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Reptilian habits, habitat and being safe

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Hi all. Again my background is that I tried to play chicken with a train in order to get out of a bad situation with an older cousin when I was five. The I am God telepathically told my grandfather to go back and get me. I gave my life to the I am God. That contact with source energy temporarily increased my vibration so much that I could see and telepathically hear higher dimensional entities for a bit on and off over the years.
I found out there are 10 dimensions (plus infinity- Gary Spivey describes it really well.) and that there is a five dimensional treaty for most of the beings on planet earth and those interacting with us.
A blue skinned GFL rep once told me that the 1st dimension is full of single cell bacteria in one layer. Dimension two is multi-cell organisms in a single layer. Dimension three is full of multi layers or three-dimensional objects residing within the space.
The blue Sirian GFL rep got into some pretty lengthy explanations about the dimensions four and five and perspective that Elizabeth April has gone over pretty well,  like being outside of a tube (3rd dimension) and looking in for dimension 4  which is time/space. And dimension five seems to be like anything goes, string theory, and quantum physics, etc.

The blue Sirian GFL rep was pretty proud to say that she was something like a ninth dimensional entity (?) But even she couldn’t see the angel of death who said he was a 12th to 13th dimensional being and I assume God is somewhere like the 64th dimension or higher,  who knows.. maybe that’s why he generally appears like a 20 foot love-filled sparkler ball with light shooting off the edges. ( And when I saw Jesus he was kind of like the same way, except he was wearing a fuzzy, white, hooded bathrobe type deal. Lol.. And the other fifth? dimensional creator beings like Buddha and Ganesh etc exist as well. But I’m not here to get a theological mess, where the I am says He created this black hole and the holographic realities in it, but other beings have creator abilities in the 5 and up dimensions and it’s making my head hurt.) 

The important thing is that the aggressive fourth dimensional beings are called semi-advanced because they still like to chew on everyone instead of getting energy naturally from the environment as a balanced system. Some parasite entities like tissue, some like blood, and some like chi energy.  

The Reptilians in particular need blood for fetal development and also because when it’s infused with terror hormones, it gives them a high, so they feel connected to God or source energy.

Which means aggressive 4d entities target negative A blood individuals the most in my experience, (since entities chose to harvest me over friends and family.) 

So, telepathic reptilians are 7-9 ft tall and have sanctioned harvesting areas and conditions as dictated by the 5D treaty that all the Govts signed in the 40’s? saying they could hunt us at night and in the national forests and abduct us for exploitation or science in exchange for tech and whatever.. which I did see a copy of and it was written in human blood on human hide. (Gross.)

Some Reptos use intrusive thoughts to call us into their harvesting space (the Mississippi River in St. Paul, is one place, but they take prey from the whole watershed including any rivers or lakes connected to it through aquafirs or sewers. Lucky us. )

I assume Reptos can use other rivers too, especially ones that float through cities. But, I specifically had been boating on the Mississippi with my folks a few times, so it was a clear violation according to them (I argued that any body did not mean anything alive or soon to be dead, but just a body floating around, but I got overruled. However, because I gave my life to God, I have a stay of execution until my last moment alive and then I get transferred to Shabat, the the iguana head to become an eternal blood battery with their cryonic tech. 🤢 And, God said He would get me no matter what, so I am staying positive and trusting He has my back and will save me for the hundredth time.

Anyway, the Repto sewage rats can hold their breath for 85 minutes under water, but change observation duties every 60 minutes, so they can all get a bit of sunlight as we are not allowed to see them or catch them on cameras. (They vibrate so fast it’s like attempting to see mist particles except when they are actively hunting and slowing down.) They do have clothes, that they don’t wear when topside and some do wear clothing, while others don’t. They hiss a lot and it sounds like pipes steaming. 
The reptilians on land appear more ancient and aggressive to me, but that’s because they hang out in groups of 3-5 on the side of the road in 4d, until they sense someone who has loud thoughts or emotions.
Then, they drop out of 4d and attempt to scare a driver into going into a ditch.Then, they can drain the blood out of someone in less than a minute, usually through the bottom of the foot. They use 4d material, so we can’t just pull it out. (That’s why 411 missing usually have their shoes pulled off.) 

I had the brick red and black repto’s chasing me up 285 west of Denver as the road goes under a bridge and heads left/south. They could sprint up to 60mph in a 50mph zone, but can’t hold it for too long, so they passed the Barton to the next group. Reptos have access to portals as well. 
I did see the sandstone colored ones when we were going past Flagstaff on our way to Sedona in 2022 at night, and I played my best defense. I played possum and went back to sleep. As, I did so, I projected sleepy thoughts and saw them relax, too. For some reason they can’t sense us so well when we are snoozing. Maybe it’s a frequency thing?🤔

I have head of reports of purple, blue, and black camouflaged reptos from the south and East coast. EA notes they are everywhere. 

My advice is to play happy ignorance. The indigenous say to ignore everything odd. I believe that parasite entities need to show themselves and have us believe they are real in order for them to harvest us. I’m not sure why, but I was trying to argue at my sentencing that I was just having a nightmare, only another aggressive entity had already bit me, so the GFL rep refused my appeal. 

But, the thing to understand is that there are rules. They are not supposed to harvest us in our homes. (Except for catch and release studies) Unless we invite them in with welcome mats, forget to lock our doors, tell the black eyed kids or fake MIB’s to come inside, look up when they tap on the window or something of that nature.  

I can’t think of anything else at this moment, so just travel when other cars are around, don’t camp unless you sense that it will be alright (usually it is😉, but I pray about it) don’t go up any stairs in the woods, don’t go off by yourself to take a leak or a picture (they tell us to come to them telepathically and let us decide how we do it.)

If you smell sulfur, rot, wet dog, dead fish or mummified old mouse think about the ‘rude people who left out garbage’ or the yucky skunk and get out of the area ASAP. 4D entities can hear emotional thoughts so just be casual and exit stage right. A camera can be your best defense if you have one on hand to check out ‘wildlife’. I finally got tired of being harassed at my home and made a dreamcatcher which is an old contract that stipulates the evil spirits have to leave you alone. (But pre made ones can be cursed to give nightmares and although I prayed to God about it, other Christians have gotten mad at me for suggesting it. So it’s your choice. Whatever.)

 I also asked God to bless water with a touch of salt in it and circled my property 3 times. Then I prayed over the land too, as we are in the woods and lots of ‘folks’ come through the path on the property lines. (Wendi(go) zombie deer possessed humans, etc) 

I think the best thing is to be aware and keep standing in our power. We have the ability to create a higher timeline where they can’t exist. We just have to believe in ourselves and that God/source put us here for a purpose that’s more than just being volunteers for their breed and feed programs. 

Stay strong, don’t give into fear, laugh in the face of danger, and be safe. 

 IMG 7982
Posted : 09/04/2024 8:12 am
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@leah ❤️💪🙏

Posted : 09/04/2024 5:06 pm