Can someone explain “grounding”
I hear this all the time and don’t know what it means. I travel when I meditate but never grounded or understand why I need to. Thanks TEAM 😍
@foxyrach26 As we humans have 7 main chakra's, and taking in mind the law 'as above as below', i believe we humans are in the middle of everything. We are the middle 'chakra' of the Universe. Below us are the lower chakras: The central earth crystal, deep ocean, middle earth, the other seas, earth star just under the ground; above us akashic, earth grid, ascended masters, dream realm, the combined Universal lifeforms, Source and "beyond source". As all chakras are connected energetically it's important the energy can flow freely up and down. So if you're asking is grounding (to the lower chakras) important, i would say a heartfelt yes!