For the EA Forum Community 🙂
Hi Everyone. I went outside to record UFO's tonight, my typical Friday night. lol. I asked if they could show up in a big way tonight so I could show the starseeds here on the forum. I was just cycling through the different stories everyone has here on the EA forum. Then I asked if they could show themselves to you in a big way and they obliged. lol. I was hesitant to put this on public view on Youtube. I may change it to private, but this link should work regardless. Have a great night:).
Video, I just uploaded from tonight. .
This is for you guys here on the forum. Alpha Centauri "in the house"! Or at least above the house;)
@laureenrene That's awesome. Way to go. Did you get the same infrared binoculars from Amazon? I love that device. So dependable too. It takes 8 AA batteries so you may want to invest in some rechargeable batteries at some point. The batteries last for months unless there is a lot of activity. I've had batteries that should last for months depleted in one night if there is a lot of ET, elemental or spirit activity going on. I just put new batteries in 2 weeks ago and that same night they depleted to zero. Luckily, I have 16 rechargeable batteries, so I just swapped them out and by the next day the other 8 batteries were recharged and ready to go. You're right, they are so fast and redirect on a dime. They can be so fast that you just see a streak of light. Other times they'll float all slowly allowing for good footage. They'll stay fixed in a hover as well. I have like 12-16 UFO's that sit in a hover above the house. When you see the blue or white fixed UFO's above my roof line in my videos those are the ones that stay fixed mostly. Although they will fly around a little when I start recording. They'll peak around my roof too, like playfully. They'll do twirls and circles and all sorts of cool maneuvers. I usually have to give it like 30 minutes before things get really active. Just be patient at first. You may not see much in the first 10-15 minutes but once they realize that you're observing them that's when they start doing all the cool tricks and more will show up to participate. You'll catch transparent orbs close to you as well. Thanks, on the footage. I love going out there and interacting with them and catching all the footage. I used to get a little scared because they would hover right over and really low but I really enjoy it now. The closer they come to me the happier I am, lol. I've had them buzz me right above the house roof and that's always fun. 🙂 Here's a video of a laser coming down from one of the blue UFO's that sits above my house. (3) Laser coming down from the Sky. Caught on Ring camera. - YouTube
I'm so glad that you rediscovered the EA forum yesterday. There are some really great starseeds here. More and more keep coming thankfully. Elizabeth is a magnet for awakened starseeds. To answer your question about why they are flocking to me. I started recording the UFO's and Orbs after I was contacted by a group of ET's about 2.5 years ago. They're from Alpha Centauri and Telos. They woke me up to the ascension and what's going on. Before 3 years ago I didn't know that ET's were real and I didn't know anything about the esoteric, ascension, dimensions or anything like that. I started recording the footage when I first started experiencing ET contact and it was mostly to prove it to myself that it was actually happening. Because I didn't know about the ascension or anything when I started experiencing ET contact, I thought they were ghosts or that I was going crazy. It's been a constant evolutionary process to get to the point where I'm at now where I'm not freaking out. lol. I can't wait for you to start posting some infrared videos. Maybe you can start a Youtube or something? I find it easier to post the footage than to try to store it on a hard drive. The storage can fill up quick. If you go out right when it gets dark you can use the color mode to catch the UFO's in color. It'll show the blue sky and color in the video. Once it's like 9 p.m or later I find it best to use the levels 5-7 on the infrared setting. It's on color mode by default. You just keep hitting the IR button and it will cycle through modes 1-7 every time you hit the IR button. Look forward to seeing your new infrared footage:).
@nickq1233 omg! Wow! Color me impressed! I just tried uploading my streaky video. It’s 57 secs long. Didn’t work. Phone turned white? Lol. I may have to start a YouTube! Can you post vids here?
Yes, I got the one you suggested. It was even cheaper @. 64.00 bucks now.👍.
I think you’re gonna be famous (or have your 15 minutes) with your ascension story. That just came to me. Those ones (intuition) out of the blue are usually correct, so get ready! Lolol
you seem like a nice person!😎 Keep it up👊😎👽
@laureenrene You should totally start a YouTube. You’re going to have lots of footage to post :). Plus you can post the footage you already have. I don’t think we can post videos here. You can post pictures but videos I think you have to post a YouTube link or video site link of some sort. Awesome, I’m stoked you got the same infrared binoculars. You’re going to love that device. Oh man, I hope not. Lol. I like to stay hidden from the public. Ha ha. At least for now. 🙂 I like to support already awakened starseeds or advanced starseeds. I’ll let the masses wake up a little more before I would step into the public eye. I do my work behind the scenes 😉
@laureenrene Oh nice! They glow just like that during the day. You can tell how fast it’s going. They seem to leave a trail like that too. During the night time as well. If I froze a frame of one of the really fast moving UFOs in one of my video it would look very similar. Very cool. Good capture.
@laureenrene Nice, another good grab. If they were sitting still they’d be spherical and glowing the same color. Like a ball or dot. When they zip off they leave that same trail. You’ll totally get really good footage when you start using the infrared at night. Thanks for posting the screen shots. I can imagine how they look in the videos. I bet it’s a super fast streak , they’re moving so fast.