Black Rock is on Crack Rock
This World Functions as:
1) A Platform for Ascension for Humanity
2) A Rat Trap for the ALL the Cabal
In 1945 Germany TOOK the Planet in Operation PaperClip. It's Called a "Trojan Horse". It Was The Plan All along.
We did not end the Cabal then because we are not allowed to. Because We are from a higher density and they are essentially 3d and ONLY 3d can "take out" 3D.
So here's what we did. Like "jack and the beanstalk" we engineered this Modern high tech society from the "horse and buggy" no tech days and times of the 1900s. The illuminati had NOTHING to do with this except INVESTING in it all. If they could have engineered a modern society they would have done so a long time ago. We sold the cabal a false dream with false confidence so they could proceed arrogantly full steam ahead with all their free willyness..
Here's the MONEY TRAP we set for the cabal. We did let them keep a fair percentage of the money they made as they became trillionaires. Because who cares - we're taking in ALL back from them now. So the heaps of money were only heaps of false sense of security.
We Essentially made it irresistible for the cabals 100 Nations to invest QUADRILLIONS into The unending array of militaries and military hardware - which is 1000x more expensive than the numbers you see in paper. The question is - How does the cabal pay for this? The Answer is they don't. Dark Fleet supplies The Construction of the 100 Militaries to the 100 Nations, and the ONLY form of payment we accept from the cabal is DEBT. Then when they invested in off world Militaries (with us because we are the only place to upwards invest), they got into exponentially exponential debt with Dark Fleet.
Black Rock has 100s of trillions of "dollars". But they are in DEBT to Dark Fleet Quadrillions of Dollars. We pulled their marker. They couldn't pay. The militaries got immediately repossessed - and have essentially wiped the cabal out. This is the tail end of that final humiliating beat down.
Black Rock isnt done - it's Doomed. Doomed is a really really bad position to be in at Ascension