ADHD Symptoms increased
Hi everyone,
I'm diagnosed with ADHD and lately, my symptoms are extremely present. I wonder, if that's just my increased level of awareness, awakening symptoms or could it have to do something with all this solar flares lately? Is there anyone, dealing with something familiar? Please let me know.
Much love, Eva
The solar flares past half year were incredible, trying to wake ppl up. But if you are already awake then... yeah you get another impulse. Which could add to your adhd. Have you tried breathing techniques to calm down, or ice baths or cold showers with slow breathing. Everything to calm the nerve system. To focus on the here and now. As adhd you always want to focus on the next thing, without thinking. Stay here and now, breath, focus inwards instead of outwards. Do this a few times per hour. Try to change the mind set.
@evamartens0096 I do not have ADHD; but I do feel for you. I have been experiencing various symptoms of fatigue, etc. which I think may very well be from solar flares, awakening symptoms, etc. Anyway, my humble suggestion, is to ask your question in the Ask the GF section of the forum. I would love to hear input from the Galactic Federation. They would have a different and bigger perspective and may be able to offer help, suggestions, etc. I don't know why I am saying this, because I don't even know you, but I am wishing you the very best.
@evamartens0096 Thank you for posting!
@evamartens0096 Ok so I've never been diagnosed, but I'm POSITIVE I have ADHD! And I can agree with you on the revving up of symptoms!! I think in the past few months i have been extra sensitive. Honestly, I don't know if ADHD is just another term for being a HSP. Highly Sensitive Person. Pretty much same symptoms. If you haven't heard of it yet, look it up. There's a video with Alanis Morrisette in it, she's also one, and they really give you a good idea of what it means to be one, what life challenges you've probably had, and how you can learn to make it easier for yourself and the ones around you. I know I drive myself crazy sometimes and I KNOW I drive some of the people around me crazy too! As for the solar flares being a cause, I have no idea. I don't get that feeling. I get the feeling that as more and more people awaken, and the closer we get to this great shift we are experiencing, the more we notice. Because we notice the most SUBTLE changes in our environment and especially in the people. And since there's so much truth surfacing, ppl are changing their entire way of understanding and way of seeing things. I think ADHD is a gift if managed properly. We are able to tap into everything around us without trying. Imagine trying and seeing how far we can reach and draw in information through our focus. I think focusing in can be achieved with practice and meditation possibly.
@lastphoenixstar yeah, you're probably right with us noticing this stuff more. Concerning a different between adhd and hsp, could be the hyperactive aspect but I'm not sure. For me, my hyperactivity is mostly inside, thoughts are running, much impulsiveness.
I started to take meds again (methylphenidate) lately, which doesn't make me very happy, but I didn't know how to help myself anymore. It all was just too much. Now, trying to build routine and healthy habits so that I soon can stop taking them.