Anyone having tech issues, videos acting weird, or is it just me?
Just wondering if it was just my computer or internet, or if others are noticing the same things. Lately videos are weird. They're choppy and like the mouths moving will not match up with the words their speaking, including EAs videos and other videos I've watched. Almost like their editing clips, it's not going smoothely.
@rainyangel616 Hey Angie. Your posts trip me out. You’re usually describing something that I am either also experiencing or had experienced in some way or another, lol. I’ve noticed tech glitches in general. Videos, music, video games, computer, my phone. All sorts of off things. Me and my boy will play xbox together sometimes and I see it happening in the games as well. I don’t know if it’s our energy affecting the devices or if its the new energies coming in. Or maybe it’s none of those. Definitely one of those odd ascension type situations where things get weird. I’m just starting to expect the weird now a days. 🙂 It’s so much more fun than the 3D though. Lol. I don’t watch TV or movies anymore because life is becoming even more interesting than shows and movies. Ha ha. Every day I’m like grabbing the pop corn to see whats going to happen next.
@rainyangel616 I can experience that too. Very delay opening of videos and the like.