How to find root of physical issue and are MRIs harmful?
Hey all, I have 2 queries.
First is regarding a family member with a physical issue. They are looking to find the root cause of this physical issue. Who is the best person for them to go to? Medical intuitive? Reputable psychic? QHHT? They are fearful of hypnosis and I know QHHT can be very expensive so trying to research some options for them. They have already been through the westernised route and have been told that surgery would help and doctors not sure why she is having the issue she is having. Said family member has been intuitively feeling they want to hold off surgery and from my personal understanding I know that there must be a root cause behind this and another way to then approach it instead of the surgery which would not solve the issue. A signpost to the right kind of person to help in this situation would be fantastic.
Secondly in regards to myself, I am considering get an MRI for my hip to see if any damage was done during a surgery that I had, however since becoming more aware I question everything and I was wondering if anybody knew whether MRI's are actually safe or if they are damaging or harmful in some way? This MRI isn't urgent and may not even be necessary to do so I wanted to research MRI before making a decision.
Thanks in advance!
@ellie Hi Ellie. I would highly recommend reaching out to Patrice @patricekrysztofiak. He is here on the forum.
He is a medical intuitive and he is amazing!! He can see through bodies. He has the ability to remove the blockages from past lives or current that do cause the physical/emotional ailments. He can tell you if and how he can help you. He has already done great things for me and many others. Hopefully he can do the same for you and your other family member. Good luck! 💗🤗
Hello (and thank you Gina @222) , yes sometimes I can find the root issue (not always). If you slam your hand with a hammer, i can not see the hammer yet (I know i will in the near future).
All the techniques you mention are valid, you have to go with what your heart tells you (hypnosis, intuitive, psychic, channeler etc.).
I see the source in different ways, if it's too traumatic (for example a rape) , i just see a vector shape attached to the body of the person (I used to see the full video, but I do not see that anymore, I guess my body created a self defense mecanism ).
A few examples :
I had a guy with shoulder pain, they ("they" is how I call the universal mind ) showed me the guy driving in his car and having road rage inside his head.
A lady with diabetes, i never got the source of her disease, but i got clear instructions on what to do, she applied the "3D advice" I got for her (it was to go see horses), as a matter of fact, not even 1 month later, her diabetes was almost gone she had barely any blood sugar symptoms.
I would say that my ability resides mostly in the capacity of transmuting the "source event" of the pain (that's the part people don't see, very often i vomit after the session). Also I very often receive the names of people who can help the person (sometimes I just send the person directly to see the right practitioner, who can be a holistic one, or physical one ).
if you'd like to check out more info you can check my website
@222 Thank you so much for the response and recommendation! 😊
@patricekrysztofiak Hi Patrice, thank you so much for getting in touch as well as sharing a bit about you and your work. I will keep this in mind! 😊
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