Food Disclosure
I've been hearing about "food disclosure" - LOL - 😛 can you call it that??
Companies/a company getting shut down because ppl discovered what was in the food (and I guess enough of us care now to shut them down).
Has anyone heard about any food disclosures coming? Or a timeline on it? Sure would be great for the food industry to get set right then revamped & still hv our food be affordable for everyone.
@quinn Sounds interesting. Thank you for bringing it up. Let's hope we find out more.
Yep- i've been listening to The Imagination Podcast on youtube or rumble, Aquarius Rising Africa and they talk about how the Cabal/Satanic System is taking their victims and whatever is left and useful-processing the remains and funneling it through processed foods and places like McDonald's. We unwittingly take part in their sick cannibalism but according to them it's consent because they do give signs and tell us. The survivors tell us. If we choose to look away that is considered free will consent which is bullshit. I really need to make some lifestyle changes and be less integrated with my processed food, tech dependence with zero survival skills.
Just when I think I've processed all the evil .... 🤢 🤢 🤮