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Glitches in the system

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Hi, for the past two weeks I have been logged out of my orginal accounts. My personal Google account logged me out, then failed to accept my password, only for me to leave it a while then returning to it and it worked perfectly. For a moment I felt as if my account was hacked. (Last year my Instagram account was hacked.) This morning it happened with my business Google account, only for me to return after a long walk in nature, allowing me access. Is anyone else experiencing such glitches? Is it a sign for something deeper? Or just something to enjoy, fetching popcorn style. I have however been praying against the gatekeepers that is keeping people’s consciousness levels captive.

Posted : 05/04/2024 10:51 pm
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@nadiabet-seberhouseofhope Yes EA told in her latest videos of serious glitches past weeks or so. A tree or bush standing there where there was none before. My "glitch" was that i saw someone congratulate EA with her new pregnancy of a baby girl, in a comment, and at that moment i reread it a few times and thought "hmm missed that one". But the next day i thought hey Bodhi isn't even one year old. So i tried to find the comment, it took me to read over 500 comments in three days, but, no such luck. So maybe i jumped on a future timeline and back. I think these glitches pop up to keep us sharp and aware of the matrix. Good for you to go into nature for a reset to the main timeline, as i did the same.

Posted : 05/04/2024 11:44 pm
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The table I sit at with my laptop, was dusty thursday. Thought nothing of it, wiped it off and went about my routine.

Went to bed in the evening, woke up in the middle of the night, got dressed, sat down at the same spot, was dusty again, but I was still sleepy from waking up, so just wiped it off with my hands and watched some vids.

Went to bed again, woke up in the morning, got dressed, sat down at the same spot, was dusty again.

This time it hit me; it had been dusty three times within 24 hours, and I hadn't done any vacuuming or anything which could stir up dust.

This morning, there was nothing, but it actually started to feel dusty again just now.

Posted : 06/04/2024 12:22 am
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@nadiabet-seberhouseofhope Yes, experiencing the same lately!🙏

Posted : 06/04/2024 10:40 am
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I noticed my deodorant was almost empty and it was time to replace it. Once every 3-4 months i do this and i always visit my eco store. So, not very often. I came home with a new one, only to discover the old deodorant was almost still full!  That's a glitch i like very much. 

Posted : 07/04/2024 4:07 am
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I have been studying astrology just researching for myself and I made an infographic for myself, spent a whole day distilling it and making it easy and comprehensive one-page. I lett it and then today I went to look for it and it’s completely disappeared! Lost from my photos, lost from Instagram which I was using to overlay text. I saved it each time I was overlaying more so there were multiple copies of it that I was pulling from my photos and that were getting saved to IG library but now - all gone! My first experience of a glitch. Came on here to share and see what others were experiencing

Posted : 09/04/2024 5:44 pm
Arkie M. reacted
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This is a glitch i see happening since i guess the first time the LHC in Switzerland was restarted. Cash money disappearing from my wallet. I know, first thought is that have spent it or gave away to my children. And that i forgot it. No. Im very conscious in keeping track where i spend my cash. 99% i pay with my banking card. Example: 3-4 days ago i gathered 80 euro from my bank. Now there's only 70 left in my wallet! Didnt even have had time to spend it! If i do nothing  im sure in a few weeks from now another 20 will be missing. Just wondering what i bought in the other timeline... 

Posted : 02/07/2024 2:08 am
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One day later, and i counted it yesterday, and another 10 euro is missing. I sincerely hope that someone else, who needs it, will get this money. It can't just dissappear?!?

Posted : 03/07/2024 1:41 pm
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Posted by: @lighthealer_arkie

This is a glitch i see happening since i guess the first time the LHC in Switzerland was restarted. Cash money disappearing from my wallet.

This keeps happening! Last week I felt already that one tenner or 20 euro were missing, but definitely saw 2 bank notes in my wallet. Today I looked and yes, one has disappeared! Again! And keep track of this very consciously! Must be the 10th time that i consciously noticed money disappearing, maybe more often. Such an annoying glitch in this matrix, why its never the other way around, money appearing. As im living in abundance, i dont really care of money missing but this glitch! Reminds me 5x per year im living in a mayrix. Anyone else experiencing this?


Posted : 16/12/2024 4:03 am
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Posted by: @lighthealer_arkie

This is a glitch i see happening since i guess the first time the LHC in Switzerland was restarted. Cash money disappearing from my wallet.

This keeps happening! Last week I felt already that one tenner or 20 euro were missing, but definitely saw 2 bank notes in my wallet. Today I looked and yes, one has disappeared! Again! And keep track of this very consciously! Must be the 10th time that i consciously noticed money disappearing, maybe more often. Such an annoying glitch in this matrix, why its never the other way around, money appearing. As im living in abundance, i dont really care of money missing but this glitch! Reminds me 5x per year im living in a mayrix. Anyone else experiencing this?


Posted : 16/12/2024 4:05 am
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The glitches we experience are signs of the times. How do we know when fruit is ready to eat? How does How does the leaf know when to let go?  Chemical and energetic pressures within our matrix structure. This is a process with relations to timeline jumping. The glitches are an alternative timeline awareness. What we are perceiving as “errors” have deeper meaning. It shows that the layers between dimensions are gaining permeability. 


We now can move into a state of multidimensional/multi timeline awareness and consciously communicate with these other aspects of the self. There are remembered practices that can create/locate nodes in the space time structures. 


The apple looks to the pie and says “who are you”. The pie replies back to him, “I am an apple”. The apple says, “how can that be you are nothing like me?” The pie replies back, “if you look deeper, you will see that we came from the same tree, we came from the same seed. You will see that we are many apples from the same tree, and we all speak to you now as one voice. We simply are in another state of being.”

Posted : 16/12/2024 8:40 am
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Very interesting thought! It seems like you are talking about how glitches and “errors” may be part of a deeper process that extends beyond our ordinary reality. It is as if our perception of time and space is more flexible than we usually think. Perhaps glitches actually signal that we are beginning to feel or become aware of something that is usually hidden. It is intriguing how such moments may be connected to a change in our understanding of time and reality.

Posted : 26/12/2024 8:45 am