G & Collapsing Timelines
I had a fabulous meditation today. I sat in gratitude that the plethora of psychics that predicted civil unrest immediately following the election were wrong. I recognized the many incoming solar flares may actually be working to elevate the overall frequency of the human collective and that likely played a roll. I remember election night my wife was up watching the results as I lay trying to sleep and when it was clear who won . . . I felt a soothing wave of calm flow through me. I felt a strong shift in my being that we had just hopped timelines. It made me think of G and an episode of EA's where he was sitting with an orb that had crystals protruding from it and each protrusion represented a timeline. G would collapse timelines that didn't serve a higher good by pushing the crystals back into the orb. I thought of that crystal shrouded orb and G again today during my meditation. I was SO ever grateful for G and what he does for the GFL and humanity on Earth. I thanked him a few times, LOL. I think I told G if he ever needed assistance collapsing failed timelines I'd be ready, willing, and able to participate. He he he.
Great meditation though. I was beaming with gratitude.