Crystal Grid Messages
🌹Words of Divine Light 🌹
🌹I can not control the influences of those who have influence over groups of people, from the mainstream and the alternatives 🌹
🌹Because I can not control the influences those have over us, I live my best authentic self, free from the sensational influences in the mainstream and the alternatives 🌹
🌹I choose to listen to all sides and detach from emotion regarding falsehoods, for group delusions do not run my life 🌹
🌹I understand that I, as an individual light being focus more on what is right for I, myself, and not group oriented social groups 🌹
🌹I will not follow the falsehoods of the mainstream and alternatives and promote wellbeing within my individual reality 🌹
🌹Only I can choose a positive timeline with higher vibration, something that I have chosen that no influences of the mainstream or alternatives can overpower 🌹