Feeling down ever s...
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Feeling down ever since the geo magnetic storm last week.

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Can anyone relate, or help me think clearly? I am really depressed, it might have been a coincidence, but unlikely because when it started, it was sudden from really high vibrations to low.

Posted : 30/03/2023 4:02 pm
s.daniels, Lyn and Anonymous reacted
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Please share more (if you’re feeling up to it) about this geomagnetic storm! Last week I began experiencing intense emotions and physical discomfort…headache/nausea/depression/fatigue..and I am a healthy person who takes care of oneself. You are not alone!

Posted : 30/03/2023 4:46 pm
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@treemangistruman Please watch EA's IG video of what's going on. Its a lot of downloads that we needed to know: https://www.instagram.com/p/CqL5zMXPqSV/

Posted : 30/03/2023 6:00 pm
Bret R reacted
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Yes @treemangistruman I have been feeling off and been struggling over the last week too even though I am pretty even keel 99% of the time. Feels like something big is about to happen and we could be picking up on that re: feeling low?  I definitely had weird physical symptoms last week that I think were related to the flare. Maybe try to find the things that are comforting and nurturing for you and hang on to them, to get through whatever this energetic stage is.

Posted : 31/03/2023 4:03 am
Lyn and Bret R reacted
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@treemangistruman Yes definitely feeling similar things as well. Something about this new energy.

Posted : 03/04/2023 12:40 pm