How to protect my child from night terrors?
My son is 3 years old but has had night terrors since he was about 1. He hadn’t had one in a long time until tonight. It’s very scary and unsettling to watch and makes me feel so helpless that I can’t do anything to stop it in that moment. His eyes are open but he’s screaming, thrashing and crying hysterically. Poor guy. I hate watching it.
Are these past life traumas playing out? Or anyone understand the root cause of night terrors and what I can do to protect my son/children against them in the future? Thank you!! 💜
Hi Gina just a quick reaction, with our common tools. First reassure him with love before sleep. No fairytale (grimm/ disney) stories or movies. The room has to be saged, the whole house actually, every corner with sage. Buy a dream catcher, let him choose the most beautiful one and tell him it will make his dreams beautiful. Buy some protecting crystals for in his room. Ask the experts which one. Then you. Create a bubble of white light around him before sleep and do exactly the same for yourself. He might attract the 4D evil that was coming for you. That's what they do actually. If you're too strong they go after your loved ones. Then you got to give them the same level of protection. For instance, not only cut your own cords every day but also for your kid.
@222 Hope this article helps:
@222 Gina an alternative to the current polarizing and fear stimulating story telling is this wonderful app. It's always positive, lovely, heart warming, and kind to sensitive minds. Check it out. Try the free samples.
@lighthealer_arkie Thank you for your reply Arkie! You pretty much confirmed everything I was going to do, except for the dream catcher. Good one. I forgot about those. I used to love them. I will have take him to get one. Thanks for that suggestion. I was also thinking of hanging protection crystals above his bed. Interesting enough, when I went to sleep, I ended up having horrible dreams about him…so there is something affecting us. I already started the work. I just wish that it wasn’t so much work. 🙏🏻🫶🏻😊