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🌟 Introduce Yourself and Connect🌟
Let's start by getting to know each other better! Take a moment to introduce yourself and share your cosmic journey.

  • Answer the following questions:
  • Name: What is your name or the name you resonate with?
  • Origin: Where are you from (either physically or energetically)?
  • Cosmic Society: How did you find the cosmic society or become aware of your Starseed or Lightworker nature?
  • Something Interesting: Share something fascinating or unique about yourself, whether it's a talent, a passion, or an extraordinary experience.

By sharing these aspects of ourselves, we aim to build connections based on shared vibrations. Feel free to engage with other members, ask questions, and discover kindred spirits. 🌌

Together, we can manifest meaningful connections and create opportunities for physical meetups. Remember, the universe conspires to bring us together! ✨🌟

Posted : 22/05/2023 5:34 pm
Cailin OConnor, Rose Toner, Momo and 21 people reacted
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@lostangus Thank you so much! I enjoyed a quiet day in the sunshine. P.S. Your education and gifts are admirable.

Posted : 10/01/2025 9:35 am
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Hi, my name is Colleen—spelled Cailin in the Irish. I never liked my name until I discovered the Soul Plan System which translates your name into light language, and I saw the amazing gifts and challenges that were designed by my soul for this lifetime. Now I read as an oracle of that system. If more young people and teens knew their soul plan, life would go a lot smoother. 

I always aligned with the Pleiades. Since birth, I grew up knowing about that connection and later when I learned about the 7 sisters, it clicked. Many more years later, in exploring star wisdom with a shaman teacher, I heard a voice say, look at Andromeda too. So I did and found it wasn't the constellation but the Andromeda Galaxy. First a mother figure came and made contact with me in a soul retrieval process, and later another female. Both are healers and started working with me in my healing arts business and on myself. Mongolian shamans also saw them, so that was interesting evidence and validation that this stuff is not made up.
It turns out she is me in a parallel sort of future life. And that is my mother, and there is also a younger sister. The three of them channel through me and call themselves The Andromedan Collective. We make videos and post them on YouTube and Tiktok etc, but I'm not very popular for some reason.

Where I'm from physically on earth is more of a mystery to me - I don't know. I was born in the USA and it was terribly traumatic. I call it the land of trauma and have never been back. My partner was shot in our front yard, I survived a house fire rescued from an attic window; my parents abandoned me at 15 and put me in a mental institution, saying I was crazy; and more on and on. I moved around a lot—I just kept running away from people and places. In the end, I was with Native Americans who I encountered accidentally in the PNW. Friendship formed with that grandmother, and she took me into ceremony for three years, and that was the best time. A medicine man came down from Manitoba and did a healing on me that launched me into living globally.

So I have no home--yet. It is my greatest desire to find somewhere to live and have solid survival ground. I've been like a turtle with a home on my back living globally for a long time. Except there is a large shipment that follows me as sea freight. I'm not like a backpacker. It's been for work and simultaneously doing the gridwork, which I found out much later. That makes sense once I learned there are gridworkers. And then I learned there is such a thing as starchildren/starseeds, and everything came into picture.

Once on a vision quest in Eastern Turkey (Mt. Nemrut) 3 star beings came (recently learned they are from Sirius) and started showing me how to ground the new earth frequencies. That was 2019. About two years later they said it was done. And they moved me to the Middle East to do it. Not a place I wanted to go, but I went.

I left my work last year mid-year, finally standing up to bully bosses and a terrible environment. I was an international art teacher at international schools. Turning 50, I realized none of those jobs pay enough to invest or to build your own pension, and it's a dead end living hand-to-mouth. I'm now camped out living on a small savings in the Republic of Georgia, on the Black Sea, while I build up my healing work and figure out a new way to survive on this planet.

It's the best time I've ever had! And I rarely leave my rental place, so not party fun or travel fun, but soulful fun developing stronger spiritual connections and doing the channeling and healing arts all the time. Sleeping and waking to my natural rhythm and encapsulated in my own energy without going into work with people that cause illness and poisonous environments. It's interesting - if you read this far, then you might be interested -- the physical changes after leaving the workplace are so fast: I dropped a bunch of weight and inflamation that I can now see was all stress and cortisol. It's easier to maintain a consistent mood, if you're in perimenopause (ages 40ish -55ish) you know. I don't need wine every night and can access greater states of joy without any external reasons; my skin is even better, and I stopped wasting money on supplements. Now I don't need them at all, only a couple for magnesium and phytonutrients.

I found EA a long time ago from an early interview with Gaia, and then other conferences livestreamed. Then more of her talks and on Gaia and then Youtube, and now I've come here to join her page because we really need to know what's going on in the unseen agendas.   

Thank you, EA, for your increible courage and guidance for all of us.
Thank you for building this community platform, where I know I will meet many friends here. ❤️

Posted : 12/01/2025 8:33 am
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I got started on my journey in the late 70's. I discovered Jane Roberts books Seth Material. All about channeling an entity with explanations of true life here and the beyond. From there I visited psychic fairs through the years.  From there I learned and practiced automatic writing, transcendental meditation and practiced remote viewing. Back then it didn't have a name. I used that ability to fined a lost friend with dementia when he took a walk into the forest behind his house. No one could fine him not even the fire company people. I saw him sitting by a brook with him clutching his knees and rocking back and forth. 

I also learned and practiced reiki healing but discovered I could do healing simply by standing in front of a person with eyes closed and view their internal energy and saw blocked and large piles of stuck energy which I learned was effecting whatever organ it was attached to. I also discovered that this energy had formed through the persons emotional state.

I saved a woman's life when I saw a large red stuck energy about her heart and told her go see a doctor now. I was in the presents of an elderly man having a heart attack. He turned blue and I tried to help but was slapped in the face from his spiritual guide and was told that this is his time let him be. Which lead me to see spirist and those who have pasted on that day. They would show up at night in my bedroom totally confused. I tried to instruct them on what to do next. There was a time when a  whole family appeared to me, 7 of them, that past away that day from an accident. But not all the time was it pleasant. A black shaded spirit showed up and tried to infiltrate my body. I learned awhile back that to protect yourself call on Jesus by saying and repeating, " In the name of Jesus be gone." This is a way to bring the highest energy to surround yourself using Jesus's energy. It is very powerful.

Through the years I got married and had two daughters. My oldest daughter had the ability of remote viewing without any training when she was around 5 years old. On night sirens blasted and she ran to the living room window and told me everything see could see. Where the firetrucks where going, the exact address, and how bad the fire was. She could also view her grandparents at their home and tell me what they were doing. But by the time she became a teenager she lost that ability and I think it was because her focus was her friends and teenage life.  

My youngest daughter had the ability to see spirit just as if they were standing right in front of you. When she was 3 she had a special friend she played with. She would tell me her age and what she looked like. She kept this ability into adult hood. There were times when we would visit friends and she could see relatives that had past away walking around their house.  However she closed down when she was confronted by a dark spirit and had to use protection to ride the spirit from the house.

I'm an elderly man now and found April while I was on YouTube watching a video, Michael Salla Exopolitics. She was on the side with other people in those little blocks that you can click on to view their videos. So I became a member creator and enjoying her website with all the information she posts. Awesome young lady with great abilities and I am a little worried for her because of so much negative people out their that could do her harm. So much corruption it's so hard to believe what this world has come to. In my youth you could leave you doors unlocked even at night. But not now. You need an attack dog and an arsenal of heavy weapons to sleep soundly at night.

I'm leaving in Virginia Beach now and there is a strong vortex at the beach that I'm going to use to remote view my meditation to manifest this years desire.  I'm glad I watched her video about using  a vortex energy to help manifest with. I have to admit I have not used remote viewing like she does. I just use it to help me make decisions throughout my day. Like how bad is the traffic to go home after work. What route should I take?

Anyways. Thanks to all of you and April for regenerating my interest in the paranormal. May God forever keep you all safe.

Posted : 12/01/2025 6:07 pm
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@evamartens0096 Hi Eva, I'm from germany too! let me know, if you wanna chat 😉

Posted : 13/01/2025 1:32 am
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Hello fellow travelers!

My name is Gary Hreben

I just joined a few days ago and am excited to meet everyone in this community. 

  • Origin: I am from Chicago and have lived most of my life right here on the southwest side.
  • Cosmic Society: I don't know if I am a Lightworker or Starseed. I do know I have been a seeker of Truth since I first found out about the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012. That was around 2008. I have always been intrigued about ancient Egypt since I was a child. I was raised a Methodist, but have studied Zen meditation, Buddhism, Transcendental Meditation, Silva Mind Control and have since 2008 been meditating with binaural beats from the Centerpointe Institute.
  • Something Interesting: I have been playing the trumpet since I was in 2nd grade, actually the cornet until 7th grade when I switched to trumpet. I'm 71. That's a lot of notes. I play professionally in the Chicago area as a freelance musician. I have played and backed up name acts such as the Temptations, Ojays, Aretha Franklin, Dionne Warwick, Sammy Davis Jr., Steve and Edie, and countless more. I pride myself in being a versatile musician, able to play most any style of music and have played everything from Chinese funerals to the circus, Mariachi, jazz, rock and roll, classical and free improvisational music. I love it all! I really think I'm an Awakener. I can captivate an audience with my trumpet and feel that is my purpose in life. I did all that as a part time job as I needed to have a day gig to pay the bills. I've been in the technology field for 25 years and retired in 2018 from Chicago Public Schools as a music and technology teacher. It seems I'm just hitting my stride as a musician. Where this takes me excites me as the best is yet to come!
  • I can be found on Fakebook. Send me a friend request if you would like. I would love to connect with you.
This post was modified 1 week ago 2 times by Gary
Posted : 14/01/2025 7:12 pm
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@lauren Hi Lauren, I’m Adam Yannotta from New Jersey, 

I live half in the 3D and half in the 5D 😂 if that makes sense

It’s a pleasure to be a part of this community as time goes by these communities are going to be of the upmost importance. 

I’m a father a husband a real estate developer and an author 

half 3D half 5d 



Posted : 18/01/2025 9:55 am
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Hi All, I'm Adam Yannotta 44 years old, from New Jersey. It's an honor to be here! The galactic communities are the most important right now in my opinion. I look forward to learning from everyone. Channeling is the next level of human achievement. Socrates was a channeler, many philosophers of old were too, the Bible was a composite of channels messages, even people like Henry Ford and Tesla were said to be channelers. Channeled information is the most needed information at this time. 

Let's make this community the best one out there. I think that's how we create new world! Our world!

IMG 8617


Posted : 18/01/2025 10:50 am
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Hi All, I'm Adam Yannotta 44 years old, from New Jersey. It's an honor to be here! The galactic communities are the most important right now in my opinion. I look forward to learning from everyone. Channeling is the next level of human achievement. Socrates was a channeler, many philosophers of old were too, the Bible was a composite of channels messages, even people like Henry Ford and Tesla were said to be channelers. Channeled information is the most needed information at this time. 

Let's make this community the best one out there. I think that's how we create new world! Our world!

IMG 8617


Posted : 18/01/2025 10:50 am
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Hi All, I'm Adam Yannotta 44 years old, from New Jersey. It's an honor to be here! The galactic communities are the most important right now in my opinion. I look forward to learning from everyone. Channeling is the next level of human achievement. Socrates was a channeler, many philosophers of old were too, the Bible was a composite of channels messages, even people like Henry Ford and Tesla were said to be channelers. Channeled information is the most needed information at this time. 

Let's make this community the best one out there. I think that's how we create new world! Our world!

IMG 8617


Posted : 18/01/2025 10:51 am
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@eline-rutten - Hi Eline. I too am in the RTP area. Empath, HSP. Happy to connect. Hope you are well. 

Posted : 19/01/2025 2:20 pm
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