How do you explain what spirituality is and the beliefs around it to a religious person?
My in laws are very religious and my MIL has even tried to get me to jump onto her Christian ship (not including many others who have tried the same). Don’t want to get into the whole Christianity thing right now but I’m just curious to know how you approach it. How do you explain spirituality to them and the beliefs around it without it sounding like fantasy new age or something? Just curious what everyone thinks. Thank you! Much love 💕
I can barely imagine a christian believing me when i tell them that i saw Jesus 2 times and other divinities (lots of Buddhits ones also, and i'm not religious at all), they would never believe me, even when it's who they believe in. There's no point in wasting energy in convincing people who didn't experience any thing "super natural". The best you can do is plant see and test the "temperature of the water" without taking too much risk.
@gberry220 Hi Gina, good question! You could offer them a book like Donald Neale Walsh - A conversation with God. It could spark a tiny curiosity towards spirituality. Or not, depending how brainwashed they are. Most are. But this would be indeed planting a seed. Maybe they'll be wanting to read part 2, then part 3. Tell them you have more if they react.
@lighthealer_arkie Nice! I was also thinking it would be a good idea to offer them a book to read but couldn’t decide on one. I haven’t read the one you suggested but researched it and found that it might be perfect! I also need to get it myself and add it to my collection. Thank you, for the suggestion. I do agree that most are brainwashed and believe that their way is the “right and only way”, in which case they would not be open to questioning and expanding their knowledge but rather have a narrow minded view on life.
@gberry220 This video of EA can help you:
I have a friend who is Christian. after my activation last November I say that because I believe most of us have been awake for a long time. Still way before I found ea on 8 8 I said I think God is the universe he bugged out said ohh I hate when people say that.hate of anything will always hold you back keeping your mind in a state of confusion. Sometimes the psychological analytical approach works great.i seem to be able to tell when someone would be interested in activation of true potential
also the letter J wasn't a letter until year 1524 so who are they praying to. it actually means hail Zues. and amen came from amun
@222 For me, spirituality begins with a curiosity, a desire to sit in the driver's seat and decide when to go forward, slow down, stop, turn right or left. Spiritual/religious teachings no longer take the form of instructions, but offer you different possibilities that you choose to explore or not. Like a road sign on the freeway. It informs you of different destinations and you, as the driver, choose where you want to go and explore accordingly. There is no right or wrong, only experience.
Religion tends to want to be the driver. It pushes you into the back seat and tells you that it knows better than you where you need to go and how to get there. It doesn't ask for your point of view or your ideas. Religion has only one way, only one speed, and your only job is to follow.
I'm not saying religion is bad. Some people sincerely need it to give them a solid foundation. But the way most religions work today, if they're not deeply rooted in Love, they can also become very harmful.
It can also be very frightening to leave the comfort of religion and step out of the "known" into the "unknown" that the pursuit of spirituality has to offer. This can be accompanied by a great deal of fear that must be faced. We've all had to make this choice at some point, whether in this life or in a previous one. You have to be ready and willing to make it.
I understand the desire to share the freedom we have found in spirituality, but please, fellow starseeds, we must be filled with love and patience. I was raised in a very religious context and was what you might call brainwashed for the first 21 years of my life. It was hard for me to break out of it. 22 years later, I'm following my own path and awakening more and more every day, but most of my family are still deeply rooted in religion.
For years, I wondered how I could tell them that they had to free themselves too, but a few weeks ago, I realized a few things about my mother. My mother can go no further than where she is now. Seeing her so locked up in her religion (and I can clearly see how hurtful it has been, especially in recent years) makes me sad, but I also clearly feel that she can't be pushed any further. Her religion is what keeps her sane. If you take her religion out of her life, she'll go mad. What's happening on the planet right now overwhelms her, and she can't find the strength to step outside her religious beliefs, because it's those beliefs that keep her hope alive. It's a very complex matter and I've realized that it's very important to accept the fact that not everyone is ready. We're all at different stages of our journey. Some of us are living our last life on Earth, others will come back and that's okay. We have to accept this and be at peace with it.
It's important to have conversations about spirituality versus religion with religious people, but only they can decide to leave the back seat and sit in the driver's seat. The way we live our lives and our spirituality can also say more than our words. So it's not just a question of explaining with words, but also of becoming "road signs" and letting people make their own choices.
Peace be with you and much Love.
@222 its very simple. when jesus lived, was there christianity? no. he just founded it. so what made him found it? that what is beyond religion, the root of religion. same with mohammed. when he lived, there was no islam. so what made him "found that"? same thing, the experience of this thing we call god / source. so spirituality is that root, that experience of god / source.