DISCLOSURE Conference & National Press Club Event LIVE Monday, June 12, 2023
Hi everyone,
For anyone who doesn't know Dr. Steven Greer, he is the man behind the disclosure project. He works with whistleblowers who expose the shadow government and shadow military. There is so much information, I don't even know where to begin. So I will just share a few links with incredible information. So much of the information Elizabeth shares and channels is talked about and confirmed with proof in the below documentary films, and there are many more to watch.
Watch the live stream of Disclosure 2.0 Monday, June 12, 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDY7t6HihCw&ab_channel=Dr.StevenGreer
Stevens Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@DrStevenGreer55/featured
So for anyone interested watch these documentary films (must watch - they are amazing):
Have an amazing day. 🥰🙏🏼
@nickq1233 If we think about it, the general public is not even close to understanding anything related to ascension, 5D, and other galactic civilizations. And most people still don't know ETs are real. They have no clue about what the heck is going on in this world. I have spiritually awakened friends that don't know anything about the shadow government or what's really going on.
If Greer came out to the media and the white house and began speaking about spiritual terms, he would be ridiculed. Disclosure needs to start from 3D and up. Disclosing the secret program and that we have man-made spacecraft is an indirect way of disclosing the ETs, because where would we otherwise get the knowledge from? Also, Greer knows the shadow government will push back, and they want to control the narrative, so he has to expose them big time and all the crazy stuff they are doing. They are the core issue and the biggest threat to humanity, the ETs, and the earth. Greer has been working exposing them for so many years and nothing has really changed. They need to be stopped before it's too late! When they are out of the way people can begin expanding their consciousness. That's just my take on it.
@elvirah-ads Very good point you make. That makes perfect sense. I forget about not freaking people out at first. Yeah, I see how he could be received potentially if he came right out with the broader topic. It would be easier for the cabal to discredit him as well and make him look “unstable”. Man, I hope Dr Greer gets a medal for this at some point. He has to deal with so much hate from people that just don’t know, what they don’t know. I’m cool with baby steps. I just hope that the baby runs really fast. 🙂
Hey. I wanted to share this link. It’s the Taygetan opinion on Dr Greer’s disclosure event. From the Pleaidea’s. Totally legit. Interesting opinions. They go into the deep state and the dark layers of the remaining elements of the cabal. Referencing again a potential fake alien invasion initiated by the cabal. I’ve gotten this message as well.
@nickq1233 Yes, it's really hard being a witness to all the hate Greer gets and seeing so many people completely unconscious. Thanks for sharing the link, I just watched it. If it's true Greer is a controlled opposition/a psyop what would the agenda behind that be? Then there is no hope for us! Taygetan doesn't give any solution to anything, it's just opinions. Should we all just be passive and let this be - let the elite keep doing what they are doing? Then there is truly no hope for humanity.
@elvirah-ads They’re just sharing their opinion. Don't take it as truth 100%. They would be speculating too. Taygetans can be a little harsh or straightforward in a way. Or direct in their assumptions. If that makes sense. They can bad mouth the GFL sometimes and can go rouge a little. They want to intervene but the GFL won’t let them. Like ships in the air, taking out the cabal. Like direct intervention. They are super spirited and motivated but young souls. I think Dr Greer is legit because he talks about the false flag plan. The only reason to play Dr Greer would be to put that plan into motion. If Dr Greer is putting the witnesses up that he is it’s maybe better for him. Meaning, the witnesses are the same kind of witnesses that can tell the public that we have government owned craft and a deep state or cabal in charge. I see it as a step ahead of the false flag event. Like say the cabal will do this then the cabal does it. Easier to hold the truth if truth is our first maybe? I’ve heard several things said about a last ditch effort by the cabal to fake an ET invasion and just blow stuff up and kill people themselves pretending it was ET. Just using their own UAP’s. And CGI with control of media. One real explosion can look like 100 all over . All it would take is the one real explosion for the public to believe the other 99 explosions were real. That’s the plan I’m sensitive of when I watch these videos and see whats coming out. It’s what the cabal would do if they wanted to fake an Nefarious ET invasion. Then blame all the Draco systems on this fake ET invasion and be the hero’s. Take back control, because they saved us. They want to be the hero’s so that we’ll be back under their control. Hero’s of a fake ET invasion that they were responsible for. Cabal at its finest. I’d just hope that Dr Greer is on top of that , which it kind of feels like he is. Hold your judgement and don’t believe everyone opinions even if they are ET. If it’s speculation at least, like in this case. I think the leaked government footage from 2017 is all cabal driven. The tic tacs and other UAP’s are government owned. That’s why I’m so hesitant to jump on board any of this. It sure does feel like a beginnings of that plan. If it looks like CGI , like the recent Las Vegas 8’ aliens caught on camera it’s CGI. But really good CGI which makes me believe it’s part of this agenda. I’ll post a link to what I mean. Fake UFO crash, tons of media. Poor resident that got scared crapless by a cabal driven false ET encounter. Check out the video. Doesn’t look like a real ET except for one. It’s looks like a reptilian sort of. Perfect for their plan. Who knows though. Just my thoughts as I’m looking at all this. Maybe take a look at this video and tell me what you think? Implanted purposeful CGI by the cabal to create fear around the fake Las Vegas cabal run 911 call and “ET” encounter? https://youtu.be/lUNrvPFqSMY
I wonder who else is going to have to go through a staged ET encounter by the cabal. Down a UAP, project the aliens in someone’s back yard so they’ll call the cops and then they’ll follow it up with CGI made “camera footage “ of a nefarious Alien looking around. Like this video. If we see this repeated then we know for sure. Lol. The stuff we have to put up with. Wish we could squash the cabal already so we didn’t have to witness these ridiculous lies and games they play with innocent people.
@elvirah-ads Here’s an example of the local news report In Vegas, channel 8. For the false Eat event in Las Vegas. Poor family. Victims of cabal. If we see more of these kinds of things we should be on alert.
Free Energy
3 weeks ago
So who else is loving the video EA did about disclosure timeline?
2 months ago