Another wild dream last night on November 10 2024
Started on a boat going down a river knew I was dreaming because no motion sickness like when I'm not dreaming I get really seasick I can even read or look at anything if I'm a passenger in a car. So here I am floating along this large river then come up on a waterfall.a bunch of people were hanging on the ledge holding on to whatever they could not to fall.then my boat passes the edge of the waterfall doesn't drop though it's floating in mid air hovering over what looked like at least a 5000 foot drop.woke up looked at the time 3.13am.
Your dreams are very straight forward. In my book. Your sailing through life happy as a pig. Many people are having a hell,of a time, some dropping off the planet. Your sailing through, probably 5 D then or now. Good for you.
Thank you
I have found from going deep inside myselfea has said objective neutrality of both light and dark and what I have found is in some way you become a chaos breaker. One thing I practiced was what therapist will tell you. I can pull up the day of and the next day after I found my buddy hung himself after work Jan 5th 2023 now it's to the point I'm not bothered by it at all it's like any other memory I pull up.fear was never truly my thing more like anger.things that are in the past now
@joe-kain Wow, that sounds like such a vivid and intense dream! The floating over the waterfall part is wild—it almost feels like a message or sign.
My thoughts as well Lynn