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ET dreams and other interesting experiences

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I'd love to share some experiences and get some advice/feedback. I've had a few dreams that are similar in some ways. I'm not sure they are dreams, maybe an illusory experience. First dream was an ET leaning over me on my bed. I was frightened and grabbed a glass of water and splashed it on the being and it collapsed on my bed beside me. Before the dreamed ended, I heard some words very louder Zeta, theory, and it's name, Nordis T. or something like that. I woke up and looked up "Zeta and theory" because I didn't know what it was. I found some information on Zeta Reticuli and the Hills abduction story. Second dream was similar in that an ET being (different from the first) was leaning over me as I lay in bed. it was wearing a men's flannel shirt mostly unbuttoned. This time I looked at it and kept saying, "send it love." It's face softened and it collapsed beside me. I lifted the flannel shirt and there was a human man's body. On another night recently, I woke up in the middle of the night in an abrupt sort of way. I was repeating, "Alpha Centauri" over and over again. I had no idea what it was until I looked it up in the morning. I thought maybe I had heard it subconsciously when listening to a particular show the previous day. I went back and re-listened to what I had watched and there was no mention of Alpha Centauri. I've had other strange things but these things really bother me and I don't know what to make of them. All thoughts and feedback welcome.

Posted : 12/06/2023 9:30 am
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@kellieisner It seems like you might be getting the vibrations crossed? Good entities and aggressive entities visiting you ..  and or maybe your own higher self being activated enough to ‘fix’ the situation where the negative entity is messing with you/and you tweak it to change the outcome ?? 

I say so because I had a bunch of negative entities messing with me as a kid - telepathically. Some of them sat underground (tall grays?) and whenever a human was happy, they suggested negative outcomes to make that person sad.
In my case, one time we were headed to CO for a ski trip at night and a Pterodactyl type entity showed up that was sent by the negative tall grays.. he pecked at our car until the I am God told me to just go to sleep, I think so they wouldn’t hear my vibration.. 

But, I have been having weird dreams too where it’s like a parallel universe and I am fixing stuff there… I used to keep a dairy to write stuff down as I woke up.. 

But, it sounds to me like you are doing the work and staying in a high vibration. 
-there are stories about fear agendas going on surrounding a faked alien invasion from near Alpha Centauri or the zeta reticular region using all those new satellites and a few well placed explosions around 2027.. but I can’t wait for real disclosure to happen! 

Leah S

Posted : 12/06/2023 11:28 am
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@kellieisner Hi Kelli. I hear you. I threw my pillow at the first ET that was next to my bed. Lol. I don’t think that was a dream. It’s way too similar to what’s happened to me. They do that a lot and sometimes you’ll catch them in the act on accident. You may think it was a dream because your were woken out of a sleep and went right back to sleep and so on. Do you know your starseed origin yet? Maybe Lyran? Could be one of your guides or galactic family. You’ll hear them talk to you telepathically. They may try to say something to you while you’re freaking out on them. It happened to me first hand. Several times. Do you remember what they looked like? We they talk, pale skin, long hair, putting off a mellow white glow? Maybe they were trying to tell you where you’re from or where they’re from. That is a legit star system with ETs living there as well as starseeds from that star system incarnated here at this time. That’s how my Et contact with my galactic family started. I woke up, saw her there freaked out threw my pillow at her, she told me some things that didn’t make sense and I went back to sleep. It happened again and again and again. After a while it becomes obvious that you’re being contacted and visited by an ET in the flesh. It’s such a shock to us mentally that we can go through kind of a period of denial. I thought my house was haunted or that I was going crazy because I kept seeing a 7’ blonde hair, blue eyed female that called her self Leora by my bed in the middle of the night. Eventually you’ll stop freaking out, lol. So cool that you’re experiencing that. Ok, I’ll tell you something kind of personal. Leora, the ET that I’m describing is from Alpha Centauri. From a planet called Selo. They call themselves Selosions. They are also in Telos under Mount Shasta. They can go by Telosi or Telosions as well. Same group of ET’s. They are waking up their starseeds currently. They woke me up to the ascension about 2.5 years ago and I’ve been trying to do all the things they’ve been telling me to do ever since. It’s a little chilling taking in your post honestly because that’s exactly how it started with me too. Have you had a starseed origin reading done?

Posted : 12/06/2023 6:03 pm
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@kellieisner Hey Kelli. Also , I would suggest going outside at dark and looking up in the sky. After a while after my ET contact started they told me to start going outside at night. I started recording ET activity regularly. Here’s a couple link to that footage so you can see what the Alpha Centauri orbs and a”UFO’s” look like. you may get odd things on any security cameras that you may have as well. You can see it all using infrared. RING cameras are infrared and I use an infrared binocular to record them.


Posted : 12/06/2023 6:11 pm
Kelli Eisner reacted
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@nickq1233 thanks for your response. It sounds like once you got past the initial shock, you have had an amazingly beautiful experience.

I had a Akashic records reading and he told me that I was from the Pleiades. I’ve had a number of experiences like seeing a UFO in my 20s when driving in the country. In my 30s, I had another experience in my bedroom in the middle of the night. I made my husband get up and look under the bed and around the house. They also pop in during meditation sometimes. In my first dream, the ET looked like an Eben. Are you familiar with Ebens? The second one was reptilian but I do feel like the first ET was trying to tell me something.  Anyway, I hope to know more and have a greater understanding of it all in the future. Can you get a reading and have someone tell you what may be going on? 

Posted : 13/06/2023 4:51 am
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Thank you guys for sharing all of these in the forum ❤️🙏

Posted : 13/06/2023 7:21 am
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@kellieisner Totally. It's a shock at first. Really a shock for a period of time. I've thrown things at them, I've ran away from them. Ha ha. I took a leave from work and even saw a psychiatrist when it started happening to me. I was totally blind sided when they started coming to me to awaken me. I didn't have any knowledge of the ascension, dimensions, the spiritual or esoteric side of the universe, nothing. I wasn't aware that ET's were even real. I didn't get to a happy place with ET contact until I started to understand what they were telling me and started to open up to the idea that it could be true. I was fully engulfed in the 3d at the time. After I started to get some momentum on learning how to meditate and started really listening that's when I really started to receive information, downloads, activations and so on. My life has completely changed from 3 years ago. I can totally relate to you having your husband look under the bed and all that. I had to clear my house several times in the beginning thinking maybe it was an intruder or multiple intruders. My son came to me in a panic one time and was like "there's a women in the den". I went in there with a firearm and no one was there. Are you experiencing other paranormal type activity? Orbs, things falling off the wall, knocking on the walls, bangs and other things like that? Very cool that you had that Akashic records reading. You have a Pleiadean connection. Thats cool. I find that we are kind of galactic mutts in a way. I bet if you had a starseed origin reading they could nail that down a little further in more detail. Especially if you're being visited by ET's from Alpha Centauri. You may find that you have a connection to Telos under Mount Shasta as well. When you look at your entire galactic history it could be that you originally incarnated in a star system like Lyra. There was a war there that forced a lot of Lyrans to other star systems like the Pleiades, Arcturas, Sirius A or B, Orion etc. Its tuff to nail down one galactic label for us. I'm Lyran but my galactic family that I interact with now is Selosion. But they are also Lyran to make it even more confusing. I just focus on my original star system origins which is Lyra and my last ET incarnation before Earth which is Alpha Centuari. Otherwise I'd be like I'm Lyran, Pleiadean, Arcturian, Selosion, Telosion, and Sirian. lol. If we really looked at every one of our incarnations galactically. I don't have any experience with the Ebens or Greys. What color were they? Arcturians can look like Ebens a little but they blue ish in color. Shorter in stature as well. I know the Arcturians are visiting people a lot currently. You'll see a lot of Arcturian visitations referenced in the forum. You can totally get a starseed origin reading done and that will help give you a jump start in figuring out your full history. Then when you get that info you may find that a lot of things make more sense. The more you clear your blockages, heal and activate the more your vibration increases, and you start being able to receive more information directly. There is a group of EA forum members that offer a variety of these types of services. I feel like I recommend them to someone almost daily. We're all going through such similar scenarios. The group offers starseed origins readings through Federica @f-calandra, blockage clearing and activations through Patrice @patricekrysztofiak, Reiki and healing sessions through Bret @scolere06 and readings and channeling through @le-o-ns. Marie offers past life regression and there are other leaders in the group that can offer other intuitive readings, healing and activation services like Thereasa Lewis @thereasa and Sandra Daniels @s-daniels. Everyone in the group has some sort of healing ability as well, even the starseed members. Its wild because when we're in group sessions it's like our higher selves just get to work on each other. I've experienced so much progress in my own abilities by attending group sessions regularly. It's amazing what can happen when you combine several different starseeds together and join their abilities. 

Posted : 13/06/2023 8:28 am
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I'm back with a few more recent dreams and wow! Please, I'd appreciate some feedback. Feeling a bit crazy.

While at the beach one night, I had a dream that I walked outside from a building. I was supposed to bring my husband something he needed in the next building over. As I was walking outside toward the other building, I looked up and saw a UFO hovering near the trees with red lights around the edge coming on in a sequence. I stared at it for what I thought was a minute. My husband came outside to get me. At this point the UFO was gone. He asked where I had been. I said I had only been a few minutes and he told me that it had been a half of an hour. The only thing I remember was looking at the UFO for just a couple of minutes. Obviously I had some lost time. I woke up. Interestingly, earlier in the day, I was in the ocean enjoying the sun and water. I looked up at the sky and felt something say to me, I miss you, where have you been? Not an audible voice, just a thought. I said I’m sorry I've been distracted because of vacation with my family but I’m here and haven’t forgotten you. What was that all about? I had the UFO dream that night.


What a crazy night!! I guess this is a dream although it felt like something else. It didn’t start as unpleasant although it did become that. I remember being with these people and it felt like I knew them. There was a lady who looked and acted similar to a friend of mine, Sarah. Sweet, pleasant, similar hairstyle. There was a man with us too. I don’t know who he was. I don’t think I looked at him very much. I have no memory of the details of his face. The woman said she was going to help me or needed to do something for me? Can’t remember. It felt like I was willing to lay down on a medical table. I wasn’t scared. There were other people around busy with something else and I never saw their faces. Once I was on the table, a tube was inserted in my nose. I was told to blow out as hard as I could but something wasn’t working right. I’m not sure what was supposed to happen or why it wasn’t working. She began pressing down very hard on the left side of my nose where the tube was inserted. The tube was thin and yellow in color. I began to blow out again except this time there was something that looked like a very large square sponge that the tube was inserted into. It made it so that I couldn’t breathe. My airway felt blocked and I was gasping trying to find breath. 


I don’t remember doing this but I feel like I pulled the tube out of the sponge so that I could breathe again. As I took a breath, I woke up suddenly and frantically, almost sitting up and turned on my side. I immediately had the thought as if I was saying it outloud as I sat up and turned over, “I don’t know if I would want to see the ET’s in-person because it might make me feel as if I were dying.” Weird thing to say or think right out of that dream because everyone looked human and there had been no discussions of ET’s in the dream. I was awake at that point and felt adrenaline or energy coursing through my body. My chest felt tight and my stomach was in a knot. My nose felt strange too almost sore. This morning I feel stuffy. My low back was stinging too. I’m not sure what the connection is to the dream and the thought I had as I was waking. It was almost like someone was telling me why I couldn’t see ET’s in person and I was repeating it. I don’t know! I've been rattled over this one!


Posted : 13/07/2023 9:59 am