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[Sticky] Meet & Greet Activity!! - Start HERE!!

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🌟 Introduce Yourself and Connect🌟
Let's start by getting to know each other better! Take a moment to introduce yourself and share your cosmic journey.

  • Answer the following questions:
  • Name: What is your name or the name you resonate with?
  • Origin: Where are you from (either physically or energetically)?
  • Cosmic Society: How did you find the cosmic society or become aware of your Starseed or Lightworker nature?
  • Something Interesting: Share something fascinating or unique about yourself, whether it's a talent, a passion, or an extraordinary experience.

By sharing these aspects of ourselves, we aim to build connections based on shared vibrations. Feel free to engage with other members, ask questions, and discover kindred spirits. 🌌

Together, we can manifest meaningful connections and create opportunities for physical meetups. Remember, the universe conspires to bring us together! ✨🌟

Posted : 22/05/2023 6:34 pm
Posts: 11
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@corkymitchell Hi Corky, I'm Paul from Cymru (Wales in the UK) and I'm only slightly older than you at 67 (I'm using a photo of myself at age 40 incase you think I'm a young looking 67 LOL). I'm fairly new here too and my life isn't half as interesting and whacked out as yours, but you know what, I'm just as confused as you... I'm no expert, but, I would say that you are a starseed, especially with what Ruth told you. I'm probably a starseed but I don't have any special paranormal attributes, I just don't fit in, anywhere, and even with my close friends I feel like I'm the outsider.  I don't think I fit in here either. Have you done any meditation..? That might help if you any combat stress symptoms from your days in the military but it might also help you on your way to find a path in the world of starseeds etc. EA is often mentioning meditation. I've been meditating since age 24, and don't tell anyone, but I discovered earlier today that I've been mispronouncing my mantra for over 30 years or maybe even since the beginning LOL. I'm now wondering if my chakras will be healed from here forth. Who knows. Take Care and All the Best from me, Paul (I'm off now to do my meditation with my newly found new mantra LOL)

Posted : 09/09/2023 1:36 pm
Posts: 58
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@le-o-ns Hi Leonie!  Thank you for the encouragement and insight.  As far as delving into the (wide) variety of subjects and practices related to this community, I'm pretty new at looking into it and a little overwhelmed. It's like walking into a grocery store for the soul for the first time and recognizing nothing. I am currently trying to determine what information to put into my basket first. Does that make sense? I'm excited though. I'm hopeful I may be able to tap into what I have suspected about myself most of my life and then use it for positive outcomes. So, again, thank you for reaching out. I hope you stay well and continute to grow your spirit as well.  I will look into the "Letters..." book. I cannot wait to learn more!  Take care!   Corky

Posted : 10/09/2023 6:30 am
Leonie reacted
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@don-paul-ap-arfon Hi Paul! Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing.  There is an old Christmas TV show called Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer (Being in Wales, you may not have seen it - I try not to assume anything about anyone).  Basically the theme of that show is Rudolph feels he is a misfit and leaves his home ashamed of his difference from the other Reindeer.  He goes to a place called MISFIT ISLAND, where all the inhabitants have something unique about them to make them feel like outcasts.  They all come to terms and realize their differences are a good and special thing.  Rudolph ends up being the coolest Reindeer because of his unique ability recognized by no other than Santa Claus himself. He saved Christmas.  I think I've watched that show every year since it came out in the 60's out of nostalgia and because the theme still resonates with me. I am beginning to believe this group and associations like it are like Spiritual Misfit Islands all over the world. EA is like Santa recognizing the good in all of us and as a result we see each other in a positive light as well?  I'd like to think this is why she does what she does.  Maybe we are destined to save "christmas" as well. 

I have never really meditated before. I have found it difficult to turn my mind's dial to "shut up and listen" but I'm working on it. I know some people have mantra's and routines. I don't know which one to use or where to start. I don't know if there is a right way or not but however we can reach some level of deeper understanding, it's all good yes?  I'm still feeling a bit reserved about sharing more of my experiences.  I've grown to believe they weren't to be shared. I'll work on that too. I hear EA saying "do the work".  I think I understand what she means now.  Cheers to you over there and bon voyage to us both ok!  Corky

Posted : 10/09/2023 6:52 am
Paul Roberts reacted
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@don-paul-ap-arfon Hi Paul! Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing.  There is an old Christmas TV show called Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer (Being in Wales, you may not have seen it - I try not to assume anything about anyone).  Basically the theme of that show is Rudolph feels he is a misfit and leaves his home ashamed of his difference from the other Reindeer.  He goes to a place called MISFIT ISLAND, where all the inhabitants have something unique about them to make them feel like outcasts.  They all come to terms and realize their differences are a good and special thing.  Rudolph ends up being the coolest Reindeer because of his unique ability recognized by no other than Santa Claus himself. He saved Christmas.  I think I've watched that show every year since it came out in the 60's out of nostalgia and because the theme still resonates with me. I am beginning to believe this group and associations like it are like Spiritual Misfit Islands all over the world. EA is like Santa recognizing the good in all of us and as a result we see each other in a positive light as well?  I'd like to think this is why she does what she does.  Maybe we are destined to save "christmas" as well. 

I have never really meditated before. I have found it difficult to turn my mind's dial to "shut up and listen" but I'm working on it. I know some people have mantra's and routines. I don't know which one to use or where to start. I don't know if there is a right way or not but however we can reach some level of deeper understanding, it's all good yes?  I'm still feeling a bit reserved about sharing more of my experiences.  I've grown to believe they weren't to be shared. I'll work on that too. I hear EA saying "do the work".  I think I understand what she means now.  Cheers to you over there and bon voyage to us both ok!  Corky

Posted : 10/09/2023 6:56 am
Paul Roberts reacted
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 Hi Paul! Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing.  There is an old Christmas TV show called Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer (Being in Wales, you may not have seen it - I try not to assume anything about anyone).  Basically the theme of that show is Rudolph feels he is a misfit and leaves his home ashamed of his difference from the other Reindeer.  He goes to a place called MISFIT ISLAND, where all the inhabitants have something unique about them to make them feel like outcasts.  They all come to terms and realize their differences are a good and special thing.  Rudolph ends up being the coolest Reindeer because of his unique ability recognized by no other than Santa Claus himself. He saved Christmas.  I think I've watched that show every year since it came out in the 60's out of nostalgia and because the theme still resonates with me. I am beginning to believe this group and associations like it are like Spiritual Misfit Islands all over the world. EA is like Santa recognizing the good in all of us and as a result we see each other in a positive light as well?  I'd like to think this is why she does what she does.  Maybe we are destined to save "christmas" as well. 

I have never really meditated before. I have found it difficult to turn my mind's dial to "shut up and listen" but I'm working on it. I know some people have mantra's and routines. I don't know which one to use or where to start. I don't know if there is a right way or not but however we can reach some level of deeper understanding, it's all good yes?  I'm still feeling a bit reserved about sharing more of my experiences.  I've grown to believe they weren't to be shared. I'll work on that too. I hear EA saying "do the work".  I think I understand what she means now.  Cheers to you over there and bon voyage to us both ok!  Corky

Posted : 10/09/2023 6:59 am
Paul Roberts reacted
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@corkymitchell Hi Corky, that is such a cool analogy that you gave me there with that old Christmas TV show called Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer, because, when I grew up as a little kid, that was (and possibly still is) my favourite Christmas television special (I've had it on DVD now since about 15 years ago) by the then famous Rankin/Bass company. I think it was on the BBC channel over here in the UK and they obviously showed it from its original release. They were probably still showing it 10 or more years later. In 1998, another company made a remake for theatrical release, called, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie, but it doesn't have the charm of the original 1964 classic. Unlike Rudolph, I haven't yet found my way. I thought that I had found myself after my visit to Delphi (Greece) in 1991, because 3 months after the visit, I created my Delphi Guided Visualization Meditation, which I made on those audio cassette things, remember them..? I then did a bunch of copies and gave them as gifts to all my close friends. I wonder how many of them actually listened to the tape and kept them LOL... In 2020, during the pandemic, I found my original master copy and decided to re-record it from scratch, ie an improved version with stereo sound effects to upload to YouTube, so naturally I thought that this was to be my contribution to the 'spiritual' world. Last year I tweaked it again and added binaural beats through the whole duration rather than during the Temple of Apollo segment which was originally a minute. Well anyway, it's 'out there' but I'll never make my name as an 'influencer' LOL. Might watch Rudolph later, it might give me guidance as to what's next and continue with meditating, now that I finally have the correct mantra. Can't believe I messed up all those decades ago LOL. As my girlfriend will say when I finally tell her, "You obviously weren't paying attention when the teacher gave you the mantra and not listening properly"... Until the next time Corky, All the Best. PS I can tell you how to do a simple but effective mantra meditation if you're interested, just find me on Instagram ( PauldanSingactor ) or Twitter ( Don-Paul ap Arfon )...

Posted : 11/09/2023 1:37 am
Nick Quinn reacted
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Posted : 12/09/2023 2:26 pm
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Hi All! My name is Courtney. I live in the mountains outside Steamboat Springs CO. 

I only have unconfirmed suspicions about my cosmic origins.

I went through months of a very Dark Night of the Soul about 2 1/2 yrs and during this time, I started meditating almost out of desperation just trying to ease the anxiety, depression and EVERYTHING that was happening in my world.

I do not have any memories of any encounter but a little over 2 years ago I went to bed NOT believing in ET's or really not having any interest in any topics like that. I woke up that next day completely changed and having full knowledge and acceptance of the existence of Extraterrestrials. It was very odd and I knew it was odd but I fully knew and believed and it just happened overnight. I woke up a different person and I never looked back. My sudden almost obsession quickly lead me into a spiritual journey that has been nothing I would have ever asked for and EVERYTHING I didn't know I needed. 

I was raised in a very strict Christian cult and was able to get out when I moved out of my family home. I was all kinds of confused about it all from a very young girl. I knew none of it felt right so my sister and I just made it through by fantasizing and telling stories to each other about how we would leave, when we would do it, what we would do after ect... It kept us going. We did leave when I was 19 and she was 18. I lived so many years in confusion, feeling like my soul had a home but just not here. I never equated this feeling to anything other than just never feeling like I fit anywhere. I tried different churches looking for that thing I would know was IT. I spent time rejecting any and all things of religion and spiritual. Most of my life my questions of "What am I missing?, What is HERE for me?" were daily ponderings even as a girl but I got to a place where I almost just decided that this life is totally pointless, we live and we die and it just continues like that. I can't tell you how grateful I am EVERY day now that I know that this life is anything BUT pointless. I don't yet know what my spiritual purpose is but I do know there is something. I am just so humbled every day that went through everything I did to get me here.

I was so excited when I watched an OLD episode a few months back on Interviews With Extraterrestrials with Reuben Langdon (sp?) and he was interviewing a young and beautiful girl that I was so drawn to named Elizabeth April :). I literally binge watched almost everything on Gaia already so I was surprised to find this episode that I hadn't seen. After I watched that episode I was SO curious what else she had done. I quickly found the YouTube channel and then this website. I have to say I have never felt so "At home" as I do going through the videos and forums. I didn't even know there were people out there that feel like I do. It's been so gratifying, so exciting, so transformative and yes, for me also so lonely. I know no one else in my friends or family that is going through this. I've become such a hermit in the last half year or so and as sad as it sometimes makes me, I have had to let a lot of people go. My husband doesn't really understand but he doesn't think I am completely crazy either. I do have his support and the support from my two children in their 20's and my 11 year old. My youngest has really been drawn to all of it since I first started. She says "this is the only thing you've ever done that makes any sense" lol, some may not agree...

I am looking forward, so much, to making some connections here. To learn about all of you and your journey to where you are. I have looked and looked, listened and listened, read and read and now I am HERE for all of it. Happy Ascension to all!

Posted : 12/09/2023 3:22 pm
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Name: TreVon Davis

Origin: Houston Texas USA

Cosmic Society: Elizabeth April's YouTube

Vitals: So I have Schizo Effective Disorder IDD. My Numerology is Life Path 1, Day of Birth 6, Expression 6, Soul Urge 5, and personality 1. 

My Human Design is Projector.

Posted : 13/09/2023 2:23 pm
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Name: Madalyn
Origin: Originally from southern california. Currently living in Brooklyn NY. Unsure of my cosmic origin, but know that my soul has a mission of some kind.
Cosmic Society: I originally found EA through searching for podcast episodes about angel numbers about a month and a half ago. After voraciously going through her entire podcast, I became a member here.
Something Interesting: I am currently in my 5th year of a PhD program in clinical psychology; in addition to learning how to be a psychotherapist, I conduct research focused on reducing health disparities within the transgender community. My spiritual awakening began around this time last year, when one of my best friends who has bipolar disorder went through a prolonged episode of manic psychosis. During this time, she had a psychic opening. This was an incredibly stressful time for me, as my friend very much was engaging in behaviors that posed harm to herself, and everything that I had learned in my clinical training thus far suggested that my friend's experience conformed to what western psychiatric models would deem to be psychopathological. As a result, my friend's parents and our mutual friends were avid that she be admitted involuntarily to an inpatient psychiatric ward to be psychiatrically stabilized; given my background training in clinical psychology, her parents expected me to be on board with this plan and were even hoping that I could play a role in convincing my friend to pursue this option voluntarily. I felt completely torn, as I knew my friend needed support but at the same time, something in me knew for certain that her psychic opening was not to be dismissed as "delusional." When I confided in colleagues within my field about my friend's psychic opening in the context of her "manic psychosis," they all either looked at me like I was crazy or said as much directly. In my attempt to make sense of my friend's experience, I did a lot of personal (i.e., not scientific/empirical) research exploring the connection between psychosis and spiritual awakening, ultimately discovering the work of Stanislav Grof and the transpersonal psychology movement (i.e., a sub-field of psychology that seeks to integrate the spiritual and transcendent aspects of the human experience with the framework of modern psychology). In the view of transpersonal psychology, my friend's sudden emergence of altered states of consciousness and perception of a spiritual nature during her manic episode is akin to the kind of shamanic crises that have been described in many indigenous cultures across time/place - something to be welcomed, revered, guided through, and cultivated with mentorship due to the great potential such experiences have for personal and collective healing. Finding this was a HUGE source of relief and validation for me and helped me stand firm in my opposition to her parents' and my colleagues' stance regarding the "value" of inpatient treatment/antipsychotics in her case. Since then, I have continued to seek out information about consciousness, existence, the soul, reincarnation, quantum physics, etc. etc. etc. as well as develop meditative practice (this has been hard for me as I have ADHD and am highly distractible). Suffice to say I have undergone a complete paradigm shift in my beliefs regarding spirituality...I was originally raised Catholic, which I came to reject during my late adolescent years. In the lead up to my experience with this friend, I identified as agnostic but had developed an intense fear of death/dying (I am happy to report that this is no longer the case). Since awakening, I have found it harder and harder to "care" about putting my energy and time into the demands of my PhD program. While I still feel connected to my research and clinical work, I increasingly feel a strong urge to shift the focus of my work towards bridging science and spirituality through research. Lately, I feel like I've been in a "holding phase." I have yet to connect strongly with any kind of psychic ability within myself, but do recall having some interesting and fun experiences that may have had a clairvoyant nature to them as a child. I also seem to have self-selected many friends from separate corners who have natural access to extra-sensory perception (mostly without even trying to). I also am curious about integrating my role as a psychotherapist with this stuff too, but have noticed some self-limiting beliefs come up when I think about that (a la "you're not psychic so why think about that"). I would absolutely love to meet up with any starseeds in the tri-state area, so please reach out if you come across my post and do. I am just happy to be here and connected to 

Posted : 14/09/2023 1:59 pm
Posts: 0

Name: I go by Lala 

origin: not sure yet 🤣

I discovered EA through her book. I actually saw the cover and requested it in a secret Santa thing for work last year in 2022 and didn’t actually start reading it until now haha. I started my spiritual journey and/or awakening 2019 with manifesting and law of attraction. And eventually started selling Crystals and other manifestation tools but due to my religion, Christianity, I felt convicted about 8 months later and threw out all of my crystals and denounced anything new age and my business the end of 2020. 2021 was a blur and by the end of that year finally escaped my cycles of abusive relationships/friendships, stayed single and learned myself and started living free. I found my husband the end of 2022 and now recently married as of 2 weeks ago and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I just want to continue my spiritual journey and let go of all the past traumas so I can fully heal and step into my spiritual gifts. I have always been a seer into the future in my dreams. The ability goes up and down throughout life and I feel I’m in a “down” state and haven’t had any visions or special dreams in a couple of years. I’m also experiencing health issues for the first time in my life (I’m 30 years old) and I want to get the the bottom of them. 

if someone wants to connect with me or anything please feel free to email me ✨

Posted : 20/09/2023 9:59 am
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@mmliautaud loved reading your story!!

Posted : 20/09/2023 10:09 am
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Hello All,
My name is Robert Fisher. I am an advocate for the homeless and for the elderly. I will advocate for anyone that wants me to be a pain in someone else’s ass. I now live in Denver, CO. I was born in Miami, FL. I was born to be a lightworker. I have been preparing my entire life for the ascension. I just didn’t know what I was preparing for until last September when I was led to YouTube. There I found videos on everything that I believed in. UFO's, the Reptile influence, etc., and I learned about the ascension. I knew I was going to become an enlightened being in this lifetime (I am now 65), I didn't know that it was going to be through a mass ascension. How cool is that? At a young age my grandmother would talk about in life on other planets. My grandmother would tell us that Jewish people originated from another planet. When there were mummies unearthed in Egypt in the 1970's, my grandmother was so happy that they finally found her. She claimed to be a chambermaid to the queen of Egypt. And people think I'm cuckoo. I love granny. As of today goes, I buzz with frequencies (energy). I have been listening to frequencies for the past 15 years. I practice with frequencies when chanting. When I hummmm, my entire body tickles. I feel the frequencies coming from every energy point in my body. Others around me can feel my buzzing energy(frequencies). I am a human vibrator! buzzzzzzzzzz and I still can't find a date. I can cast the energy from my third eye which is cool and I can also feel some of the etheric chakras above my head buzz with energy. buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Posted : 23/09/2023 8:44 pm
Posts: 871
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@corkymitchell Welcome:)

Posted : 29/09/2023 9:14 am
Posts: 871
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Wow. Welcome everyone. It's been a minute since I've check the Starseed meet and greet. So many awesome Starseed brothers and sisters. 🙂 

Posted : 29/09/2023 9:20 am
joannarkelly reacted
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