DISCLOSURE Conference & National Press Club Event LIVE Monday, June 12, 2023
Hi everyone,
For anyone who doesn't know Dr. Steven Greer, he is the man behind the disclosure project. He works with whistleblowers who expose the shadow government and shadow military. There is so much information, I don't even know where to begin. So I will just share a few links with incredible information. So much of the information Elizabeth shares and channels is talked about and confirmed with proof in the below documentary films, and there are many more to watch.
Watch the live stream of Disclosure 2.0 Monday, June 12, 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDY7t6HihCw&ab_channel=Dr.StevenGreer
Stevens Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@DrStevenGreer55/featured
So for anyone interested watch these documentary films (must watch - they are amazing):
Have an amazing day. 🥰🙏🏼
@elvirah-ads I’m stoked about this. 🙂 Especially being right after that Airforce whistle blower just came out about the US secret UFO crash retrieval teams. I think that full interview is on Sunday right before Steven Greer’s disclosure event in Monday. Talk about good timing. I think his name is David Grusch. I think I saw that he may join in on the disclosure event as well on Monday. Pretty cool seeing NASA participating in the “UAP” investigations too. It just irks me a little seeing them pretend like they don’t know what the UFOs are. It’s like watching people acting on stage some times, like they don’t know about this. Most of us know exactly what they are, whose they are and guaranteed the government knows as well. Lol. I’m just glad Dr Greer has been pursuing this for as long as he has. Maybe the general public will get some sort of disclosure from the government about the topic. Really hoping so. But not the false flag type of disclosure where they’re flying around there own UFOs and pretending they’re ET craft. 🙂
@nickq1233 Yes, it's so amazing. So much is happening! 😊 I'm also hoping the information is going to reach many more people, and that they don't fall for the media BS (false disclosure alien threat) Let's see how the shadow government will push back with its own agenda and if the selected government will take action on the information presented. I believe they do know but are too scared of the power of the "elite". And yes, deep gratitude for the work Greer has done for all these years, putting his own life at risk. 🙏🏼
@elvirah-ads Thank you for sharing!
@elvirah-ads thank you so much for sharing! I just watched his newest movie “The Lost Century” and loved it!!!! He mentioned in the movie that he wants to open up a research Lab and as soon as someone working their produces a free energy method he’s going to release it to the entire world! I feel so bad for all the folks that discovered free energy methods in the past and lost their lives because of it 😢
After the press briefing: it feels a bit unsettled.
I participated in the live chat. It was mostly negative about Dr. Greer. Very disheartening, but I believe him & I respect those people immensely for their courage.
Billy Carson was in the house! He’s so cool!
I got this out of it:
the dark hats (shadow gov) reverse engineered downed ET craft that they themselves downed using some kind of scalar weaponry. They won’t release this reversed tech to the populace. They have done many many bad things. Dr. Greer is going to file a civilian Rico to force them to release the stolen tech.
I’m trying to stay in a neutral space around it so that it doesn’t get too charged with my emotion.
The Galactic Federation has got this under control, I’m sure!👍
@laureenrene that’s a shame the comments were mostly negative, but I’m not surprised! Dr. Greer is resilient though and I admire his courage! I appreciated the immense detail of the stories told by former military personnel. Their stories were genuine and emotional and I hope they spark an awareness in people who were maybe on the fence in believing in all this stuff!
I am unable to access the last classic federation summit
@danielle-2 yeah I agree. Courage comes in many different forms. Sometimes it’s like EA, Dr. Greer & those fine people who stand up for the truth on the daily.
I commend & respect them!👍❤️👊
@danielle-2 You're welcome. ❤️ The Lost Century is so good. It's very similar to the movies "Thrive 1 and 2" if you have watched them. Thrive 2 was released for free on YT a couple of months ago. They visit a guy in Zimbabwe who also has made a free energy machine. He has been to jail and been poisoned for it. You see him still going to the hospital to get this blood cleaned. This business partner also got poisoned and died. I've linked it here if you haven't watched it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nq2MCxXn3vg&ab_channel=THRIVEMovement
@laureenrene I feel you! ❤️ I didn't watch the live chat. I feel he gets so much hate because people who aren't awakened enough can't handle the truth. It messes up their entire world and belief system. Also, why do people keep following him and watching his work if they hate him so much?! Their ego is fighting the truth and at the same time, they can't let it go. They keep coming back to it. It's very classic initial awakening "symptoms". Sooner or later they will surrender to the truth of it all. We should just hold space for them as best we can. 🙏🏼
I would love for EA to ask the GFL about the work Greer is doing. It could be one of the many timelines at play right now.
@dgroot-farm I'm sure @lynp-2 can help you.
@elvirah-ads thank you so much for this. Just watched the June 12 conference. WOW WOW WOW.
Ok. I have some opinions now. Lol. After watching this event and some new whistle blower reports. I’ll post a link below to a video commentary relating to the latest UAP task force whistle blower that came out on Sunday. It kind of ties into this whole thing. Why are they mainly showing government owned and operated craft? The whistle blower testimonies were mostly people affected negatively as it relates to domestic “UAP’s” and human intervention not ET’s or ET craft. No mention of the ascension, the 5th dimension, Arcturians, Pleaideans , Source etc etc. We already know that ETs are real. A lot of the forum members here have had actual interactions with them. I have 12 ET craft chilling above my house right now, lol. Crazy as that sounds. My spidy senses are tingling. The UAP task force officer that’s in the link below has no idea that the videos he’s referencing are government owned or that most of the craft that the “retrieval teams” are recovering are governments owned and operated. This doesn’t feel like actual disclosure to me but maybe it’s a start. My concern is why would this information be mostly human related or should I say Cabal owned and operated opposed to real ET related information? Theres a mix of Draco and cabal interwoven through out all of this new Information that’s coming out. I hope it’s to expose them and not to mislead the public even more. I’d be cautious in what we observe from these disclosure events for now. Dr Greer excluded of course. I’ve seen his interviews he does know the truth. I just wonder why he showcased these witnesses opposed to communicating the more broad topic of ascension and spirituality which he is aware of. He can list the Real ET races and all that. The focus was on the government illegal actions against the people mostly. Maybe that’s where we start? I can get on board with that too but at what point are we holding similar disclosure events about the Ascension, Source, real ET footage, information about the ET races that are here currently etc. The truth is blatantly obvious and available on many different web sites, YouTube all over.
@s-daniels You're welcome!🙏🏼 Yes, it was indeed mindblowing!!
Free Energy
3 weeks ago
So who else is loving the video EA did about disclosure timeline?
2 months ago