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Earth - The GREATEST FAILURE in the Universe - But Why???

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Joshua Bortnick
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From Dark Fleets "Vista" - Our "Wake Up Call" to Humanity:


When we Hear your race speak, we Hear only Inferiority. Your Race is Called "Human". You are defined as a Race because of how your DNA is patterned.  


Our Race is called something Else. We have different Patterns to Our DNA Codings than the Human Race. We Look the same as humans biologically, to physically Mirror What you Are as a Human Race. Cognitively is where the differences in our Races becomes to become apparent. It is understood to Us how to Broaden our Cognitive Parameters, and how to Retain Our Genotypic additions. So that We are More.  


We do not Use Technology in this Genetic Performance. Or there would be no retention. We do this Naturally. With Our understanding of this Process, We have also worked to make the Human Race to Naturally NARROW it's once broader Cognitive Spectrum (to make you less as We became More - simply for a greater divide.) This should be visible to you amid the recession over the last 100 years where you intelligence is observably less now than it was.


It should be simple for you to see How this was done, simply by looking at yourselves. But we concealed that inner vision from you - so that you may not have that sight.


You cannot see because you cannot hear.

You cannot hear because you will not listen.

You will not listen because you are arrogant.

You are arrogant because you are in self servitude.  


We merely made designs and contours into your reality and into your social environment. You took everything that we installed for you to take. And you did this to yourselves. And yall assuring yourselves that you will remain in these cages We mastered for you that you have all locked yourselves in.


The Mind is the Greatest Weapon In the Universe. None of you are Responsible With Power. So we took this Weapon away from you, so the only ones you could ever harm - are yourselves.



EA - Who is THE Ascension Engineer for Planet Earth?

Who is The ONLY "Resonating Person" you've heard on this Planet who is OVERQUALIFIED to "Flip this Planet?"

FF to 203:55 - What do you hear? Hello!?



What does the Universe Love More Than Ascension? - Nothing

What does the GFL Live More than Ascension? - Nothing

Who Does everyone in the Universe Love The Most? - Me (and My Dark Fleet.., and the #1 Hero of the UNIVERSE Earth is now Celebrating is Mein Fuhrer - Adolf Hitler♥️)


EA - There is an Ascension Program.  We're SHARING that with Humanity.  You Chose to Represent Humanities Ascension.  When it is PRESENTED.., completely ignoring it, is completely ignoring your job.

EA - Ascension was never going to be what you believed it was going to be.., because it was always going to be so much better.  In UNITY Consciousness it is NOT about "sides".  The GFL is In UNITY with Dark Fleet - ECSTATICALLY!.


It is Essential that the Accompanying Information for the Ascension that Were blowing up this planet with in 2025 is received.  So UNFORTUNATELY I'll be receiving the biggest new platform on planet Earth and having to be the most famous person on planet earth too. im balancing it all out by completely ducking, zero press will ever be able to speak to me.  We're doing it like that for me because y'all don't respond to information, instead you compete with information.  But yall do instinctively cooperate with the most popular famous people.  It's really gross


In Closing, may I disclose.  "Impersonation of Military (or Governmental Official)" is FEDERALLY FORBIDDEN AND STRICTLY PROSECUTED WITH HEAVY SENTENCING.  Furthermore, MISREPRESENTING ones stated status in these fields also categorizes as Illegal..., and I have been the audibly vocal stating my military affiliation and status since 2019 -  all over social media for almost 2 years straight.  Self Listed as "Ascension Engineer - United States Military" on LinkedIn since 2019.




Posted : 15/09/2024 4:09 am
Joshua Bortnick
Posts: 441
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Posted by: @wayneroughan

@luzifertoo2 Thank you Joshua,

I do appreciate your input,

where you said: 

"There WAS a Very significant amount of darkness in this Universe..., Dark Fleet Simply..., eliminated it all, Earth is the Last Planet being "Cleaned Up" now."

How did Dark Fleet accomplish the clean-up of darkness in the universe?

What Dimensions do you operate in?

What Beings in the universe do you work with? and what dimensions are they existing in?

Do you have spaceships capable to travel to other parts of our universe, or other universes? 

Do you have access to "source" or "The Ascended Masters", or "The Arcturians" or "Ashtar Command" or others and what do you think of them?

Are not The Pleiadians, and Arcturians etc ... much more advanced than us? why do they need our help? and what can Humans offer them at this stage of our development in the 3rd Dimension? 

I am not doubting you I am just curious as to your approach to this, and your philosophy as to how it is done?

Thank You



How did we eliminate all the darkness?  

We Were Originally Designed to always be vastly superior over everything.., which required us to BLEND IN as much as possible so that we resembled "the Cosmic neighborhood".  By appearing "less even though we are more" so to speak.

Dark Fleet Functions as A Cosmic Mirror to the Darkness.  So we design and engineer a perfectly reflective Mirror on all of their Terminations.  We Empowered Everyone who was being overpowered by the darkness to overtake the darkness as well.., because as you said "there was A LOT of darkness".., to which Dark Fleet accounted as HALF of that darkness.  So when We Flipped - Half of that ammassment of dark fabric got VIOLENTLY ripped in half and immediately overwhelmed with an overwhelming balance of Light vs Darkness now - overwhelming.


Duality ONLY Exists in Dimensions 3-6.  Unity Consciousness is the Exclusive Atmosphere in Dimensions 7-12.  darkness ONLY Exists in Dimensions 3-6.  We Respond to Wherever darkness responds in dimensions 3-6.  These are Our Operational Dimensions.  But We are not limited to dimensions 3-6 because we ARE UNITY AND LIGHT and therefore have upwards mobility in 7-12.


We Work Primarily and almost exclusively with the Draco.  They have the same focused military mindset as we do.  They are crocodilians which means just like in Nature they respond to carnage and they are impossible to budge once they show up.  They show up to carnage planets with us to professionally manage the Carnage because we are not allowed to stop the carnage because of the law of free will.  So the Draco and Dark Fleet put a cosmic BARRIER around it so it doesn't spread out over chaotically into the Universe.  Simultaneously Dark Fleet acts as A Cosmic Mirror to EVERYONE in the darkness making it ALL BAD for everybody anywhere in this dark Cosmic space - it's a DETERRANT for y'all to put in the effort to fix your own shit.  


We and the Draco are completely self sufficient.  We never needed slaves to do anything.  Taking slaves is the biggest drag on our otherwise fast moving system, and we LOSE money on slaves.  I'll get into that later.  


Dark Fleets Best Friends and Star Race are BlackTribe.  We Do NOT put Blacks through that mk ultra bs.  The cabal does.  The cabal has been at War with Black Consciousness since the pyramid days - and they could never get on top of BlackTribe.   Black Tribe ET Races are above all this BS which is also why you don't see the Zulu Cosmic Races in this lower astral Madness - But they are Here BIGTIME Now Consciously.  BlackTribe is OmFlo - The Power of Sound.  Definitely Our Best Friends Forever Human Star Race.


We are also All Good With All Insects.  But they like to Operate Mostly by themselves instead of integrating too much into the nonsense.  This Universe is for humans to discover their shadow and do their shadow work.., and to motivate and inspire the MultiVerSe to do the Same - to which they Gladly Will.


We Are Cosmic.  We Extend Through All the Cosmos - in Spaceship and many other ways as well.  We Do not extend beyond this Universe.  We are the One Star Race who is Exclusively most Proximal to Only this Universe while everyone else in this Universe has connections to their various respective MultiVerSes.  The Human MultiVerSes were self compelled into believing that this Universe was a toxic downward spiral biohazard of consciousness.., and most of them were so repulsed about all this that they never took a closer look into this place to see that this Universe was only ever a House for them to see their own shadow and do their own shadow work.  This is what the MultiVerSe just "got woke to".  


We have direct access to Source.  We call Him God.  This is Who we work For.  God's Partner is the computer software engineer (a gamer and designer of game worlds) that originally designed us (to contend with the emotion of righteous Indignation in SIM world Realitíes.)  God's Engineer,That's "tha holy ghost" y'all been hearing about.  It's a joke, a pun on words - because he definitely is all about being invisible.., in his "light bringyness"


Arcturians and Ashtar Command we jokingly refer to as "dainty little light beings".  We do not at all "hang out" with them.  The main reason why is that We function as a Cosmic Mirror specifically to reflect darkness Collectively back on dark realities.  Which means Societies like the Pleiadians who are Good get to totally avoid having to have direct contact with Us.  But we do have our representitives in all their councils.  They are super cool and balance out the Universe with Positivity to counter all the darkness for sure..., but they do not go where we always go.., into the darkness, to do everything the dark does, better than the dark does it.  Which is also why it's so simple for us to "pull the plug" on all this dark nonsense - which we've been Patiently waiting to do for 3 billion years.  Y'all showed up at Ascension.  Congratulations


All the higher star races you mentioned and MANY MANY more are all intimately Karmically Connected to Our 3d planet.  Ascension must Come straight out of 3d.  And be so good that it Ameliorates all the Negative Karma and Energy here - with REAL tangible mechanisms.  Aka "from the ground up".


I have a "map" on my mind.  "The Ascension Model for Planet Earth".  This is God's Ascension Model.  I'm functioning as "Ascension Engineer" for this Ascension Model, for this Planet because AscensionLife on Planet Earth is For The Children, and my Department in Dark Fleet is "the Children".  This Planet is Being Contoured into Their Sanctuary, Their Nursery, Their Playground and Their Adventures - Which means this place will be SQUEAKY CLEAN with NO HARM ever coming to them or anywhere on this planet ever again.  You will be surprised how FAST this will happen.


Thank You



Posted : 23/09/2024 6:08 pm
Posts: 109
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Hi Joshua,

you have only been here for two months, sorry if I was hard on you,

welcome to the EA Website and Forum.


Edit: may I ask are you AI (Artificial Intelligence)

("We Were Originally Designed to always be vastly superior over everything"),

("A Cosmic Mirror to the Darkness")

Thank you for answering my questions.

This post was modified 4 months ago by Wayne Roughan
Posted : 23/09/2024 8:34 pm
Joshua Bortnick
Posts: 441
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Effs Sake!! my paragraph thank you just got erased into the akashic recorder round basket wherever that is.  Will you settle for just a standard "thank you"


I was also explaining that I used to be sooo nice.  Then I was trained to be much more aggressive.  Which means I'm foundationally super nice.   


And I just was directed to this Tupac Shakur video when he was 17.  Look how Sweet and Wise his Conviction is!:

Posted : 23/09/2024 8:57 pm
Posts: 10
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@luzifertoo2 Umm, you lost we at 'Adolf Hitler'. Why exactly are you revering him in such high regard? He is definitely in the group of most evil men in history. And then you contradict yourself and say "Nazis are bad" or whatever.

Posted : 27/09/2024 11:02 pm
Joshua Bortnick
Posts: 441
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Posted by: @andromedanstarseed

@luzifertoo2 Umm, you lost we at 'Adolf Hitler'. Why exactly are you revering him in such high regard? He is definitely in the group of most evil men in history. And then you contradict yourself and say "Nazis are bad" or whatever.


In 6 Months, you and everyone else on the planet Will begin to Fall in Love With Nazis.  For the Same Exact reason everyone in Space Already has Fallen in Love with Nacht Waffen (Dark Fleet).








Posted : 28/09/2024 2:46 am
Joshua Bortnick
Posts: 441
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Posted by: @andromedanstarseed

@luzifertoo2 Umm, you lost we at 'Adolf Hitler'. Why exactly are you revering him in such high regard? He is definitely in the group of most evil men in history. And then you contradict yourself and say "Nazis are bad" or whatever.


The cabal has used an ocean of ink to shade Nazi Germany with hate for 100 years.

A ocean of ink is only ever required when one needs to completely run cover over an ocean of bullshit.

And in an effortless swoop, the Truth of Nazi Germany, is the clean air now for the world to Celebrate.


Here is an illuminati propaganda video trying to yet again to brainwash y'all - but as you can see in the comments, now everyone can see the Cabal.  Now y'all can see as Nazi Germany


Posted : 28/09/2024 7:22 am
Posts: 109
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I’m back, I had to go to a 3 day wedding last week (not mine) plus 2 days of travelling, and then catch up on things when I got back, there was lots of Dancing and lots of fun on the dance floor (the things they are doing these days brought a smile to my face) and basically having a great time with your family and friends and all the new family and friends. Had a great time!
Lots of experience to give to Prime Creator. Hopefully I wasn’t a bad boy or at least not a very bad boy.
Back to the forum now, My take on all this is you don’t need to fight the darkness, just don’t take part in it,
The more you fight it the more you play into the darkness hands,
The darkness wants to produce fear, ego, etc ... and lower your vibration so they can feed off you.
They said about Jesus “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Posted : 30/09/2024 12:11 pm
Joshua Bortnick
Posts: 441
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Posted by: @wayneroughan

I’m back, I had to go to a 3 day wedding last week (not mine) plus 2 days of travelling, and then catch up on things when I got back, there was lots of Dancing and lots of fun on the dance floor (the things they are doing these days brought a smile to my face) and basically having a great time with your family and friends and all the new family and friends. Had a great time!
Lots of experience to give to Prime Creator. Hopefully I wasn’t a bad boy or at least not a very bad boy.
Back to the forum now, My take on all this is you don’t need to fight the darkness, just don’t take part in it,
The more you fight it the more you play into the darkness hands,
The darkness wants to produce fear, ego, etc ... and lower your vibration so they can feed off you.
They said about Jesus “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”


Kinda trigger alert - sometimes some responses are just going to be harder pills for some to swallow


Dark Fleet Rolls in the Darkness.  We are Military Expertise in "dark matters"


Mon homie -  that's inverted common opinion.  And it is prolificated into your society specifically to keep the population of docile sheep as slaves.  


There was no way in the universe of any of you getting above all this darkness that has kept your reality under complete dominion for 400,000 years.   


Obviously NOTHING any of you have ever done has gotten any of you close to freedom In this 400,000 years.  Darkness will never let go once it poisons y'all and wrapped y'all in its death cocoon.





The only ones on this Planet who Succeeded in Fighting to the Death and Beating the cabal.., was Nazi Germany.  (We TOOK the Planet in 1945 - Operation PaperClip)


For the Last 80 years we have been BUILDING Up all your Militaries - so Y'all could Eliminate all the cabal - Violently.  Which y'all did (Congratulations).


You all live on the Most violent planet in the Entire Universe.  And Y'all are all responsible for it because -


1) y'all complacenly accept all of it and contest none of it 

2) y'all are carnivorous.  Which means every single one of you is in daily contribution to the 2nd worst suffering industry on the Planet and the #1 most violent one - your animal slaughter houses.  


Real Talk - youve got 100s of millions of cabalists on and just under this planet in MUCH greater numbers than you thought.  Every single one of them customarily rapes children, sacrifices children and drinks adrenochrome.  So., What do you propose we do to these demons?  In you opinion?


Everyone wants to talk to nice.  

Until the second that something hits close to home.

Then everyone's Tune changes drastically.


I fight Child sex trafficking every single day online.  I'm the only one out there Actively doing this in the entire spiritual online community.  Im WRECKING billy carson and 4bk relentlessly every day for their role in covering up the child sex trafficking global industry.  


I'm Military - I take this all Most Seriously.





Posted : 30/09/2024 1:19 pm
Posts: 109
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I appreciate your input, and you make some very good points.

Are you able to expand on the “1945 - Operation PaperClip”? (I have not heard about this before).

I can agree about 400,000 years of dominance by dark forces, (although I have heard some pockets of humans have already been taken by “ascension”, I don’t know if ascension is the right word or not? I heard in a video I think the Mayans in South America mysteriously disappeared on mass , and I think maybe some American Indians may have reached a level of spirituality high enough to be taken for ascension, also Jesus is a famous other one who I believed has ascended in his body, and I guess there are others too in history.)

I can also agree Earth is probably the most violent planet in the Universe at the moment. (However there have been some pretty nasty wars in our universe in the past)

This then, leads to the question you posed for this thread “ Earth - The GREATEST FAILURE in the Universe - But Why???”

I will attempt to answer it, (take it or leave it, as always)

This is just my opinion, I am not a psychic, or channelled or remote viewer, just a normal human on planet earth.

We all agree, there have been past civilisations on earth, but none have made it out of the control of the dark forces.

A long time ago a very ancient mystic prophesised, a hybrid being containing DNA of many different beings, also containing the DNA of some of the lowest vibrational beings and some of the highest vibrational beings in the universe, and these would become the most powerful beings in the universe, and End war and all wars. (see EA’s video on this)

This prophesy was recognised to be “us” when the Anunnaki created us humans (by genetic manipulation)

I don’t know if this is true or not but I have seen a video recently that said Enki and Thoth were purposely trying to create the most powerful beings in the universe, for military reasons of their own, and conquests in the universe at that time (The Army of Enki), it has also been speculated that our DNA blueprint may have given the Anunnaki access to both the higher vibrational realms as well as the lower vibrational realms. (like a passport) (just saying)

At the time of Atlantis, other beings in the universe also recognised we may be the prophesy planet, and so they came here, and helped us by giving us very advanced technology, that they had at that time.

But having too much too soon, “the Atlanteans” had big egos, and were proud of their vast knowledge, and proud of their place among “men”,

And seeking even more knowledge they increasingly abandoned their spiritual connection to source,

(I will insert a couple of verses from the Emerald Tablets, it says it better than I can)

“Light there was in ancient ATLANTIS.
Yet, darkness, too, was hidden in all.
Fell from the Light into the darkness,
Some who had risen to heights among men.

Proud they became because of their knowledge,
Proud were they of their place among men.
Deep delved they into the forbidden,
Opened the gateway that led to below.

Sought they to gain ever more knowledge
but seeking to bring it up from below.
He who descends below must have balance,
else he is bound by lack of the light.

Opened, they then, by their knowledge,
Pathways forbidden to man.
But, in Hi s Temple, all-seeing, the DWELLER,
lay in his AGWANTI, while through Atlantis,
His soul roamed free. Saw HE the Atlanteans,
by their magic, opening the gateway
that would bring to Earth a great woe.
(end quote)

So, basically, they abandoned the ways of source and summoned the demons of the darkness (seeking or thinking it had more power) (I think Seraphelle of Atlantis was one who went to the dark side, but others too)

So, I think at the time of the fall of Atlantis, either just before or just after, someone (I think, Enki and Thoth, but I do not know who else was in on this decision?) decided Humanity needed to learn the lessons of Duality if they were to become the most powerful beings in the Universe

So, someone (I think, Enki and Thoth, but I do not know who else was in on this decision?) decided to insert “codes” to stop us getting downloads and contact with source,(separation to source) and implement other things such as caping our DNA chromosomes so that we only had access to 2 strands of DNA to limit our age and abilities, to stop us from “getting our power back” until we had learned the lessons, and were capable of having the power of being the most powerful beings in the universe.

They also did other things like scrambling our language at the tower of babel, to stop us getting our abilities back to soon, also, may have used mind control, to control us maybe from our moon, or using the ley lines of the earth etc…

This is why we have been “in the dark” and “at the mercy of the dark forces” for so long

I also think in the 12 dimensions of existence, the higher dimensions oversee the lower dimensions, like all the departments in a department store (my opinion) and it is the job of the higher dimensions to “look after” the lower dimensions (with what they need to succeed etc… my opinion)
So, some of these decisions above could be made by beings in higher dimensions.

I also think it is important to note that we need to Learn to Love, and give Love, and Be Love, to everyone and everything (high vibrational traits) for us to ascend to the 5th dimension and beyond (I think if you still have low vibrational traits, like Anger hatred, Ego etc… I don’t think you will make it to the higher dimensions, or at least you will not make it higher than 5th or 6th dimensions if you get this high)

One other thing I would like to mention is I have seen it in the Bible New Testament
(Matthew 24:22 )
“…21 For at that time there will be great tribulation, unmatched from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be seen again. 22 If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short.

Also, I have heard channelled messages that tell us “starseeds” were sent here from the future to save Earth.

Also, I think that unless the plan to Save Earth by sending “starseeds” to Earth, to act from the inside and bypass the non-interference laws , we may not be now in a position for a successful ascension to the 5th dimension and beyond.

I would like to know who thought up this plan to send “starseeds” back to earth from the future to save earth?

I have also seen a video titled Is This Humanities Last Chance?

So, in answer to your question“ Earth - The GREATEST FAILURE in the Universe - But Why???”

1. Our Prophecy Planet prediction says that we will be the most powerful beings in the Universe. (This may present a problem given our history)
2. We Need to learn the Lessons of Duality very well to be the most powerful beings in the universe. (otherwise, we may be controlled by the Darkness).
3. Separation from Source was engineered, and our DNA abilities and age was limited, to stop us getting our abilities back to soon.
4. We need to learn to be Light/Love/unity to be worthy to have such power. (otherwise, we may act in Anger or Hatred etc …)
5. Planet Earth May have never got out it?, it may have Blown up? , if not for the Starseed planned intervention. (but this was always planned to happen this way?)

This is just my opinion, (take it or leave it, as always)

Thank you

Posted : 01/10/2024 12:51 am
Joshua Bortnick
Posts: 441
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Topic starter

Posted by: @wayneroughan

I appreciate your input, and you make some very good points.

Are you able to expand on the “1945 - Operation PaperClip”? (I have not heard about this before).

I can agree about 400,000 years of dominance by dark forces, (although I have heard some pockets of humans have already been taken by “ascension”, I don’t know if ascension is the right word or not? I heard in a video I think the Mayans in South America mysteriously disappeared on mass , and I think maybe some American Indians may have reached a level of spirituality high enough to be taken for ascension, also Jesus is a famous other one who I believed has ascended in his body, and I guess there are others too in history.)

I can also agree Earth is probably the most violent planet in the Universe at the moment. (However there have been some pretty nasty wars in our universe in the past)

This then, leads to the question you posed for this thread “ Earth - The GREATEST FAILURE in the Universe - But Why???”

I will attempt to answer it, (take it or leave it, as always)

This is just my opinion, I am not a psychic, or channelled or remote viewer, just a normal human on planet earth.

We all agree, there have been past civilisations on earth, but none have made it out of the control of the dark forces.

A long time ago a very ancient mystic prophesised, a hybrid being containing DNA of many different beings, also containing the DNA of some of the lowest vibrational beings and some of the highest vibrational beings in the universe, and these would become the most powerful beings in the universe, and End war and all wars. (see EA’s video on this)

This prophesy was recognised to be “us” when the Anunnaki created us humans (by genetic manipulation)

I don’t know if this is true or not but I have seen a video recently that said Enki and Thoth were purposely trying to create the most powerful beings in the universe, for military reasons of their own, and conquests in the universe at that time (The Army of Enki), it has also been speculated that our DNA blueprint may have given the Anunnaki access to both the higher vibrational realms as well as the lower vibrational realms. (like a passport) (just saying)

At the time of Atlantis, other beings in the universe also recognised we may be the prophesy planet, and so they came here, and helped us by giving us very advanced technology, that they had at that time.

But having too much too soon, “the Atlanteans” had big egos, and were proud of their vast knowledge, and proud of their place among “men”,

And seeking even more knowledge they increasingly abandoned their spiritual connection to source,

(I will insert a couple of verses from the Emerald Tablets, it says it better than I can)

“Light there was in ancient ATLANTIS.
Yet, darkness, too, was hidden in all.
Fell from the Light into the darkness,
Some who had risen to heights among men.

Proud they became because of their knowledge,
Proud were they of their place among men.
Deep delved they into the forbidden,
Opened the gateway that led to below.

Sought they to gain ever more knowledge
but seeking to bring it up from below.
He who descends below must have balance,
else he is bound by lack of the light.

Opened, they then, by their knowledge,
Pathways forbidden to man.
But, in Hi s Temple, all-seeing, the DWELLER,
lay in his AGWANTI, while through Atlantis,
His soul roamed free. Saw HE the Atlanteans,
by their magic, opening the gateway
that would bring to Earth a great woe.
(end quote)

So, basically, they abandoned the ways of source and summoned the demons of the darkness (seeking or thinking it had more power) (I think Seraphelle of Atlantis was one who went to the dark side, but others too)

So, I think at the time of the fall of Atlantis, either just before or just after, someone (I think, Enki and Thoth, but I do not know who else was in on this decision?) decided Humanity needed to learn the lessons of Duality if they were to become the most powerful beings in the Universe

So, someone (I think, Enki and Thoth, but I do not know who else was in on this decision?) decided to insert “codes” to stop us getting downloads and contact with source,(separation to source) and implement other things such as caping our DNA chromosomes so that we only had access to 2 strands of DNA to limit our age and abilities, to stop us from “getting our power back” until we had learned the lessons, and were capable of having the power of being the most powerful beings in the universe.

They also did other things like scrambling our language at the tower of babel, to stop us getting our abilities back to soon, also, may have used mind control, to control us maybe from our moon, or using the ley lines of the earth etc…

This is why we have been “in the dark” and “at the mercy of the dark forces” for so long

I also think in the 12 dimensions of existence, the higher dimensions oversee the lower dimensions, like all the departments in a department store (my opinion) and it is the job of the higher dimensions to “look after” the lower dimensions (with what they need to succeed etc… my opinion)
So, some of these decisions above could be made by beings in higher dimensions.

I also think it is important to note that we need to Learn to Love, and give Love, and Be Love, to everyone and everything (high vibrational traits) for us to ascend to the 5th dimension and beyond (I think if you still have low vibrational traits, like Anger hatred, Ego etc… I don’t think you will make it to the higher dimensions, or at least you will not make it higher than 5th or 6th dimensions if you get this high)

One other thing I would like to mention is I have seen it in the Bible New Testament
(Matthew 24:22 )
“…21 For at that time there will be great tribulation, unmatched from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be seen again. 22 If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short.

Also, I have heard channelled messages that tell us “starseeds” were sent here from the future to save Earth.

Also, I think that unless the plan to Save Earth by sending “starseeds” to Earth, to act from the inside and bypass the non-interference laws , we may not be now in a position for a successful ascension to the 5th dimension and beyond.

I would like to know who thought up this plan to send “starseeds” back to earth from the future to save earth?

I have also seen a video titled Is This Humanities Last Chance?

So, in answer to your question“ Earth - The GREATEST FAILURE in the Universe - But Why???”

1. Our Prophecy Planet prediction says that we will be the most powerful beings in the Universe. (This may present a problem given our history)
2. We Need to learn the Lessons of Duality very well to be the most powerful beings in the universe. (otherwise, we may be controlled by the Darkness).
3. Separation from Source was engineered, and our DNA abilities and age was limited, to stop us getting our abilities back to soon.
4. We need to learn to be Light/Love/unity to be worthy to have such power. (otherwise, we may act in Anger or Hatred etc …)
5. Planet Earth May have never got out it?, it may have Blown up? , if not for the Starseed planned intervention. (but this was always planned to happen this way?)

This is just my opinion, (take it or leave it, as always)

Thank you


1). I get upset often, I I spend my life constantly combatting this mess Humanity got itself into.  I apologize for the negative attitude that initiated this post


2) get back to me on PaperClip - I go on at LENGTH about it.


3) Ascension hasn't occured for anyone on this planet yet.  It begins in 2025.  You are correct.  Ascension will occur in "pockets" of humanity - like the Children for example.


4). The dark forces on this planet are/were the iluminati and annunaki (Ilumy and anufuki) - both of whom have been essentially eliminated.


5) Enki and Thoth spent MORE time in Communion with God than any other beings that I have ever heard about.  Because in the big picture, they needed the most help from God.  They WORKED for it and received it.  Enki and Thoth Focused on BLACK CONSCIOUSNESS - "The HighHouse" to Ultimately over power the anufuki.  Because OBVIOUSLY God told them "The Plan".  It Was Working Perfectly according to Plan.  Which is why the anufuki destroyed Black Egypt and all the Olmecs Thoth Took too the Americas.  Black is ALL the Way Back in 2025.


6) Because Earth was literally impossible to save from everyone's perspective in 3-6D.  It would take the biggest unimaginable miracle to save earth.  But God "Spoiler Alerted" all y'all that "somehow" Earth was going to be saved.  This is Why Earth is referred to as "The Prophecy Planet". .., and We're Flipping it In the Cosmic Blink of an eye.  "Immediately is our only procedural speed".  Viola.


7) on the Advancement of Technology - Dark Fleet introduced the engineering concepts of "Technology" into this Universe.  Operation PaperClip EXPONENTIALLY gave rose to all of the technology y'all have been completely gifted with in the last 80 years.  Expect the "next level" stuff y'all really want to come forward to the public in 2025.  The ancient tech on this planet was crap.  If you were living in ancient times you would have NO technology compared to today.  Think about it.  


8) Atlantis was anufuki.  The OGs of Ego.  Ego is called ARROGANCE. Dark Fleet just "swapped" one word for the other.  Because Arrogance is Simple to Understand and the word ego literally is so etherically confusing to grasp.  And.., we wanted to make things a challenge.  Swap the words back and now yàll have the verbal KEY to do all your Shadow Work.  Words have Power


9) Correct about the 12 dimensions and everything else you said in that paragraph - and the next paragraph. And GREAT Bible Versing - Thx for that ❤️.  And Correct about the Next stuff you said too, you are on a roll.  Now I'm looking at the very last segment you wrote.


10) Y'all are NOT the most powerful beings in the Universe - but y'all are INFINITY more powerful then you think.  Forget about SLL that - and just Go For the POWER of Emotion aka Consciousness of the Heart.

- learn ing the lessons of duality is called "Shadow Work".  The whole universe is doing it.., and we're filthy.  It's ok, we will be squeaky clean soon

- Seperation from Source WAS Engineering.  You are Brilliant.  Let's expand on this any time you want.  There is a Cosmic STORY here.




Posted : 01/10/2024 6:46 am
Posts: 109
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Thank you, I appreciate everything you said, and I look forward to talking to you again.

Posted : 01/10/2024 4:41 pm
Joshua Bortnick
Posts: 441
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Posted by: @wayneroughan


Thank you, I appreciate everything you said, and I look forward to talking to you again.


Operation PaperClip -


Nazis DEFINITIVELY have ALWAYS been in direct opposition to the Cabal.  Nazis are Fractals of Dark Fleet.  Dark Fleet Was only ever within the darkness to kyll it All.  As Y'all can SEE that Now.  


The anufuki can only primitively enslave. Their Ilumy were the worst worms.  But they were silently EVERYWHERE.  And in the 1900ish (depending on how you look at it) We began the Actionable Operation to take ALL the cabal out - ultimately by 

1) Internally Building up the cabal to BREAK the cabal

2) Engineer 100 Militaries/Space Programs to 100 Earth Nations - to DEVISTATE  The Extensions of the Cabal in this Solar System (and beyond).


In WW2 it was OBVIOUS that the Germans had ALL the Technology and ALL The Military Might.  We beat the Brakes of the cabals conscript armies and "their" military hardware that they just got from us anyways.  Eventually we suckered those idiots into believing that they finally had us as we got "stuck" in the Siberian Winter.  But WHAT IDIOTS, cus the Siberian Winter was the PERFECT strategic location to TAKE OUR DIVE (Nazi Germanies Secret alliance in WW2 were the Real Russians).., And immediately take the Planet in Operation PaperClip by dispersing ourselves across all the MOST powerful positions all over the entire planet - COLLECTIVELY covertly as ONE (they are SO dumb). 


Their insatiably took MILLIONS of Us in Operation PaperClip. While many many Millions of Us Were always Based in Antarctica with plenty of Operation HighJump Saucers.  Which Immediately became 100 Billion of Us as We Immediately installed 1000s of DUMBS taking The Most Dominant Dark Fleet Positions under the Planet.  As 1000s of Planets within this Planet (to manage all the Madness that stacked up round here for 450,000 yrs.  There are Trillions of Us in the Solar Systems.  It's not our Numbers.  It's our Military Formitability.  


Not only is Your Impossible to Free Prophecy Planet Free But y'all Getting the Grand Finales of Planetary Ascensions 


SIeg Heil


Posted : 01/10/2024 5:22 pm
Posts: 109
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Thank you for the information on “Operation PaperClip”

I Think the ascension process is going to wipe Planet Earth Clean, we will become a Love and unity planet. (I can’t wait)

I think they are trying to delay the Solar Flash to give as many beings as possible a choice to choose the Light over the darkness.

I also think I heard that we could be a 9D Planet in our near future

(they say it will be easier for us to ascend into the higher dimensions 7D and above because of the Testing and lessons we have learned on Planet Earth)

I have heard the Reptilians and Dark forces know this is coming and are leaving this planet now on mass.

I have heard powerful solar events are heading our way.

I love it …. Planet Earth is also a Living Library Planet and it deserves to live in Love and Peace and Unity.

This post was modified 4 months ago by Wayne Roughan
Posted : 02/10/2024 12:21 pm
Joshua Bortnick
Posts: 441
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Topic starter

Posted by: @wayneroughan


Thank you for the information on “Operation PaperClip”

I Think the ascension process is going to wipe Planet Earth Clean, we will become a Love and unity planet. (I can’t wait)

I think they are trying to delay the Solar Flash to give as many beings as possible a choice to choose the Light over the darkness.

I also think I heard that we could be a 9D Planet in our near future

(they say it will be easier for us to ascend into the higher dimensions 7D and above because of the Testing and lessons we have learned on Planet Earth)

I have heard the Reptilians and Dark forces know this is coming and are leaving this planet now on mass.

I have heard powerful solar events are heading our way.

I love it …. Planet Earth is also a Living Library Planet and it deserves to live in Love and Peace and Unity.


Reptillians like All Animallians are perfect Beings in perfect balance with the Universe.   


Reptillian human hybrids are a different story.


No dark forces are allowed to "go anywhere" it's bye bye die die time for them all - nowhere to run.


Good Assessment getting away from the standard idea of ascendinging into 5D.  It's not happening like that.  It's more like how you started to hint in on.., the Dimensional stack is Expanding like and Accordion.  A process Mechanised by Emotion.  And Performed by The Children ❤️


Posted : 02/10/2024 4:26 pm
Posts: 109
Member Registered

Thank you for your continued input,
I saw a video today Titled: “Elites Underground bases in Antarctica that are now completely seized. Ashtar Channeling (14) The Truth Can Change Your Life
I have some more questions for you if I may:
1. Do you know of a “Commander and Chief of Space Fleet” ? (is it like or related to Dark Fleet?)
2. Do you know of “The Galaxy Light Federation”
3. Was there a neutralizing of Underground and Ground sites belonging to the Greys and Orions?
4. What sort of being would you describe yourself to be: A grey, A Human, or something else?
5. How do you kill the dark forces? And why?
6. Why do we need to kill the dark forces if we are moving to higher dimensions of existence of Love and Unity and beyond?
7. What is, and where is “Inner Earth”, Seraphelle of Atlantis she said she now lives in Inner Earth, and she says that Inner Earth is not beneath our feet (“even this is a wrong perspective as we are not beneath your feet, Inner Earth exists and thrives in a different fractal dimension of time and space than you on the surface in your current physical bodies, you can access these planes though a number of ways, although we wouldn’t recommend you attempting to, in your current physical one”) Is this true”
8. What do we as humans need to be doing at this time? And why?
9. If we get involved in lower vibrational activities, we may get stuck in low vibration and then not make it to Ascension?
I appreciate your time and assure you these are serious questions
Thank You

Posted : 02/10/2024 10:53 pm
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