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[Sticky] Meet & Greet Activity!! - Start HERE!!

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🌟 Introduce Yourself and Connect🌟
Let's start by getting to know each other better! Take a moment to introduce yourself and share your cosmic journey.

  • Answer the following questions:
  • Name: What is your name or the name you resonate with?
  • Origin: Where are you from (either physically or energetically)?
  • Cosmic Society: How did you find the cosmic society or become aware of your Starseed or Lightworker nature?
  • Something Interesting: Share something fascinating or unique about yourself, whether it's a talent, a passion, or an extraordinary experience.

By sharing these aspects of ourselves, we aim to build connections based on shared vibrations. Feel free to engage with other members, ask questions, and discover kindred spirits. 🌌

Together, we can manifest meaningful connections and create opportunities for physical meetups. Remember, the universe conspires to bring us together! ✨🌟

Posted : 22/05/2023 6:34 pm
Posts: 871
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@kpac Whats up Karthik:) Good to see you here on the forum. Heard you were transmuting like crazy this morning in the group session. Nice:)

Posted : 21/08/2023 3:48 pm
Posts: 0

@nickq1233 thanks 🙏. It was a great session. I don't even know If I could do that.

Posted : 21/08/2023 8:36 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
Posts: 871
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@kpac Awesome. That’s how it starts. We all have these abilities. Most the time we don’t realize until we realize it. Lol. Most the time we’ve had the ability for a while and just never applied it until we do. Patrice is awesome like that. He can kind of match different energies and frequencies together from different people. It’s great for learning how to perform energy work. Then you’ll realize that your higher self knows what they are doing and most the time we’re just holding space for our higher selves to do the work.:)

Posted : 21/08/2023 9:22 pm
Posts: 16
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Hi Everyone 🤗

Name: Dan

Origin: Sirius Star (As far as I know)

Cosmic Society: I feel like I'm stuck here. I have a deep knowing that there are other places better than earth with more love within the society. I give a lot and am a people pleaser. My kinesiologist who is spiritual and a yoga teacher said they see me as a starseed and I resonate well with other starseeds.

Something Interesting: 

I just want to get my story out in a community that understands and was part of the reason for joining as a creator

I guess first off I like Elizabeth Aprils content because it is interesting and she is brave to broadcast such information. I'm an open book and constantly learning new information and like to think outside of the box.

I'm always on the border if knowing my experience is psychosis or something more deep and powerful on a soul level. The thing is that I see my spirit guide when I ask for his help and saw him even yesterday in fact. He is a being with a fish tail a wide brim hat and a beard. I just saw one of my notes that I wrote down "Matsya the hindu god" that is depicted as half fish and half man and I wonder if, the hat I see, is actually a crown? Anyway to see him I need to meditate for five minutes or so and I feel more connected when my vision becomes what I call frosted and I hear a winding or sounds like the old mechanical hard drives on the old PC's loading in my left ear. I see him on my left side most time. I see a light where he is and then when I look at the light I see him, though he is transparent. I don't hear him speak and he communicates by pointing at things. The guidance has been positive he will tell me to lay on couch, go outside, open the curtain in the morning, or putting his index finger to his lip when I'm overthinking. 

I'm trying to articulate the events that played out for me last year. I guess the sequence was something like this.

  • Ritual with myself inviting extra-terrestrials in my house and joining on galactic scale.
  • Meditation
  • Meditation eye gazing and seeing face shift large eyes etc.
  • I once had the feeling that someone was in my shower while eye gazing
  • I had an interesting experience while meditating where it was like someone put a hood just over my eyes so I could see in front but I couldn't see my peripheral vision then it was like someone was welding in front of me or on my body and they couldn't let me see it? I almost forgot about this. I let whatever was happening to continue but I wonder if this is what helped me see?
  • Seeing lights come from the floor and float around while meditating. They looked like torches and would shine on objects.
  • I noticed the room would change with blue walls, or it would seem like the room was bigger than it was
  • Seeing light shows right in front of me twirling lights and giving thanks after
  • Meditation and seeing tornadoes of energy where I put my hands through and saw holograms would stick to my hands
  • 3d image of a cross appeared in my hand
  • The next hologram was a man with a bow and arrow,
  • then there was a man playing a guitar.
  • then I got a girl with wings in the fetus position. I kept guessing this wrong for like 7 times. It was most likely archangel Michael. I called him in for protection from time to time and have mistaken him as a girl because of his long hair. I realised this after a visitation with him.
  • When writing a journal log last year about the holograms I was seeing I noticed a gold light behind me and seeing a blue light shine on my screen.
  • Seeing spirit guide with me and him telling me what I guessed the hologram was is right or wrong. He looked like a man in a white robe.
  • spirit guide clapping when I worked something out. Like when I said, "whoa you can pick up the holograms". Or, "that’s what the spinning things are".
  • Seeing a being after giving thanks for a meditation session I saw someone that looked bald and short, to my belly button and was flicking something off his head, he later was crying into me and I patted his shoulder and said it was okay, He then span into one of those torus spinning things.
  • Seeing balloons that would float upwards. I remember being seated and a balloon went right into my face and I think spirit guide wanted me to interact with it. I got this message because another time a being would dance in front of me then I danced and was playful then I saw balloons and then I realized I could hit the balloons and they would move.
  • Seeing balls bouncing in from the left side and come to rest in front of me. I later figured out to pick up the balls and put them in my energy centres working upwards. My guide helped me with that. I'd get one ball from the left and one from the right. I cant remember exactly but I think they were silver and gold. I wondered later if silver and gold meant male and feminine energy? I wonder if I've let his soul reside in my body?

A reflection of the sequence of the holograms was:

  1. The hands facing towards the centre of the table represented community.
  2. The bouncing ball represents my guide being flung into this reality as a ball. 
  3. The torus shape was a being of energy.
  4. The cross showed me love was inside the torus.
  5. The bow and arrow symbolized war.
  6. The guitar symbolized the soul trying to express itself.
  7. The angel symbolized that the angels were sad with the war.
  8. The person with the crown pointing up was the king noticing angels.
  9. The person on the ride on skooter represented travel. (This might have been to guess the ball.)

Later on though I don't think I was closing the meditations properly. Spirit guide would project on the wall or ceiling many angels grabbing onto a root or cord coming from above and a god like hand from above pulling in the angels and a hand from below and it was like a story between the upper hand and a hand that reached from below. There was a part in the story where the finger was cut off and fell down below which turned into an angel/devil cant remember which one. There were creatures with horns (devil looking) I have seen it over and over with my guide and I live alone so there's not much distracting me away from it. I tried to write down the sequence but I never got to fully understand the story when this was the most vivid I would see a green colour coming from his head when I guessed correct and a red light if I got it wrong. When this projection on the wall happens its like a light was being generated behind me like a projector.

I've actually been to the beach and was guided by the spirit to go to the water front I then had to put my hands into certain positions which he taught me that I had to do before I could see what he wanted me to see. This was after I was asking to be in control of seeing him. The sequence was something like with both hands: hips, heart, shoulders, heart, hips (crossed hands) then heart, head, then hips. Then I saw a strip of silver and gold fire in the sand light up from the centre outwards, one colour on the left and one on the right. The fire propagated to coloured pillars of light on the sides of me (again silver and gold) and the story that I was seeing on the wall was played over the ocean. It was one of the most beautiful experiences.

One time I could see spirit guide and he was guiding me to go on a walk. We went to the park just down the road from my house. I could see him moving independent of me which was weird when I could see him almost listening in to the person next door as we were walking down the driveway. Anyway we went to the park and I sat on the bench he told me to look up and I saw a very bright light in my peripheral vision and then he disappeared. When I looked at him he was flying through the air what looked like with his legs folded in a normal seated position. I just remember a blue bright light coming from him. After that he told me to look up and he showed me how bright he could get. 

This then later turned into a problem at work when I would see lights shining on my screen and a story playing out on the wall behind my monitor with the guide pointing above frantically because I wasn't paying attention to him. I remember it was pretty intense once and I thought he might be trying to help me at work so I'd try pick up on his cues but that just led to confusion. I went and saw someone twice in the office but didn't really need to see them I also saw rings of light under someone like a video game. The biggest problem with all this was when I saw my step mum and dad and I wanted to show them the guide and the story and they couldn't see him. They were very worried about me.

After this I saw my psychiatrist and he said it was most likely psychosis and he took me off certain medication and even now not being on the medication that may have triggered it I can still call in the spirit guide? Its confusing because I want it to be an intelligent life helping me. I guess I'll never know. 

I'm sort of hoping others have had similar experiences.

Thanks for reading

Posted : 22/08/2023 5:39 am
Posts: 114
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@evamartens0096 I'd be interested in knowing more about your channeling experiences. Do the entities communicate with you telepathically? Have they said what extraterrestrial race they are and where in the universe they live? Have you considered making a YouTube channel to talk about your experiences?

Posted : 22/08/2023 9:09 pm
Posts: 114
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@lauren My name's Corey. I'm 32 years old and live in California. I've never seen an alien or a UFO, but I'm still interested in it. I don't think I'm a starseed or anything like that. However, I'm interested in the Grey aliens. I'd be interested in knowing if Grey aliens had anything to do with the creation of humans and if they've helped in our evolution. I think EA said once in a YouTube video titled "Disclosure: The Human Hybrid Project 2050" that the Greys helped to evolve our species, but that'd seem to me to go against the GFL's policy of non-intervention. I'll likely never know the real truth about Grey aliens - about where in the universe they reside, why they're sometimes abducting humans, how involved they are in developing our species, etc, but I'm still interested in hearing theories about the Greys and about other extraterrestrials. I'm a skeptic and so I sometimes wonder if extraterrestrials exist at all, but I lean toward believing they do exist, as I have a hard time thinking we'd be the only intelligent life in the universe.

Posted : 23/08/2023 6:08 pm
Posts: 16
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@coreymatthews Hey Corey, Hows it going?

I also find that subject fascinating not to pull you off EA but Gaia has alot of shows on the greys. I'd say in particular watch cosmic disclosure with Emery Smith talking with Tim the tactical advisor. Tim is german and has worked with the grey aliens. I can't remember the show but Linda Moulton Howe also speaks about a document she read (I can't remember which one) that confirmed humans have evolved quicker through manipulating DNA. It's quite fascinatiing actually. I love the subject of reptilians also because it explains why we live in such a suppressed community. I also like David Adair he's definitely interesting to hear from about the moon. Anyways your in the power of which path you take in your research. These are just suggestions. By the way were you talking to me about the entities I'm just confused because I don't think eva mentioned entities? 

Take it easy

Posted : 24/08/2023 6:07 am
Posts: 114
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@danielvantsant Hi, Eva briefly mentioned she had channeling abilities, so I was wondering what kinds of extraterrestrials she was communicating with. She mentioned it very briefly, I had to go back and read her post a few times to make sure it was in there.

Anyway, thanks for the recommendations. I once saw an interview on YouTube where Linda Moulton Howe was talking to someone who claimed to have the ability to channel aliens. This person was saying all kinds of fascinating things, but the video seems to be gone. I wish I'd saved it.

You might be interested in watching the video below. It's a grey alien, but I don't know if it's real. I came across the video on YouTube a couple years ago. You may want to save it to your computer, because these kinds of videos often disappear.

Posted : 24/08/2023 6:25 am
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@coreymatthews Hey corey, You're right sorry about that. 

Thanks for sharing the video. 

Do keep Gaia TV in mind for research though. Its a bit better than minstream TV if you have an open mind.

Posted : 24/08/2023 7:19 am
Posts: 9
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@danielvantsant I love that show!!!! Tim is such a agent of change for us!!!!!

Posted : 27/08/2023 7:52 am
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Hi Everyone! 🖐️ 

Name: Jenna Jessup 😎 

Origin: Orion, Earth, Canada, Ontario, Ottawa 🍒 

Cosmic Society: I found EA's podcast about 5 years ago binge listened to the entire thing (even told EA about it she was pumped lol) found her website and never looked back! 

Something Interesting: I am a school teacher in Ottawa Ontario, I am tapping into my psychic abilities that I have always knew I have had, My family thinks I'm nuts 🤓 


Jenna 🍓


P.S ☕  I added a fun photo of me! If anyone in Ottawa wants to workout in high frequency msg me I need a starseed so we can talk about the most ridiculous things!!!! Can email 


This post was modified 1 year ago 4 times by Jenna Jessup
Posted : 27/08/2023 8:05 am
Posts: 9
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@danielvantsant Thanks for sharing!

Posted : 27/08/2023 8:16 am
Posts: 16
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@jjess038 Ikr! I've watched many interviews with him. I love hearing his accent when he explains interdimensional beings, being 6 and many other scientific explanations. I'm trying to think of his one liner for lifting the frequency of the earth, was it "everyone on earth lift frequency now" Do you remember it. They don't share any of his stuff outside of Gaia.

I like your bio. Working out and talking about ridiculous things sounds fun. If only I lived in Canada. 🙂 

Posted : 27/08/2023 4:29 pm
Posts: 58
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Well Here I go:

Hello Starseeds.  My name is Donald but nobody calls me that.  I relate to the name Corky.  I am here because I am starting to put together (my life) things that I am now seeing more clearly.  I'm 64.  A retired military veteran with combat experience.  Because of that I am also disabled and for the past 13 years have had some time to consider what's going on with me.  I discovered EA a couple of months ago via her talk with Danika Patrick.  That moment was well into a few phases of my personal awakening. The past few years I was living in South Florida (USA) had been very restless.  Because I hurt my back in the service, I've had 10 major surgeries in the past 20 years which has given me a lot of time to think/ponder on WTF has been going on with my life. I'm gonna try to keep this short.  I was one of those kids who did not fit into any group. Kids called me "brainless" because I was always wondering about stuff that didn't exist. I felt resistance, judgement, distrust, and "less than" everyone else.  I went into the military as an officer and became a helicopter pilot in Special Operations. Yeah those guys.  I am the 2nd Black man in history ever to do that job.  While I was in weapons systems training in Albuquerque New Mexico, I met a fellow Junior Officer who introduced me to a very old woman named Ruth.  She was maybe four and a half feet tall. I'm guessing well into her 90's and had the brightest eyes I'd ever seen.  She was really sweet and kind of funny but she looked at me and said I had a mark (actually "The mark" is what she said) and that I was going to help a lot of people some day. I have two marks between my eys that look like I was stabbed with a BBQ fork. She scared me telling me about things only I would know. Bottom line - she freaked me out but I never forgot what she told me. Shortly after that I was on a flight that had to report a UFO sighting. Strangest night flight ever.   Fast forward to the present - I have been trying to figure out so many "odd" things that happen to me. I see "stuff" out of the corner of my eye all the time. My dreams are incredibly vivid. I've been having the same dream for about 2 decades.  Not the same dream over and over but my dreams pick up where they left off.  I go to places where I've gotten to know the people there.  I realized recently a house that I thought I built years ago, only exists in my dreams.  I go back there often and know the place inside out. I can tell people exactly where things are and what's what because I designed it.  I have been dreaming about myself having a dream about me having a dream.  I wake up very disoriented frequently. Now I'm able to tell myself I'm dreaming and to wake up.  At first it was from the dreams within the dreams but now I can come all the way back to where I am presently.  After listening to EA and Danicka and Billy Carson, Kaia Ra, Teal Swan, and  Caroline Cory, I don't know how to digest all this information.  So I feel like I'm traveling on an unknown road without a map. I don't necessarily care what people think of this but I would like to understand far better than I do now.  Am I in the right place? Am I a Starseed too?  If so what should I do? Any help is appreciated.   

Posted : 08/09/2023 4:39 pm
Vinnie Van, Nick Quinn, Paul Roberts and 1 people reacted
Posts: 69
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Light Codes: 7

Hi Corky,

what an amazing life story!! I think you re definitly in the right place and on the forum I think we all like to hear more stories of you and maybe share.

I m listening now to an audio book 'letters to a starseed' from Rebecca Campbell , it helps me with understanding that in my life things happened that can be explained as typically starseedthings but i thought was just me and my life.

Especially the akashic attunement its a chapter with a meditation where you can take a look in your soul book and get some clarity what you may need to know right now. I dont know if I see what i like to see but I enjoy.

The video's and live calls of E.A. helped me to understand more and I felt support to go for a channeling practise, first here on share your gifts  and than on my own.

Did you do energetic work on your back? Maybe you can learn reiki and give it to yourself and also heal others? I can give you an energy healing but if  I have something I ask Bret Ressler for healing, he is on this forum and is a reikimaster and can teach you reiki as well, so you can heal yourself  but with a reiki degree you can also help a lot of others.

Or would you like to help others with something else? What do you think is important? Where should people help eachother with? 

Can you tell us more about your flight that an UFO was reported, did you report that ufo and what did you see? What did that do to you? 

Have a beautiful day! Leonie


Posted : 09/09/2023 12:13 am
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