Attn admins, A little clarity please – 🗣️ GENERAL DISCUSSION – Elizabeth April Forum
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Attn admins, A little clarity please

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Ok, I know you all don't like to talk in duality, but I'm sensing some odd vibes lately and I hate that. I need some actual clarification. 

This was part of a longer post yesterday that was liked by admin:

"First Lady Brigitte Macron is a dude

Michelle Obama is a dude"

Does this reflect the ideologies of the website? 

Is the GFL in some neutral-to-good relationship with the Draco? Bc that's some Himmler stuff if I've ever read it. And they're in league together. What I don't get is why all the love for posts made by "the enemy"? Which is why the question. 

Regardless, gender discrimination, no matter how many ppl here think this is normal behavior, is absolutely unacceptable.

Sure, this is a private website. You can do as you wish. I'll just exit. But it should speak volumes to truth seekers hearts, if they are truly open and truly seeking Christ Consciousness & the unconditional love Source holds. But you do you. 


Posted : 19/09/2024 5:24 am
Posts: 336
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Light Codes: 553

Posted by: @Anonymous

Ok, I know you all don't like to talk in duality, but I'm sensing some odd vibes lately and I hate that. I need some actual clarification. 

This was part of a longer post yesterday that was liked by admin:

"First Lady Brigitte Macron is a dude

Michelle Obama is a dude"

Does this reflect the ideologies of the website? 

Is the GFL in some neutral-to-good relationship with the Draco? Bc that's some Himmler stuff if I've ever read it. And they're in league together. What I don't get is why all the love for posts made by "the enemy"? Which is why the question. 

Regardless, gender discrimination, no matter how many ppl here think this is normal behavior, is absolutely unacceptable.

Sure, this is a private website. You can do as you wish. I'll just exit. But it should speak volumes to truth seekers hearts, if they are truly open and truly seeking Christ Consciousness & the unconditional love Source holds. But you do you. 



Sexual Deviance (A planet full of Vesica Pisces Transexuals) Controls the ENTIRE political landscape of your Planet.  Your Politicians are sexual deviance, and this includes all of them having sexual intercourse with minors and adrenochrome rituals that murder billions of Children on and under this Planet.  We are ELIMINATING this Madness.  


All dominion dyez - in Unity Consciousness 

They did this to themselves 

Maybe you should aquatint yourselves with the "ideology" of Karma.  It means "Everyone gets what they deserve"


Posted : 19/09/2024 6:18 am
Posts: 336
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Light Codes: 553

Watch "Europa the Last Battle".  

To Know Your Environment 

Everyone Will Soon


Posted : 19/09/2024 6:20 am
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@luzifertoo2 look up "unconditional" (love) and maybe meditate on that shit. 😆

Posted : 19/09/2024 6:34 am
Posts: 336
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Light Codes: 553

Posted by: @Anonymous

@luzifertoo2 look up "unconditional" (love) and maybe meditate on that shit. 😆


Miss, I have and express more love than anyone on this planet.  It's not even a comparison.  Look at what I am doing for you ALL.  Look at What Dark Fleet Did for the Universe.  We saved you all from yourselves and the 3 billion years of perpetual misery of Duality that all of the Universe perpetually suffered unto.


Love is WELL Within our Constitution - So is Kicking Ass.

In this Universe.., that's how Duality Ends


Posted : 19/09/2024 7:00 am
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@luzifertoo2 You seem to be equating my defense of transgender folks to pedophilia, which is utter nonsense. You also seem to think I'm defending them bc I idolize Hollywood (based on a reply under another topic). Also untrue. Most of my friends as well as myself come from the marginalized community. So I have a lifetime of personal experience as well as a wonderful group of friends that educate me on what it means to be a good human while being hated for something beyond our control. 

Most, if not all, of the people who judge us, have no idea what they are talking about and just regurgitate vitriol they've heard or read. They assume things. They don't know. And it's not their business. 

I've been working very hard at loving your soul despite how I've always felt about Nazis & the actual impact they've had on my life. The fact that you can't even try, and then act like you're so much more evolved.... 

Maybe you are... neither if us can know. I do know that I've dropped during all of this. That's on me. Completely. No one did that to me but me. 

Now I'm done & off to meditate. 

Posted : 19/09/2024 7:04 am
Posts: 336
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Light Codes: 553

Posted by: @Anonymous

@luzifertoo2 You seem to be equating my defense of transgender folks to pedophilia, which is utter nonsense. You also seem to think I'm defending them bc I idolize Hollywood (based on a reply under another topic). Also untrue. Most of my friends as well as myself come from the marginalized community. So I have a lifetime of personal experience as well as a wonderful group of friends that educate me on what it means to be a good human while being hated for something beyond our control. 

Most, if not all, of the people who judge us, have no idea what they are talking about and just regurgitate vitriol they've heard or read. They assume things. They don't know. And it's not their business. 

I've been working very hard at loving your soul despite how I've always felt about Nazis & the actual impact they've had on my life. The fact that you can't even try, and then act like you're so much more evolved.... 

Maybe you are... neither if us can know. I do know that I've dropped during all of this. That's on me. Completely. No one did that to me but me. 

Now I'm done & off to meditate. 


Because I'm "Unacknowledged" means I do not get a paycheck from the military.  In fact they take my money to ensure that my radius is tightly limited until I deploy.  So I work a civilian job like everyone else.., and donate plasma.  I donate Plasma at BioLife.  They are the Nicest most Cohesive Group of individuals I have ever had the pleasure to be around in America.  Why? Because they are all LGBT, and they get along PERFECTLY happily together.  I've never seen anything like it, and I'm so happily impressed with them.


Because Sexuality is such a predators paradise on this Planet, I honor everyone who tried to escape that overgrown fabric of madness by opting out.  Abstence from ALL of it was my choice.  Seeking out by being LGBT is often the WISE Other SAFE Choice for people to Choose.


Do NOT be fooled by the OTHER political vessica pices PsyOp that has an EXTREMELY perverted sexual agenda that is blanketing humanity.., which you can all now see is in place to groom all the Children DIRECTLY into sexual depravity and outward flamboyant addiction.




Posted : 19/09/2024 7:23 am
Posts: 764
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Light Codes: 1970

@square-peggy As this was directed towards the admins, I can resonate well with you. And with the admins. Cause they have a tough job. Freedom of speech vs forum rules, unspoken rules. Yes I warned in a DM also to avoid words like f#ck b#tch h#tler and n#zi, because many (all) of us would be triggered. Yes maybe and likely we are brainwashed,  but we have to resolve that first.

I don't like personal attacks like you mention either. Even if true I would never pick on Michelle Obama or Ms . Macron. It would lower our frequency doing that. I do learn my children not to pick on others. No swearing. It lowers your frequency to put the attention on others (true or not). Only exception is humor. That raises our frequency. 

So... admins... should you set borders or allow free speech. I see them give warnings. Maybe they do it in DMs. I respect your hard and good work. 🙏 

Posted : 19/09/2024 10:58 am
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The larger point is thinking that calling someone transgender is an insult in the first place. Or that it's anyone's business. 

In any case, I would actually like to hear their perspective. Any perspective. In DM or not. It doesn't need to be sugar-coated. 


Posted : 19/09/2024 11:10 am
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@lighthealer_arkie Thank you, I agree.

Posted : 19/09/2024 11:11 am
Posts: 764
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Light Codes: 1970

Posted by: @Anonymous

In any case, I would actually like to hear their perspective.

An admin is slightly different than a moderator. Maybe they/we need a moderator? Is our self cleaning/ self correcting power enough? We are allowed to make mistakes, to learn from them. And we practice forgiveness. To run away is not the answer. Then we have to set (some) borders. Or not. I always keep in mind that the other is an aspect of myself. So why did we attract these insults? To clear some karma? Idk its difficult. Does EA have an opinion or a wise word?


Posted : 19/09/2024 12:03 pm
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@lighthealer_arkie Hm. Interesting. I feel "Do we really need a manager?" 🤣🤣🤣 Yeah. My soul has already guided me. It has been for a few weeks now, I've just been stubborn. Take care everyone. I wish you all the best in your spiritual travels. Peace. 


Posted : 19/09/2024 12:58 pm
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@luzifertoo2 Hey, I'm heading out. I've cleared my energy. We won't be speaking again. I want to end on a helpful note. (You may not need this, idk) 

If you get in a bind $, ask the LGBT folks at BioLife if they can direct you to any mutual aid groups. We're great at that kind of stuff. 


Posted : 19/09/2024 1:02 pm
Posts: 336
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Light Codes: 553

Posted by: @Anonymous

@luzifertoo2 Hey, I'm heading out. I've cleared my energy. We won't be speaking again. I want to end on a helpful note. (You may not need this, idk) 

If you get in a bind $, ask the LGBT folks at BioLife if they can direct you to any mutual aid groups. We're great at that kind of stuff. 



Again, you missed the point with your comprehension and insults.  I have zero financial worries, I never have.  You simply are losing your composure, because you chose to take Offense where there was none.


Posted : 19/09/2024 1:25 pm
Posts: 336
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Light Codes: 553

Posted by: @lighthealer_arkie

@square-peggy As this was directed towards the admins, I can resonate well with you. And with the admins. Cause they have a tough job. Freedom of speech vs forum rules, unspoken rules. Yes I warned in a DM also to avoid words like f#ck b#tch h#tler and n#zi, because many (all) of us would be triggered. Yes maybe and likely we are brainwashed,  but we have to resolve that first.

I don't like personal attacks like you mention either. Even if true I would never pick on Michelle Obama or Ms . Macron. It would lower our frequency doing that. I do learn my children not to pick on others. No swearing. It lowers your frequency to put the attention on others (true or not). Only exception is humor. That raises our frequency. 

So... admins... should you set borders or allow free speech. I see them give warnings. Maybe they do it in DMs. I respect your hard and good work. 🙏 


The Transcripts are Right Here Arkie - Go Find the insults you are alleging please.  And Report back with you findings and I will address them.  On "Tone" there is no such thing when texting. 


In Free Speech:  Free Speech is Spoken ALL Across this Universe (it's Called telepathy).  On Earth y'all think that nobody can hear your thoughts so y'all run cover with word play because there is such a strong rootedness in ego on this planet.


Both of you who have an issue with the comments I made on SEEING THROUGH THE POLITICAL ILLUSIONS That IMPRISONED you all forever.  


Educate Yourselves on the Cosmic Situation. 

It's called Ascension.

Mathematically it Requires Exposing and Eliminating ALL Darkness.  Your Planet is ENVELOPED IN THE THICKEST DARKNESS IN THE UNIVERSE.  


And it's All going to be "Disclosed"


The Whole Country of France is Pissed off about Macrons  Do either of you have a problem with France? France is Outraged because of this AND Because of the age gap.   Because the relationship Consummated when the young Emanuel macron was 14 and Jean was 40.


The World Stands In Much greater information that the United States.   Please understand and accept the layers and layers and layer of brainwashing especially the west has been under and cease and desist attacking the Military and Military Intelligence Whom is Directly Responsible for Completely Saving "The impossible to save prophecy planet", and bombing y'all with the best TBA Ascension in the Universe 


So far news of this has really really upset 1000s of people in the spiritual community with this news that Dark Fleet did do the Saving of Earth. everyone's so upset because they thought things would have gone differently, gone another way.   Even though this is the Best Way (except for dudes like Bridget Macron, to which you will soon see so many more of, because that's what these people do - it's called Vesica Pisces - it's literally their religion)












Posted : 19/09/2024 2:01 pm