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We got a problem. Ashtar vs Ashtar Sheran

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Today i received an updated notice labeled important mssg from the GFL WATCH NOW! So i clicked on it and it was a message with enormously important information. At the end of the message they sign off as Ashtar Sheran. Here is where the problem lies. Commander Ashtar specifically said there is no other Ashtar but him and to be cautious of imposters. That he will never call himself anything other than just 'Ashtar'. Due to the nature of the information in the video tho its very important info for lightworkers. Oddly enough, Commander Ashtar gave his imposter warning on the same youtube channel that Ashtar Sheran just shared the important GFL update I received today. I am unsure who to believe as i am sure the other half a million + that watch that channel are probly feeling. Half a million starseeds feeling confused and unsure who to believe could cause a big enough rift and an opening to be preyed upon. I did not get to see what info EA received on Ashtar in last months GFL. If anyone could shed light here id be forever grateful. 


If anyone is interested since the content feels super important heres that video i received today.


Posted : 19/09/2024 8:31 pm