Galactic Federation YouTube Channel
Is this YouTube channel part of the. Federation? There have been a lot of messages indicating that there will be something given to humanity in the next few weeks. The Great Awakening Will this occur?
@nickq1233 I’m sorry I didn’t see the last message! It’s beautiful. It must be like a dream come true to have one of your people show up! I look forward to it!
@rainyangel Hi @rainyangel- I know which English man voice you’re referring to- I love him!! That channel is called Above and Beyond Duality- “we are the 9D Arcturians Council and are pleased to speak with you today The Arcturians are periwinkle cartoon type beings, The narrator MAKES the clips!! Lol…,
The Galactic Federation YouTube channel has posted a video in regard to activating one quarter of everybody's Heart Chakra: the right Anahata, the Kurma Upavayu: it will soon reach completion. I estimate it will reach full capacity around October 11th. After that, changes within the physical body will begin to manifest. The body constitution, facial features etc. will change over the course of approximately little over 2 months.
For more information regarding the whole topic, check the link:
@rainyangel Matias De Stefano opened up a school just recently last month called It began with some activation meditations alerted via Instagram messages. Get them when you register at Recordi. His previous project was
@eliasraduta Awww... April's link page is not found. Does she specify that particular GF on YouTube in that link discussion?
I have suspended the link for a while. I feel it's too much information and it may turn to be even more confusing. There are 3 good channels on YouTube: Galactic Federation, Lightworkers and Emissary of Light. It's more than enough at the moment.
@nickq1233 what an amazing ( and hopeful) backstory. I am so ready for direct contact. And- this community is amazing. I’ve grown more in the past 7 months than in the past decade. I’ve always been drawn to source, God in a bigger sense than religion. When I couldn’t sleep as a kid- I was always scared that I was going to die, as far back as I can remember. So I’d talk to God… like tell him about my dolls and their names and just everything. I never felt alone or scared. My fam is not religious. When I initially heard the truth about ET’s and the powers that were, I felt like I had known all along, bc I had! I was sort of a broken empath for a long time and now I m not afraid anymore. I’m becoming more psychic rapidly so I’m so friggin excited about everyone awakening. All things feel possible. I’m so glad to be here with all of you. I’m sorry I didn’t realize I had these responses. I’ve kinda been watching @Surprise Me” videos with an open heart asking what The universe thinks I should know. I’m working on the astral travel/ remote viewing course. Also working thru the Gateway recordings. Just all the stuff. Well I can’t wait to tell you when my peeps come visit me. I know it will happen. I perceive spirits and have read most of the Nag Hamada texts. There’s a deep connection for me to Yeshua but as a guide and friend. I create spaces for humanity to rest and find peace. I resonate with the Priestess archetype I guess? Ok… lol, so much to tell, so all over the place.
Sending love and gratitude- Jodi
@light4m11 How cool! I love the Initiation series on Gaia. His knowledge is epic. What a bright soul! I’m so glad I saw your post about his website. Thank you!
@jodi5868 Hey Jodi:) Loving that. So cool to hear about your abilities coming online. The psychic abilities are a trip and fun to work with. It's amazing what we end up finding out once we wake up. How much of what we believe to be true relating to God and religion? Most of us seem to have had the knowledge of Source subconsciously and it's so validating once we get exposed to the truth. You gotta let me know how that astral travel/remote viewing course goes. My Twin and I have been doing a lot of grid work lately where we're astral traveling together. I'm interested in remote viewing but haven't been exposed to how to do it exactly. We had a class one time in the Cosmic Awakening group a while back and it was fun but haven't really done anything with it or looked into it further. I'd be curious to hear if you run into any cool experiences you'll want to share. Are you doing the Hemi Synce gateway tapes ? I love those Theta , Beta, Delta waves and the full brain function in meditation. Awesome your connection with Yeshua. He's so loving, supportive and can help a ton. I love the ascended masters. I call on Yeshua, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Green Tara, Buddha, Saint Germain every day for a variety of support through invocation when I'm in meditation or doing energy work, grid work, cord cutting etc. Digging our Divine family and Divine Spirit. The real reason we're here:) Christ Consciousness in support of Gaia's ascended in alignment with Divine Source. Awesome stuff. Great hearing about your experience and everything youre into spiritually.
@nickq1233 Hey Nick! I’m sorry I didn’t respond sooner! Wow, you have a twin! That’s so cool. Even cooler that he’s into spirituality. I’d love being able to work with someone… any one!! lol. I ve been practicing Remote Viewing by opening a magazine (bc of all the pics and graphics) and leaving it face down and attempting to connect with whatever pic is on the page. So, this is weird. I bought those ESP cards… the pics of a star, square, wavy lines, etc. I wasn’t having much luck and I started to feel the image with my fingers and I literally feel the shape. That’s working for me! It’s as if the pic is raised a little from the card. Like I feel its shape. So, woo hoooo! So I m trying to use my senses with things, rather than a mind/ mental interpretation. That’s my biggest problem- getting in my own way.
So about 6 months ago, my lower back was killing me. I always imagine a beam of pure white light streaming right into the pain. I was picturing it and the beam turned into a white snake. It was wild- it had to be the awakening of my kundalini? I m so grateful! It’s been incredible tho. I ve gained so much by joining you guys. Just having validation on so many levels.
so rhe Telusians! Just wonderful! Are you able to channel? I’m not but ….. I’m working on a few things. I set the intention to meet my spirit guides. It hasn’t happened yet. Anyway, I d love to hear about it. 🙃 so did you activate yourself the other day after watching EA’s video? I did….. D’oh! 🤣. I am so ready for contact!! What is it like? I imagine the smell of electricity? Haha, what ever that means.
Well, hope you have a great day and I really appreciate your responses, Do you live in Canada? I live in the US, New Jersey. I hope we talk more soon.
yes, I am doing the Gateway Hemisync. For sure they are helping me focus. It’s the original version that the CIA supposedly used. They’re all free on YouTube. The woman who posted them bought the set and it was pretty expensive. I’m thankful that she shared them. I’m on the third set I definitely feel they’ve helped with focus, lucid dreaming, relaxation. I haven’t left my body consciously but I’ll get there. 🙂