David Icke -thought...
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David Icke -thoughts?

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Hello Cosmic Society friends! 
   Have any of you read books by David Icke? I recently read his book called “Phantom Self” because I want to hear his insight on the Matrix and Illuminati. I was pretty shocked to learn that David doesn’t believe in groups of beings like the Ashtar Command. He says they are made up and also part of the Matrix programming! Does anyone know why he feels this way? I just can’t let it go… i know I should because everyone is entitled to their our belief system and perception on reality. I think a lot of his other material is valid and true, especially the information about the Reptilian agenda but I was almost hurt but the harsh words he used about the Ashtar command being made up 🙁 I have connected with members of Ashtar in the past so I know it’s real. Does anyone out there feel the same way when you learn that a spiritual teacher has strong opposing views on something you hold near and dear to your heart?

Love and light to you all 😊  

Posted : 06/06/2023 2:55 am
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@daniellejeanwatson-2 Thank you for sharing!

Posted : 06/06/2023 4:30 am
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@daniellejeanwatson-2 Hey Danielle. I've seen some of his work. Mostly the reptilian Draco content. I'd be cautious about taking in everything that he says. I feel like there's a strong Ego in him. When you run into people with Ego's they have a bad habit of talking down other aspects of contact that they aren't experiencing themselves. Like an ego centric perspective that if he isn't aware of the Pleiadeans then they don't exist or are made up. Males seem to have a harder time shedding their egos and without an ego death you can't trust 100% of the content that the person puts out. He's still a human with flaws. The Pleiadeans are a huge contributor for the GFL. They are a "military" or combative arm of the GFL as well. Ashtar is a commander of one of the larger combative fleets. The main players at the moment are Pleiadeans which Ashtar is part of, Taygetans, also Pleiadeans. The Alpha Centraurians and the Telosions are also in physical form in and around the Earth. All of these above-mentioned ET races look just like us and that's on purpose. Once they make themselves known to the general public it'll be easier to accept them since they look very human or Lyran. There are several other GLF affiliated ET races that are participating but the first initial arrival will mostly likely be the human looking ETs. The Arcturians, Sirians, Andromedins, Greys and other non human looking ET's are helping too but they are more "Alien" looking so it may be a while until we see them in physical form on the Earth. Have you been connecting with Sananda or "Yeshua" as well?

Posted : 06/06/2023 7:45 am
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@nickq1233 Thanks Nick! I really appreciate your insight! I have also felt that he has a very strong personality and ego! It’s so nice to be able to get feedback from other like minded souls on this forum. So odd that he would be open to talk about 8 foot tall reptilian shape shifters, but not be open to learning more about the benevolent species? Haha. I have been in contact off and on with a locum group working with the Ashtar command since last summer. They are a group of 12 beings, all different species. One of them is an Arcturian and part of my multidimensional self 🙂 They are wonderful aids to humanity. The “leader” of the group is a Pleiadian. 

Thanks again 🙂

Posted : 06/06/2023 9:26 am
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@daniellejeanwatson-2 I hear you. EA's forum is great. It's the first place I've found online with a majority of it's members being awakened already. A good percentage have experienced ET contact as well. You can't find that easily. I don't know why some people get tunnel vision as it relates to certain ET groups. There's not just one answer, there's several and I think some people have difficulty with that. You've had experience with the council of 12. That's awesome. Really cool that you've connected with your Arcturian multidimensional self. I've heard of people getting pulled up into craft or brought into a subterranean facilities to interact with the council of 12. I'm impressed that you didn't freak out. Some of the members are really "Alien" looking. Insectoids, Arcturians etc. I freaked out interacting with a human looking ET at first, I couldn't imagine being there with 12 different ET races all at once. I totally agree with you on the David Icke thing. If he's willing to accept an 8' reptilian shape shifting Draco ET as a reality then why not accept a 7' blond hair, blue eyes, human looking Pleiadean, lol. The Ego is blinding and motivated by self-serving actions and beliefs. Maybe it's just a lack of connection to the spiritual or multidimensional aspects of himself? Who knows.

Posted : 06/06/2023 10:24 am
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Yah who knows!? His show on Gaia “Escaping the Matrix” is eye opening for sure, and he tones it down a bit for that series. But he really lets loose in his books! Some of the stuff I can’t bring myself to read! 

I haven’t met all the council members just a few and one was a beautiful mantis being. I have no fear when communicating with them, I get this “childhood friend” vibe that’s comforting and puts me at ease 🙂 probably helps that I’ve never been frightened by insects too, haha. Is there an actual (like documented) council of 12!? If so, I had no idea, I just thought I was part of a group ( like many others ) of volunteers aiding in earths transition. That’s really cool!


Posted : 06/06/2023 3:10 pm
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@daniellejeanwatson-2 Wow. So cool. You have a strong connection with your child hood friend. For you to have that relationship from a young age where there is no fear present is amazing. You have Arcturian roots too. Very cool. Do you know your original star system origin?

I haven’t read any of David Ike’s books. I watched a couple videos where he was talking about the Draco on YouTube. I don’t remember if he was calling them Draco but he was describing a reptilian shape shifter so Draco.  Lol.

Yeah, there’s a council of 12. They operate separately from the GFL but are friendly and connected in a way. Each member represents a different ET race and the insectoids play a primary role in communicating to the starseeds that they want to reach out to. They operate in subterranean facilities part of Agartha but also have craft. They’re pulling starseeds in currently to inform them of the ascension and all that. Hence waking their starseeds up. There are several ET races contacting their starseeds right now to wake them up. I was awakened about 2.5 years ago by the Alpha Centaurians/ Telosi or Selosi. So many names but the same ET group. Im a Lyran starseed technically but my last ET incarnation was on Selo so I have Alpha Centauri guides around me. It’s really cool to hear your story. You should post in the starseed meet and greet section. You have a really cool story to share. 🙂

Posted : 06/06/2023 5:13 pm
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I am really grateful for this community❤️🙏

Posted : 07/06/2023 1:49 am
Mariska van Luin and MG reacted
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@nickq1233 My soul originated in Arcturus, but like most of us, I’ve been alllll around, haha. Thats so great you have learned of your Lyran roots - everything I’ve ever read about Lyra makes it sound like a beautiful paradise 💜

Thanks for the info on the group of 12! I appreciate it! 

Posted : 07/06/2023 9:01 am
Posts: 878
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@danielle-2 Very cool. Love Arcturians. Yeah, I hear you. We’re all galactic mutts in a way. 🙂

Posted : 07/06/2023 2:10 pm