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Extraordinary plasma breakthroughs free energy systems on my YouTube add atadistance70 extremely important that people see the research I have on my channel free energy systems, Technologies now the thunderstorm generator

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Hi guys we got incredible new breakthroughs in clean energy systems transition Technologies that transmutate pollution back to oxygen it's extremely important you go to add Atadistance70 YouTube. 

This is the biggest discovery of mankind's history and we need your support now before they try to steal this from the world again but something tells me people awaken up it's our energy and it's working it's all been time to perfection I wonder how we know how.

Posted : 17/05/2024 6:35 am
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@invincibilitywithin70 Darren i searched for the link, here it is https://youtube.com/@atadistance70

Posted : 17/05/2024 9:33 am
Lyn reacted
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Hi guys please comment like subscribe share furiously the world is waiting for our technology it's available now we have Tesla type technology that will be launching soon that will be I repeat this will be free you only need to buy and make a certain plug adapter you push in the ground to get power to your home cost $100 US ish

The thunderstorm generators open source available now turns pollution back to oxygen you get a heater and an aircon as a bonus and it saves your fuel once it's at operational temperatures incredible technology. It's a transition technology you can put it on any type of motor including fixing nuclear waste any toxins will be fixed this way via the transmutation of elements process.

This will save our planet the worlds media are deliberately ignoring our breakthrough & the governments are ignoring it. because they have a satanic Nazi agenda lined up for the world.

tataria ITS ABOUT THIS! I have discovered it's a real place before the US was settled & Australia both we had buildings that was still here when these two countries were initially settled. Is the sacred worldwide satanic agenda to return this back to Russia and just enslave us all that's what they're doing. 

All the travel in the US Palestine it's all a deliberate setup with a religion although religion is true a lot of it they're using it as a psiop this why they've got all the satanic thing is all deliberate to make people wish there was a gods coming back and all this sort of things that they can be easily tricked but it is those days anyway but the first coming of whatever's gonna happen is a fake one they're going to do that soon this is an ancient setup that they've been planning for a long time Freemasonry directly involved they're following an ancient religions  and Omega Epsilon secret societies to insulate mankind with our lizard friends and I have noticed the energy changing we are going to win this guys my psychic gifts of got an extremely strong I also now fully understand why this satanic stuff is happening.

It's happening to me very specifically because I'm related directly to King Solomon and Moses and Genghis Khan. From what I've learned Genghis Khan had set up to tartaria and it had all the old plasma technology same technology that we've discovering now Tesla's technology that's what it is Donald Trump's uncle was part of the team that stole that I've Tesla just like there's still anti-gravity of my friend John Hutchinson which I want to make a documentary about and if Elizabeth would like she can help because I need someone in America because I'm in Australia I need someone to team up with and I need to get out of my country somehow.

They wanted to kill the Jews because it's their secret knowledge inside this pyramid it's their secret so they want to get rid of them so that people can't find out where the secret came from now they're doing it all over again.

.   like it's really crazy and I do mean this literally I didn't know I was Jewish like fully Jewish but I am well there you go that's all good that's fine anyone would think I'm gonna turn into Jesus if you feed me out midnight but it explains everything and there's something spiritual happening here people something very very important happening within my own life I've got no words for this I'm just waiting to see what happens because I didn't finish school I didn't finish at all my life is destroyed from saying this and they stole my children they sacrificed him last year it's good something to do with this I refuse to let this sorrow harm me and my son is in pace he would have been going through you know you can imagine what happened to myself the worst of the worst I met him twice there's nothing I could do my own family are behind this..& my government & police, my family are police who protect the pedophile network what's going on here is absolutely crazy the desperate to get my biology again it's really strange and I don't know how many children mine they've stolen I've got no idea but I know it's more than one I'm gonna try to look for my children when my friend out of jail

The thunderstorm generator updates & UFO motor technology! 


5th ELEMENT or 5th state of matter..UFO use this to travel short cuts here...




Thunderstorm generator technology demo Prague. 


Pyramids research video 


Posted : 17/05/2024 11:05 am
Arkie M. reacted
Posts: 3504
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@invincibilitywithin70 Thank you for sharing!

Posted : 18/05/2024 12:00 am
Posts: 93
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Are you referring to Dan Willis's Phryll Invention?

Posted : 19/05/2024 3:25 pm