GFL Flight Command
Hi Everyone! I was recently asking to speak to my guides and they said NO, and instead, a group from the GFL came through called Flight Command. They told me to meditate daily and do nightly self-healings with reiki, clearly good advice 🙂 I know it's leading to something but I have no idea what. Has anyone here heard of Flight Command at the GFL?
@ahb917 I think the information in the answer would benefit everyone. Thank you for asking.
@elise-2 As near as I can figure, from the questions I have been asking, their role is to deal with ETs that want to engage with or observe humans on Earth. As EA has confirmed, there are some that wish to help us, and some that have ulterior motives. This group is directly involved in intercepting all ETs to discern their motives, and to deal with those who wish us harm. Sometimes they are detained, other times there is a fight. I will be sure to post more as I learn more information about them 🙂