Fenbenzanole for cancer
Does anyone here have experience or personal knowledge of the effectiveness of the FenBen protocol for killing cancer?
I had a goiter removed 2 yrs ago with full removal of my thyroid gland. 2 kinds of cancer were identified through pathology. Doctors said it was no big deal (WRONG) and monthly blood work and ultrasound would be necessary for life to ensure it didn't grow back. This past July, I was finally given a radioactive idine CTScan to see if it spread. It did. In my neck behind salivary gland was a 4mm tumor. They said it had to grow bigger to get a biopsy. I have symptoms since the surgery in my throat. Hard to swallow and food gets stuck. Endocrinologist says it's not thyroid so not her issue to figure out. 4 referrals later and 4 months living with this thing getting bigger, it's now 8mm. Biopsy was a nightmare and numbing was useless. They didn't get tissue so this was a waste. Not 1 doctor has reached out to me for results of biopsy ( I found on my patient portal) or my next step.
I have a strong intuition and think I'm being given a piece of my purpose. The homeopathic FenBen has been popping up for months and after researching every article and paper I could, I ordered all of the ingredients that will arrive this week. It's in a location that's basically inoperable and I won't consider Chemo. Nobody has offered anything to me. My BF is currently going through radiation and chemo. He has stage 2 lung cancer. I am desperately trying to be strong for him and take care of him during his treatments but I cannot Foret that I have a similar problem but without any medical intervention.
If anyone has any stories or pertinent information on the FenBen, please share.DISCLOSURE: I am going to do this on my own accord. I am am not asking for medical advice or will not hold anyone accountable for their input. I am merely trying to see if my regiment is the same as other successful stories. Once I cure myself, my story will encourage others to take charge of your own health.
Fyi; I found it interesting that I asked my doctor for a parasite cleanse with the FenBen in mind. He wrote it after I told him I had pictures of the parasites (feral cat) . 1 prescription for a 10 cleanse was $8000 copay. I was floored. Obvious the big pharma does not want this remedy to kill their cancer $ machine
Thanks in advance for your time
my fiend is a Radiologist at Mayo. When someone is sent for a cancer scan they feed sugar water thru. Why? Sugar goes directly to cancer. So my advice is always STOP eating any SUGAR at all. The powers that be won't tell you ☹️
@fayedollar Faye if I were you I would take the fenbenzadole. And thc-oil, and beet-juice, and sirsak. All wonderful things and natural. Everything is better than chemo! Even nothing! The best thing though is to understand the cancer, and why it is growing. You can go inside and ask it, but I will educate you here. If the reason to grow stops, then the growth will stop.
This might be new for all of you, but the body uses cancer as a solution to big trauma. Solution? For example, something bad happened and you got the feeling that you didn't react fast enough. The body wants to let the thyroid work harder, but, 129% is impossible. Impossible? The solution is to grow a few extra thyroid cells. That, they call cancer. But it is a positive thing, in essence. The body wants you to react faster... until it is fast enough. Your interpretation is the key. This might be even unconscious. Determine the trauma, in this case the illness of your BF. Now the following is important. Convince yourself this trauma is over. Go inside and reassure your tumors "all is safe and well", yes talk to your cells in deep meditation. You have to do this daily, a few times a day. Ofc you got extra traumas with all medical treatments... so, that means a lot of reassurance for all your cells. Relax. Step 1 is taking a salt bath. 1kg seasalt in 100 liter. Then the healing can start. Just do it.
Then try to find raw milk, directly bought at a farm. This has the TBC bacteria that is the only friend that can eat away tumor cells. Anti-biotics killed this one worldwide, opening the door to all cancers. Embrace getting ill and getting high fever. The bacteria will need this temperature to do their work, to break down the cancer cells. The body knows how to heal itself. No aspirin to lower any fever! Just water and herbs! Or homeopathy.
Convince yourself the trauma is over. I will tell you my view on lung cancer. All cell growth starts after trauma! In this case fear of death. Or a large super human effort to be accomplished. Or when he is a smoker, the carbon mono oxide. The body thinks I need more oxygen and quickly. The body let lung cells grow. But only to increase the surface, to be able to absorb more oxygen. When you get the flu, with fever and coughing, it marks the end of the trauma, and you cough up the dead cells. The fever forces you to rest, to recover. A clean up. If the traumatic period was heavy, you might cough up some blood. But then the doctors give you a second trauma, and the cycle restarts! Out of fear of death. The "cancer" grows even quicker. I hope you understand the mechanism. So now you can convince yourself the original trauma is over. And start your own healing. This healing journey is not easy. You might need a supporting therapist. Or not.
If your friend can be convinced to stop the radiation and chemo, that would be nice for him. Those techniques don't solve anything. It will be attacking the self healing capacity. Doing even nothing is way better. But he has to make his own choice. And be strong enough to say no to a doctor.
This is all my opinion, I'm not a pratictitioner anymore. Just telling my truth. I like my truth that the body is in essence perfect, and everything has a reason. De-program yourself that illness is bad, suffering is what we deserve, pain is useless. No! I'm convinced all illness is usefull, and I call it the healing phase. No more fear for me.
This is interesting:
if you have X: https://x.com/makismd/status/1845353670407233817?s=46
I've never heard of that. Interesting 🤔 I have been renting a farmhouse on a dairy farm for over 10 years. The farmer brings me a 2 gallon bucket of raw milk daily to feed to the feral cats and kittens. It gels up if not used right away...hahaha. ewww-gross. I've never considered ingesting this myself 😁Posted by: @lighthealer_arkieThen try to find raw milk, directly bought at a farm. This has the TBC bacteria that is the only friend that can eat away tumor cells. Anti-biotics killed this one worldwide, opening the door to all cancers. Embrace getting ill and getting high fever. The bacteria will need this temperature to do their work, to break down the cancer cells. The body knows how to heal itself. No aspirin to lower any fever! Just water and herbs! Or homeopathy.
@lighthealer_arkie I have no fear of trauma or the exit eventually. The trauma came from a past life which I'm not only aware of, but I have repeatedly been reminded. 4 cervical fusions following 4 cervical vertebrae neck fractures. I had the throat Chakra tattooed on the nape of neck to help cover the scars from surgeries and became a licensed hypnotherapist to understand the process of letting go of past ^whatever^. I have done the work and have become more annoyed at these attacks on my neck. If it makes any sense to you, I incarnated into this timeline and brought with me not only my karma, but "family " karma. This apparently was forced upon me to some degree. My family whom I've never known beyond my mom and Dad ,1 sister, and 1 brother. There were several we try to forget were part of the tree. That's another story..so I've tried to cut cords, extinguisher any debt I may still owe. It's gotta be over soon. I just wanted to respond and let you know that I have ZERO fear of death. In fact, I'm fascinated with returning to my true home. Even the universe has protocol. So I the trauma players in my past life who had played the same roles in my current life are now recognized and dealt with, self forgiveness achieved, self pity long long over,
I just wanted to know if anyone could tell me their experiences with Fenbenzanole 🤷♀️
This makes sense, the load of kharma on your throat chakra. Sorry that I don't have any experience with fenben. Only that in my country ppl begin to get interested. Oh and today's newspaper proves me right. The California state wants to forbid raw milk. Because of RFK it starts to become popular. But you can get ill so it is dangerous! Hahaha, I see what those elites are doing. The only source of naturally combatting cancer... just forbid it! You know that doctors and big pharma can earn a few 100k dollars for every chemo treatment, which btw doesn't cure you. In my country they want to forbid raw milk too now.
Wishing you love and strength Faye, much love. ❤️
I live in an Amish and mennonite community. The Pennsylvania law enforcement has shut down many local raw milk and honey sales. The farmers are all on edge. The Amish chapters actually encouraged their people to vote for the 1st time this past election. Now I hear they are going to push added ingredients into cows grains to stop them from farting. I'm serious. They're now claiming that cow gas is causing climate change 🙃
@lighthealer_arkie thank you for this. Dr Campbell was actually where I originally discovered FenBen. My BF just watched this video with me and has decided to try this along with his other treatment while I go at it alone. He's beginning to "wake up" thank God. This has been a major part of my purpose for the past 10 years, shaking him awake. Perhaps these cancers were introduced for this very purpose? Seems to fit. I have also saved this video to share with his doctor because he is the head of the chemo dept at Milton Hershey medical center where teaching and clinical trials are what they do. Maybe, just maybe, we can get a trial started for others
@donetteeemoney sugar has been my weakness. I love sweet! The chemical sweetners are carcinogenic so what's the answer? I'm only 100 lbs so I'm not worried about weight. I've tried stevia, agave, and am wondering if I should just trade out and take a chance with artificial knowing that sugar is feeding this tumor. I have several other medical conditions that hopefully the FenBen regime will help with inflammation. My S1 nerve was almost cut in half during a spinal surgery and caused a central nervous system malfunction with neuropathic transmitters. It's called CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome) this condition is much worse to me than the cancer