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Who can verify her authenticity?

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(@Anonymous 120715)
Posts: 28
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She blocked me from her FB Page because I was calling her out on charging for DNA activation, for help to those like myself who have been riddled with traumas all throughout my entire life. I wanted to know who she thought she was to charge for access to our own DNA, not our savior or our friend, if she is doing it only in exchange for her own gain. This is not about us, it's all about her. There are 8 billion other ppl on this planet who would want to know the answer to that question, just like I would. She did not feel that it was valid or that it warranted a response, because clearly I am upset AF about my life ... and she's here for me IF I pay her. That's not okay, not at all. So, I am asking how can you benefit from giving her money? Do you think you should be able to rely on your own kind for help w/o financial transactions? I support her in every way but the one. I will never stop pushing for an answer. I let her know that if she wants to pursue legal action to do so, because I'm positively confident that I am far far from alone in desiring real answers. We have all been lied to and controlled, our entire existence. She is on that side of things if she is only willing to help us some and not all, with the ONE thing that is already in our own bodies. It makes me feel enslaved to her and I take personal offense at that and she does not want to tango with me, that is a promise. Why the attitude in me? Intense intense pain, that's what. A life of forgetfulness, memories seeping away w/o any answer as to why. She has an ability to help me, as a friendly consideration, due to the severity of it, but she insults me with this condition of that care, which means I'm right and she's wrong. Put yourselves in the shoes of ppl who were hit the hardest in life, one of you .... is it okay to hold such things over your head? To me, she is part of the elite that is destroying this planet and that's my territory, so what gives with the situations with this whole process? I am so close to buckling and paying her, but it makes me hate her for it and that's not healthy, but she'll also believe that's simply my problem and not hers and I ask you is THAT what healing the world looks like? If WE ARE ALL here to do that, why not just F'n help us? It's not about us. It's about her. Actions say everything. I am very well-versed in human behavior and motivations. Hers is not genuine and if any of you think that, convince me. I am close to suicide. I almost jumped over a railing onto moving traffic on I-35 today. I need help that I cannot get from anywhere else and I RESENT her for her stance on this. It only makes me biter towards her and want to make her pay. I need some relief and that is not important to her. So you tell me who has compassion here. Tell me you benefit from more than just being around other ppl you believe are also starseeds. I am in a devastatingly hardcore twin flame thing with a man from h.s. I have loved since 1985 and it is killing me. I was poisoned on my way into this world with anesthesia. I have a cognitive disorder. I have severe memory loss and I feel like the one person I even know that exists on the whole planet that could help me wants to use me for that help. Tell me that's not sick to have to cave in for relief. Tell me that doesn't make her look twisted. Tell me something, but don't rip on me for being so raw and so needy. She is not here to help me help the planet. She's here to make money and I learned of nothing factual since I ran into her, except that she can tell us things we have no proof of being true. Tell me one of you has activated DNA that brought about a marked changed. Can one person do that? I do not believe that anyone can prove that they benefitted and changed, but I WELCOME to hear about it so that I can apologize to her, but she OWES us if this is how she has chosen to go about it, because it is not okay in the most minute tiniest bit ... and 8 billion other ppl can hear about her loudly from ppl just like me. I get around and I make sht happen, so I am not about to play with this woman. I'm capable, nuff said. 

Posted : 29/01/2024 6:51 pm
Posts: 88
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Light Codes: 992

Sorry to stoke this fire again, and I'm not putting words in anyone's mouth but here is my coin of thought.

I have held an unpopular stance for many years and it never has become less unpopular 😆 . I've heard more times than I can count that "If they were a real psychic medium they wouldn't charge you!" "if they really cared and are legit they would cleanse your house from demonic spirits for free!" Yet Reiki Masters, QiGong, QHHT, Acupuncture are different because those are 'real jobs"? Mediums, Channelers, Akashic Readers, Demonologists....they pay a steep price energetically depending on the energies/entities and it can be high stakes. If the bridges to our infinite source get burned out working at Subway or Telemarketing because they can't develop or charge $ for their services, it is a great cost to all of us and it is exactly what the Cabal/Nebu Alliance want. We are currently in a money matrix and that is a reality as of now, but as long as we keep supporting the Bridges and Ambassadors that can evolve.

OP I do hope you are doing better and you have found some stable ground. There are so many of us in crisis but the toxic positivity of the current New Age cosmic cult (which I think is a lot of trend followers, disinformation agents, and the illness of social media psyche) will make you think everyone is experiencing some gossamer threaded tapestry of life while you are left in the gutter. I assure you we are all struggling, hard, and you are not alone in this. Including the authentic teachers that shoulder their own 3D lives/families/work and as well as their collective's psyche. 

Posted : 01/04/2024 10:20 am
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