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A Basic Teaching: Discernment between Love and Fear

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I've been reading some of the subjects that are being discussed in the different channels lately. A lot of interesting stuff. But I feel concerned about something. I sense underlying fear in some threads and I wish to remind us (and myself first) of a very basic teaching that we must keep in mind at all times: discernment between Love and Fear.

We often think that when we talk about fear, we're referring to the obvious: war, financial crisis, climate, the elites, etc. But in a Starseed community, where most people are awakened, fear often takes more subtle forms. My fellow Starseeds, whatever you're doing, I highly encourage you to constantly keep one question in your conscious mind: Is what I'm doing/watching/sharing coming from a place of Love or Fear? Yes, it sounds pretty basic and "obvious", but it's not that obvious.

I would like to remind myself first and then each and every one of you that we are Master Creators. We are very powerful spiritual beings and our thoughts do create our reality. Yes, you already know that. But be aware that the powers-that-were know it too. Where am I going with this? Please bear with me a little longer.

I've watched a lot of EA's videos lately (old and new). She shared with us more than once that she tries to keep a balance between her 5D content and 3D-4D content and I understand her concern. 3D-4D content is particularly exciting. I love that stuff! I always want to know more, but it's easy to get lost in it. One of the most effective weapons the powers-that-were have is the human fight-of-flight mode. That thing is so easy to trigger, it's almost ridiculous. It is important to practice non-attachment when we're navigating that stuff. It is important to be aware of how it makes us feel. If we feel that our emotions are becoming unbalanced, it would be wise to take a break and try to understand where it's coming from instead of keep feeding our mind with more. Non-attachment doesn't mean to feel nothing. It means to take a step back and be an observer rather than getting our emotions caught up into an experience. Because when our emotions get caught up into an experience that's also where our focus goes. And where our focus goes, our thoughts go. And our thoughts create our reality.

The powers-that-were are not just some dumb lizards playing "my dad's stronger than yours". They've been around doing their shit for thousands of years. They sure know how this works. EA reminds us often that they don't have the numbers to overpower us physically but if they can get OUR focus where THEY want, then it's a win. We must learn to be discerning. Not everything that has the label "spiritual" on it is 5D. Anything "spiritual" that tells you that you should be afraid of something is NOT 5D. We are bombarded with information every day. For each and every information you receive, ask yourself the same question: is it coming from a place of Love or a place of Fear? What you will choose to tap into, focus on and believe will become your reality. Because you are a powerful Master Creator. It is absolutely essential to keep asking ourselves this question over and over and over again. I'm not saying to stop watching 3D-4D content. I'm saying: practice non-attachment and pay close attention to your emotional reactions.

The same goes for what we do and share. We have to keep in mind that we are all at different levels of awakening. Some have been on this journey for years and some have just awakened. If we know that the subject we're talking about could create fear into others, it is important to not only mention that thing but also take the time to also give the 5D point of view that will help any reader understand that it is not something that should be feared.

I'm sure you already know all this. But it never hurts to remind ourselves.

Posted : 27/10/2023 4:24 am
Cassandra 👽 and Lyn reacted
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@lane Thank you for posting and for the reminder😊🙏

Posted : 27/10/2023 5:54 am
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@lane thankyou for all this❣️. It never hurts to keep reminding! ✨️🌙👏🏻I'm currently in a negative place and took a step away from socials but like you said, I'm aware of it and taking steps to neutralize these feelings. It can certainly be harder when your human life is getting you down vs not being scared of a ufo doc that is all fear based🙄🙄 thanks again!

Posted : 27/10/2023 9:16 am
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@lane Thank you. We are all starseeds here on a journey, still learning every day. We are not perfect, will we ever be? Let's stay open to every possibility, so that things that seem bad at first, could in the end turn beneficial. Or vice versa. Oh yeah and always keep in the back of your mind the power of words. Our words are powerful creators. Thanks for the reminder.

Posted : 27/10/2023 9:43 am