Plant kingdom ascension symptoms??
I am a landscaper/ gardener , both as a passion, and career for 26 years.. 16 of the most recent on Kauai, Hawaii.. I’ve noticed some plants ie; anthurium, bromeliads, some palms, seem to be struggling with new symptoms of weak & yellowing leaves , almost like a root rotting, but happening to plants that until now have been robust and healthy…
Oh wow thats so interesting. I have been noticing plants I plant every year have yellowing leaves and are struggling as well - I keep googling what am I doing wrong?!
I never considered Ascension sickness.
As a florist and fellow plant lover this is such an interesting concept that I never considered before. But now I'm wondering if our beloved plants and flowers could also be suffering the same as we are energetically! It would make sense because plants are very sensitive to our (human & pets) energy fields and if we are feeling low or stressed they will feel it too (documented by scientist Cleve Backster) it would not surprise me at all if they are going through ascension symptoms too ❤️ 🌻 🌹 🌼 🍒
This is very interesting topic for me to hear at this time, as I’m fairly new to being a ‘plant mum’. I have noticed the yellowing of leaves and the dampness in the roots while repotting. My heart aches a little for my babies, 🌿but I am grateful for this forum because now I have a deeper understanding of my connections with my plants.
Look to Nature to come to LIFE. Look to Animals to become TELEPATHIC. Look to Children for ASCENSION
@honeybeegardens14 Could also be radiation like 5G, Haarp or Sunbursts. Or moved leylines thanks to the polar shift. Have you tried to clean & protect them as if they are in your aura, and give them love and strength? Talk and sing to them? Or ask telepathically what they need. Maybe buy some crystals to bury them between the plants, and giving back to Gaia at the same time. See what resonates, sending love ❤