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The Selosi?

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I want to post this to tap the collective here. I wanted to see if anyone knows anything about Alpha Centauri and the Selosi? I got a bunch of information and I’m trying to dig in a little more. I’m unpacking some information about my galactic roots. Bear with me. So to provide some background, through et contact, meditation and such I’ve been receiving information about my galactic roots. I want to see if this jives with anyone else’s perspective. Anyone that’s had contact or can channel are definitely welcome to chime in. So does this sound in the ball park? I’m getting I’m from Lyra star system originally. On a planet called Vega. Some how we got invaded by reptilians the Draco specifically. We spread out to other places in the cosmos. Now this is where it gets confusing…. The next thing I get is a planet called Selo in alpha centuri. Bad things happened there. The Lyrans that lived on that planet were imprisoned by the Draco. The galactic federation intervened and freed the Lyrans. Now Selo is a very evolved planet with people that are very similar to humans. Also mentioned the Selosi are connected to Telos and that’s where my connection to Telos comes from. At some point some of the Selosi came to Atlantis and Lemuria and then they moved to Telos. 

To make it even more confusing I was shown that I had something to do with the Arcturians and the Pleadeans as well. And obviously I’m here now on Earth. Are we all galactic mutts in a sense? When I started my awakening journey I was so focused on getting information about where I’m from, thinking it was a singular place. I latched onto the first place given to me. I didn’t realized we can be a mix of several different et races as a starseed? And existing in several dimensions at once. My mind is blown. Also mentioned that the Selosi from Alpha Centauri are responsible for a lot of the clean up work the federation is doing. Like taking a lead role to pay it forward for us. Any thoughts?

Posted : 03/05/2023 7:09 pm
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Yes! This resonates with me. After some preliminary exploration of my spiritual roots I believe I was Arcturian before going to help Lyrans during the Draco invasion. Then assisting in escaping to various places with incarnations into biological bodies in places like Plieadian systems Bernard's Star and Alpha Centauri (dozens more). I have not yet delved into my experiences in the Alpha Centauri system. Maybe its time I look into that. Definitely GFL.

Posted : 03/05/2023 9:10 pm
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@stevepariseau Thank you Steve. I really appreciate it. I want to get more information about Alpha Centauri too. This may sound crazy but back before my awakening I was visited by someone in my bedroom. It’s what started my awakening at first. She came in response to me asking for help during a bad time in my life. I’ve been trying to put the puzzle together fully. I got her name and found out she was associated with Telos. Then I got the information that she was actually Selosi. Had no clue that Selosi were connected to Telosi. I get these messages where it paints Alpha Centauri or Selo more specifically as a world just like Earth. Lyrans there that look just like humans. Kind of like they were just like us and look at them now kind of thing. A message of hope sort of. They had galactic federation assistance to free them though. I wonder if we’ll get some help too since it’s a draconian system in place that represses us here too?

Posted : 04/05/2023 5:04 am
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Below you can find a bigger picture of the million years history of our galaxy. And Telos is an underground city, inhabited by Lemurians. Just read that on wikipedia. 

But this is what we all here really need to know:

Posted : 05/05/2023 12:21 pm
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@lighthealer_arkie Awesome. Thanks for that. Looks like a ton of great information providing a lot of details.  I'm going to watch this after work. Thanks again.

Posted : 05/05/2023 1:06 pm
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Sigh...I came to this forum looking for connection and may have found it. Many years ago I took a class in reading the Akashic Records. I got in the habit of reading the records every morning. I can't remember how this came about, but I was told that I was taken by a particular group and shuttled from system to system until I was brought to earth.I have since lost the notebook I wrote this down in. Over the past 11 years or so I have studied shamanism. The further I went the more I felt and saw my connection to the stars. I have always felt a strong sense of homesickness. My shamanic journeys began to center on unknown planets, one in particular. I got the feeling I was from Orion and Sirius. Years ago I started journaling/channneling angels which recently have disappeared and have been replaced by star beings. They have slowly been giving me information. I had a reading by a well-known psychic back in September. The first thing she said is that I am not from this planet, and that I was a brilliant energetic being. She went on to talk about other things, until she noticed something going on with my back. She said there was a hook in my back, that it had been placed there by a group who wanted to dim my light. I became enslaved by them. That was all she had time to tell me. I recently finished another shaman class during which we journeyed to various cosmic bodies. The last journey we did was to a super nova with the intent of finding our home planet. My home planet is devastated. I was shaken when I came back from that journey. One of the women in the group asked me if I am familiar with the Orion Wars. I am. She suggested I check out Bashar which I did, plus other mediums, akashic record readers, etc. I hadn't journaled for awhile so tried that again. They mentioned Alph Centauri. That a had come up before along with Orion, Sirius, the Pleiades, etc. So I went down another rabbit hole reading about Alpha Centauri. I could feel this in my gut. I read about the Selosi, and thought that's It! But the more I thought about it it felt like it was close but not close enough. So I started reading about Alpha Centauri B/ Hadar. It fits. I feel it in my gut. And it was devestated by a dark force. Don't know who but a type of Reptilian? I was taken off planet just before it was devestated. My parents managed to leave in time. I think this is why I saw them floating during the journey. I am free from them now. But I feel devastated. I've read a lot about the Orion Wars and Lyran Wars. I don't know if this was a part of those wars. I'm starting to feel a bit of what happened and I can totally understand why I was allowed to be aware of this only bit by bit. So...this isn't about the Selosi but I think it's related.

Posted : 15/01/2024 10:15 am
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@cheryl-latimer Hi Cheryl. I hear you. There’s so much to put together for it all to make sense. I think you’re really onto something though. From what I understand the Draco/ reptilians enslaved Selo in Alpha Centauri. Not too unlike Earth. What I’ve been told is that the Selosions were liberated by a benevolent galactic coalition. They were oppressed much more than we are here on Earth. I guess most of the population was literally imprisoned at one point before their liberation. The Draco are parasitic in nature and thrive off of the negative energies produced in such a low vibrational environment. You could very well be tapping into that conflict and liberation. This conflict is a different war than Orion and Lyra. A different conflict and invasion but by the same negative Reptilian race that were involved in the Lyra wars that destroyed Vega and the Orion wars. All related in that way. I’ve ran into a lot of Lyran starseeds that share past life trauma / karma related to all of the war and conflicts that have happened galactically, myself included. I’d encourage you to explore the Selosion connection for sure. The Selosions have a strong connection to Telos and Mount Shasta as well, many Selosions under the mountain at this time. It’s a rabbit hole once you get into the weeds. 🙂

Posted : 28/01/2024 3:00 pm