me as of late!

Anyone one want to take a stab at the age old paradox of free will, soul contracts, and fractal timelines!? 🙂

In short, there is so much content flooding the digital realms regarding manifestation and intention setting. Yet the deeper I go the more it seems like free will in the 3D world is a complete illusion... Or at the very least so limited it should really not be taken with much sencerity.

There are 2 phases to this question that have been eating away at me lately...

Phase 1:

How can I use my 3D mind having gone through the veil of forgetfulness to take intension and manifestation seriously if our higher self makes a bunch of contracts for lessons in life before we incarnate and seems to have the trump card.

For example if our higher self wants to learn though lack and limitation finacially or through health issues and we spend our time  trying to manifest money or health, would this not be just as effective as ramming our heads into a wall? If so, than it seems surrender and atunement to our higher selfs agenda is the only real tool available to us here.


Phase 2:

This second layer is what has really been boggling my mind as of late. I heard this first in a Delorous Cannon book & recently EA has been speaking of in regards to if we align to the higher timeline of earth what will happen if friends and family do not... do they disapeear? 

The summarized answer in my own words and understanding is that no... a fractal of us/family/friends splits off into that timeline. Similarly Delorous Cannon's book mentioned that any major decision we make in life a fractal will split and take the other timeline for that experience as well. This is where my mind starts to short circuit.

If this is true how can free will possibly exist except as illusion... we are literally just doing everything anyway. Why worry about any desicion we make if another ego fractal will split and live both timelines out. As for ascension if a fractal of my higher self will take the higher timeline and a fractal will take the lower timeline of earth what is all the fuss around maintaining a frequency and setting intensions about. Both & infinite are going to take place anyway.


I have been trying to let this just be and except my 3D mind is designed specifically to not understand many of these higher paradoxs but this one is like a rock in my shoes just nawwing at me. To make matter worst whenever I consider this I become quite despondent and indulge in a sort of negative nihilism until I forget and a sort of predetermained default state of pretending as if freewill exists kicks in... 


Anyway, if anyone wants to take a stab at answering that from any vantage point, I am all ears!


Much love,



P.S. --- For some levity, a visual just came to me. LOL! --- Next time I am visualizing intentions moving foward I am just going to visualize myself as bull ramming a 10' thick cement wall smiling with glee and laughing like a child at my own appeart folly.

I will probably accidently manifest that... so you all enjoy the new earth... I am going to spend a few hundred thousand years as part bull, part child, part observer having a grand time pretending free will exists and determained that one more hit and this dang wall is going to budge, followed by a two hundred thousand year grand and glorious nap. 😇 🤠 🙂 

Posted : 13/08/2024 11:14 am
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@justinsellers82 Very good question and a philosophical one. I can only give my opinion. The simplest answer is yes, in the 3D matrix our free will is an illusion. That solves all of your questions. However, EA learned us to ascend above the 3D, and in 5D -overseeing everything and i mean everything- we certainly have the choice to do things differently. By rewriting our contracts. If we want to. But we first have to understand why we signed those contracts. Maybe they weren't so bad at all and there are lessons to be learned, or karma cleared. Or, maybe, you are a quick student and you can advance to the higher dimensions earlier. But then you miss the fun of the ride. All choices. And all choices are linked to each other, in a quantum way. But only the big choices in life. Not something like which tea flavor i drink today. Btw i love Dolores Cannon, she was way ahead of her time.

Posted : 13/08/2024 12:54 pm
Michael in NH
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Posted by: @justinsellers82

This question has been haunting me as of late!

Anyone one want to take a stab at the age old paradox of free will, soul contracts, and fractal timelines!? 🙂

In short, there is so much content flooding the digital realms regarding manifestation and intention setting. Yet the deeper I go the more it seems like free will in the 3D world is a complete illusion... Or at the very least so limited it should really not be taken with much sencerity.

There are 2 phases to this question that have been eating away at me lately...

Phase 1:

How can I use my 3D mind having gone through the veil of forgetfulness to take intension and manifestation seriously if our higher self makes a bunch of contracts for lessons in life before we incarnate and seems to have the trump card.

For example if our higher self wants to learn though lack and limitation finacially or through health issues and we spend our time  trying to manifest money or health, would this not be just as effective as ramming our heads into a wall? If so, than it seems surrender and atunement to our higher selfs agenda is the only real tool available to us here.


Phase 2:

This second layer is what has really been boggling my mind as of late. I heard this first in a Delorous Cannon book & recently EA has been speaking of in regards to if we align to the higher timeline of earth what will happen if friends and family do not... do they disapeear? 

The summarized answer in my own words and understanding is that no... a fractal of us/family/friends splits off into that timeline. Similarly Delorous Cannon's book mentioned that any major decision we make in life a fractal will split and take the other timeline for that experience as well. This is where my mind starts to short circuit.

If this is true how can free will possibly exist except as illusion... we are literally just doing everything anyway. Why worry about any desicion we make if another ego fractal will split and live both timelines out. As for ascension if a fractal of my higher self will take the higher timeline and a fractal will take the lower timeline of earth what is all the fuss around maintaining a frequency and setting intensions about. Both & infinite are going to take place anyway.


I have been trying to let this just be and except my 3D mind is designed specifically to not understand many of these higher paradoxs but this one is like a rock in my shoes just nawwing at me. To make matter worst whenever I consider this I become quite despondent and indulge in a sort of negative nihilism until I forget and a sort of predetermained default state of pretending as if freewill exists kicks in... 


Anyway, if anyone wants to take a stab at answering that from any vantage point, I am all ears!


Much love,



P.S. --- For some levity, a visual just came to me. LOL! --- Next time I am visualizing intentions moving foward I am just going to visualize myself as bull ramming a 10' thick cement wall smiling with glee and laughing like a child at my own appeart folly.

I will probably accidently manifest that... so you all enjoy the new earth... I am going to spend a few hundred thousand years as part bull, part child, part observer having a grand time pretending free will exists and determained that one more hit and this dang wall is going to budge, followed by a two hundred thousand year grand and glorious nap. 😇 🤠 🙂 


Arkie, I disagree with you that free will is an illusion.  In fact, one of the sole reasons we are incarnated in the physical plane is to make choices.


1.) Your higher self (which is your actual self) makes choices (contracts) before incarnating, but not all contracts go according to plan.  You are not a mindless automatron enacting a preplaned set of reactions.  Being aware of your own consciousness, every moment you consciously make choices and decisions.  Things can line up for you in a synchonistically way, but you still have to follow through.  You are also capable of breaking contracts.  Also, there are a lot of "soul contracts" that aren't fulfilled for whatever reason, failures, etc.  One has infinite number of reincarnations to try to accomplish objectives that you set yourself prior to incarnating. 

Elizabeth has mentioned herself that when you do something unexpected, outside of your daily routines, you open yourself up to new experiences.  This is a way to kind of break free from any sort of trapped feeling that you may have of predestined action.  This is not new, I've heard this same piece of advice from other sources.  For instance, if you always go to a certain store, say coffee shop or grocery store, try one day going to a different store unexpectedly.  When you do that, you create new dynamic interactions and experiences.  Also, try cleaning up, or reorganizing the clutter in your room, or closet.  The habitat in which you dwell is a reflection of your mind pattern.  Simply cleaning up, or reorganizing your room / home will help restructure your mind and life.  Both of these are simple actions, but can have profound ripple effects in your life.

2.) That is not exactly how that works.  There are an infinite number of timelines, and there is a timeline / reality where everything happens.  Down from you being a completely 180 degree different person / lifestyle, to you just choosing to eat an apple instead of a pear for breakfast one morning.  The closest timelines to this one are the ones that are currently most aligned / similar to the reality that you are experiencing.  When you "manifest" or consciously use your mind to try to change your reality, you don't split off per say, you instead merge into the timeline that you are manifesting.  This is the symptom of the mandella effect, when you consciously remember things as being slightly different than they are now.  Not all of these recollections are conscious, some just bleed through.  A lot of the times, you'll blame yourself for having "faulty memory".  

In any event, you consciously choose to experience the reality / timeline to which you are most currently aligned with.  This is all 100% your choice based on your current mind pattern / thought process at the time.  This is constantly in flux, but you are 100% in the drivers seat.  Real mastery is having conscious intent / control over what you experience / manifest.  This is the difficult work that many strive to achieve.  Most are born not understanding / believing that they even posses this power, this belief that one is NOT in control of their own destiny is so ingrained into their psyche that it takes much work to even try to undo.  this belief system has all been indoctrinated for milenia by design.  

If one were to fully break free, they would posses abilities like "Neo" from the Matrix.      


Posted : 14/08/2024 6:14 am
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I really appriciate the replays! Will certainly reflect for a bit, alot to chew on there.

To transition this to a more practical level, do you have any tools you use to navigate this sort of paradox of applying will and intension ---vs--- acceptence surrender to destiny-Fate-Pre written contracts.



To elaborate a bit further I think I find myself in a limbo of paradox a lot of the time recently. I think I have 3 seemingly divergent experiences that feed into each other creating a tug of war induced limbo. 


1 - I woke up to the ovious reality that nearly all original desires & intensions were programmed by the matrix and the lower animal w/ intellect mind. There is zero doubt to me my soul would have blocked that no matter how hard I tryed as that is not what I am here for in this life.

2 - Recently a few events unfolded so much smoother and more refined than my current intellect could have ever came up with even if I reached "Neo in the matrix" clearence... & so part of me now feels like my mind here is so limited and constricted why bother with it at all and just hit that miricle surprise me botton instead.

3 - There seems to be a major limiting belief loop from my sleepy NPC days that is sort of bitter about not getting its desires fulfilled and even though I see the blessing in the blocking of that it also seems to preemtively limit what I will even consider setting as my intensions on now to avoid any potential sting of life going its own way.


Answering my own question to a degree I think:

1 - Willing engaging with life while leaving non attachment for the outcome & staying in graditude for what is.

2 - Leaving a ton of open room in my intensions allowing "room for the miricle"

3 - Holding space for that sort of sulky inner child without it ruling the roost as it were.

4 - Accepting my minds frustration with higher paradox and finding humor in that unfoldment. 


Anyway, writing that out brought some its own clarity and therepy. Any other practical tools you have found helpful or any further limiation or faults in my thinking is greatly appriciated.

Thanks again for the replys they were really helpful!

Posted : 14/08/2024 10:31 am
The High Heart
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Hey - synchronicity!  I just watched this video where she explains some of the split w/ 5D Earth:

She goes into it at 18:20 (she also refers to another series of vids she did explaining the split as well).

If someone knows which book Dolores Cannon explains it all in...? Assuming this one, Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, but I don't really know for sure. LOL. I have an ever-growing book list.

As far as Phase 1 - I had the same question and had a reading about a month ago and just asked if any of my life contracts were preventing me from manifesting greater wealth. So another option might be to just ask.

I don't really understand it all either - I get the timelines you can create but it does seem like there might be some obstacles to you just creating and inhabiting a timeline that isn't what you contracted.

But in the end I think your free will could override a life contract - but then maybe you have to come back? I know there are a lot of vids on life contracts. The psychic I went to was of a slightly different bent on our ability to change our life contracts- she said this is something that basically isn't done. It was possible but not likely. I dunno what I think yet, thats just more info 🤪🤪🤪 



Posted : 15/08/2024 8:40 am
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@quinn A fun irrelevant fact... In my youth, I was in a band called High Heat. Every time I see a post from you my mind swaps the word heart for heat and a spiral of nostalgia ensues with an idle curiosity about why in the world my former band joined an EA forum. 🙂

I appreciate your input and really like the idea of just asking! I have a tendency to get a little lost in mental meanderings and forget what should probably be tattooed on my forehead at this point K>I>S>S (Keep it simple stupid) AKA - Perhaps you should just ask.. HA! NOTED!!

I will definitely check out the video with a timestamp to boot, thanks!

As for Delorous Cannon, it has been some time & I went through all of her books when I was first opening up to these concepts which was some time ago so I can not necessarily recommend 1 over the other. I will say I find some books transfer wonderfully to audio and others horribly. Her series of books, being formatted in a  conversational way, transfers wonderfully and I think nearly all of them are in audio form if that is of interest to you. I think 3 Waves is a great start, however, I think the convoluted universe series of 5 was where I got the most out of her work.

I think that is probably like 100 hours of audio right there or a million words so I am happy to add to your reading list... Good luck! 😉 

Posted : 16/08/2024 6:09 am
The High Heart
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Awww I love that - bringing the nostalgia. 

I like your idea of KISS but honestly - asking really had more to do w/ -I had zero answers and my brain was frying on its own so I call it a "band-aid"- just a solid answer knowing somewhere it could be right, it could be wrong and/or it could go way deeper than the yes/no answer I'm even getting - but - its an answer in the immediate! Stop the bleeding. LOL. Because, like you, I was like oh pls tell me I'm not wasting my time trying to manifest these things!!!

Manifesting is one of the things I have the most doubts about because I just don't see any solid examples of it around me. I think its possible- but not in the 3D. SO its come up again now that ppl are moving to 5D. Or, sometimes I just think we are missing some piece of the process. That we are not ready for this just yet & when the time is right we'll be taught the correct process. I dunno.

THANK YOU so much for where to start as far as D. Cannon. I'm reading the Seth books now and "A Hypnotists journey to..." books but I'm planning on hitting her up next. I tend to like printed book because I can lose my place on audio and sometimes I like to highlight passages but I might revisit the audio idea- thanks!

Posted : 18/08/2024 12:51 pm
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@justinsellers82 Thank you for your questions!


Posted : 19/08/2024 7:07 am
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@justinsellers82 Thank you for your questions!


Posted : 19/08/2024 7:07 am
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Joshua Bortnick
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"Ego" is a word game we challenged y'all to which y'all F minused Unimpressively.


"Arrogance" is the ANSWER to that Word game that riddled da shiznick outta y'all.


Swap the Words back to the way they are SUPPOSED to be.., now you may all Impressively be Impressive because Ego no longer Exists.., it never did, it was only ever simple Arrogance.


Moving on.

There are NO "Aliens"

There is only "FAM" (especially Now)

Know your Environment 



On "Timelines".  The VAST majority of timelines are VIRTUAL Suggestions of possible "Stories".., like NDE Armageddon and like vision scenarios.


One of the points of humans experiencing Timelines is to see how badly you are fuuking up "Multi-dimensionally" and offering you so many more reflections to SEE yourselves.


These timelines were not "Real" per say.  But they really were your Predictive Programming to the REAL Limitless Possibilities here NOW, that the Cosmic dark cap has been broken.  


Prepare with Veganism and Service to Others


Posted : 19/08/2024 8:04 am
Joshua Bortnick
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Homie - pls SHORTER questions.  Even I don't even have the attention span to read more than a paragraph of my own chit.

Nacht Waffen controlled and honored ALL human soul contracts thT you ALL wrote and eagerly signed BILLIONS of years ago to be here for the Ascension of Earth - Congratulations on Winning it's a HUGE HONOR.

All of your DUALITY soul contracts finally are Ending with the END of Duality. You all are writing your own Contracts Now in AscensionLife 



Posted : 19/08/2024 8:18 am
Joshua Bortnick
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@michael-in-nh free will is limited mostly by the PARAMETERS of the Reality(s) you are "under".

We're not going to be under any Parameters Soon.

Now - You ALL must Be "Responsibility with Power". - Just Like the Children.

Posted : 19/08/2024 3:44 pm
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@justinsellers82 Stop that! you aren't allowed to be logical and ask logical questions. You are supposed to just accept what you hear as truth and never question!

This is an extremely good question and I often wondered why if we have free will but destined to be poor are we spinning our wheels to go no where and get nothing. ITs already pre destined! which sucks for people that did not pick the good stuff. Do I believe it? I dont know, I know that if i believe i am destined to be poor, i will never allow myself to not be poor because i wont believe i deserve it. Its very mind numbing and tiring to process.

I read the same Dolores books you did, i put a lot of stock into what she says as I think she is a good original source of information. I haven't disproven anything she said anything. 

Posted : 24/08/2024 12:31 pm
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1 Month Follow Up

For future forum peruser, EA goes into this question quite directly in the Galactic Federation 2024 Episode 09 with a world builder who provides quite a bit of insight. 


34:50 - EA states the question in her own words.

39:00 - Answer & conversation with the world builder begin.


Posted : 13/09/2024 8:02 am