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[Sticky] Meet & Greet Activity!! - Start HERE!!

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🌟 Introduce Yourself and Connect🌟
Let's start by getting to know each other better! Take a moment to introduce yourself and share your cosmic journey.

  • Answer the following questions:
  • Name: What is your name or the name you resonate with?
  • Origin: Where are you from (either physically or energetically)?
  • Cosmic Society: How did you find the cosmic society or become aware of your Starseed or Lightworker nature?
  • Something Interesting: Share something fascinating or unique about yourself, whether it's a talent, a passion, or an extraordinary experience.

By sharing these aspects of ourselves, we aim to build connections based on shared vibrations. Feel free to engage with other members, ask questions, and discover kindred spirits. 🌌

Together, we can manifest meaningful connections and create opportunities for physical meetups. Remember, the universe conspires to bring us together! ✨🌟

Posted : 22/05/2023 6:34 pm
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@lauren  Hi there. I'm new here. 😀

Posted : 29/07/2024 1:31 pm
Posts: 0
Hello fellow awakened starseeds! I am grateful for you all♡
  • Name: Kendall 54/f 🏳️‍🌈
  • Origin: TX atm (nomad) Plieadian+
  • Cosmic Society: it started with Delores Cannon & went from there
  • Something Interesting: 🧜🏼‍♀️Drawn to all things aquatic 🐬🐋I had to stop moving around to aid my dad in his elderly years & find myself nearing the biggest crossroad of my life. I've always become someone "new" every 10 yrs or so & I'm not feeling drawn to any new career path (its always been bound to 'service to others') & I have no idea or passion for the next path. I find myself a bit down about it, but also trust myself & the universe in regards to this. 
  • Soul Identity: Super Hybrid. I am challenged by staying present (I leave my body VERY often!) I'm quite  neurodivergent. I think in images patterns & concepts, & am also very literal. I have a hard time understanding most people, but adapt. 🧚🏼‍♀️I am clairaudient & clairsentient, but only rarely. I have seen my highest self during meditation once. I have a hard time quieting my mind, I think bc of the ND, but am working on it. I am super empathetic to a fault. Even with bugs (I have a fondness for praying mantis, even though they are predatory & cannibals😬). I love you all & am grateful for you every moment. Be well & at peace. 
Posted : 29/07/2024 3:29 pm
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What's my mission and my starseed origin?

Posted : 31/07/2024 12:33 am
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 Hello everyone , thank you for letting me be apart of this beautiful energy.  My name is Kat and i am from Texas . I was drawn here  numerous times as i was wanted to know more about the world we live in and that there is more out there than just the matrix. I am looking for a place to expand my empath abilities and get a better handle on how to create a wall so i dont get drained every time I am in a crowd of people.

Thank you EA for creating this space for people like me to feel safe to be our true selves.

much love

Posted : 01/08/2024 8:32 am
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Hello, my name is Peter, I go by Pete originally from Chicago, but currently living in the Tampa Bay area of Florida but driving a semi so I'm all over the place. Raised Catholic also a Scientologist (people tend to laugh at me for that) but was working with someone that later told me she was an empath. I was always interested in science and the spiritual world and was pursuing different things as a young child (astral projection, etc). I always knew there was a higher state. I never felt like I really fit in with the general population. I subconsciously always felt like there was something higher that we possessed, or were. Especially being that science says we barely even actively a small fraction of the brain. So I started working with this empath a few years ago and when I told her I never felt like I fit in she said it is was probably because I wasn't from here (this was in Clearwater) I said "I'm not from here I'm from Chicago!" She said, "that's not what I mean!" So she started telling me about star seeds and light workers etc. So she sent me a few channels to watch. I started watching EA on and off for a few years, and Our Everyday Lives and really started trying to learn more, but never but enough time in... Busy life bla bla.  Finally I finally got to a point where I realized I could stay to busy and live my boring tedious everyday life or I could take the time and learn and apply the important things that I actually want to learn and that my higher self has been trying to take my attention to since I was a kid in the early 90's. I'm 43 now and have wasted far too much time. So I'm not trying to start with the basics and begin my journey. I've always been the person that always wanted to help others... I've always been the counselor type and would put others first even at my own expense or demise... So it's time to learn what I'm here to do and gain the abilities that I need to do it properly in an educated fashion.  Nice to meet you all!

Posted : 06/08/2024 1:18 pm
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@lauren Hi there!  I'm Tzangel, author and maker of magick . . .  so happy to be here!

Posted : 11/08/2024 2:32 pm
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@lauren Hi there!  I'm Tzangel, author and maker of magick . . .  so happy to be here!

Posted : 11/08/2024 2:33 pm
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I am Tzangel, an author born and raised in Northern California and has an affinity for all things magickal. I am an artist, a crafter, and a writer.  A practicing third degree witch who weaves all of my life experiences into the world of magick and into each story/book I create. These stories spring forth in my mind as a single idea and blossoms into a magickal journey that holds the reader’s interest from beginning to end. Because of the never-ending creations in my mind, I decided to put them all on paper. My fictional stories about the paranormal world and all the magickal beings that the paranormal world holds fill the pages of my books and takes each reader on a beautiful journey of quests, magick and love, providing a glimpse into a secret world of witches, curses, and all things magickal ~ good or evil.


After spending more than 20 years in marketing, crafting a variety of enchanted items, drawing fairies and angels, and celebrating the Wheel of the Year, a symbol that represents the 8 holidays important to many pagans, known as Sabbats, I spend a lot of my time on bringing the magickal escapades in my head to the reader.


I've been married for 23 years, and with my husband by my side, have raised seven children and is blessed with seven grandchildren.  When I'm is not writing, I' spending most of my time working hard at a corporate job, communing with nature, spending time with my family, and spoiling my grandchildren.

Posted : 11/08/2024 2:39 pm
Christina reacted
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I am just going to keep the same format

  • Name: My name is Kevin. I resonate with that, that's what i picked to be my name at birth. It's also Irish for Handsome according to the boy baby name book i picked up in a food lion grocery store in south carolina in 1998.
  • Origin: I am currently in Ohio in the US. I have lived a few states, never out of country and a lot of placed around Cleveland. Cosmically my first incarnation was in Alpha Centauri. I don't know where I went from there but I have had many life times. 
  • Cosmic Society: In 2021 i lost my way and felt i needed something in life, something bigger than me. I dont want to write a book as no one wants to read it so ill keep it short. I found yoga, which lead me to just going down a rabbit hole of spirituality. I was ALWAYS spiritual growing up and in thought but my life didn't always reflect it. Found EA through youtube channel recommendations based on topics i have searched before.
  • Something Interesting: I got distracted writing this twice and doom scrolled on my phone for no reason. I am a spiritual warrior all the time and feel like it none of the time. I started a podcast called the Spirit Warrior Podcast which is/was meant to be one leg of a larger umbrella of products. yes I know i metaphormixed there. 
Posted : 11/08/2024 3:10 pm
Christina reacted
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@lauren my name is Snowy River. I’ve incarcerated in this life as a male in Australia. I just came across Elizabeth work via Gaia which really resonated with me. However since coming to her website I’m finding it really difficult seeing how much this platform is monetizing things way out side spiritual guidance. From cryptocurrency courses to ambassador programs to earn commissions selling her products I just can’t get my head around this. 

Does anyone else have this experience? I’ll give it some time as it’s only day one to see how it resonates with me as I explore more of her work. 

thank you. Love and light 

Posted : 20/08/2024 4:41 am
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  • Answer the following questions:
  • Name: Rachel
  • Origin: I currently live in New Mexico and I absolutely love it here. The energy is so deep and chronic and cosmic, and it is the first place where rapid, momentous changes have been happening; dreams have been coming true, everything is just falling into place. Which is so nice because last year was the opposite, so much difficult change and blocks. Not sure I’m answering the question correctly…as for my origin? I resonate with the Pleidians and I feel very drawn to healing people, healing the planet, healing animals. And I keep feeling like I’m supposed to be guiding people into how they are supposed to be existing. I had a friend I was talking to last night say that she always comes to me for help with people because I am a very calming and healing presence. 
  • Cosmic Society: So, I came into this society by happy accident. I had heard of starseeds from a medium that I follow, and I immediately felt like yes, this is it. You know that feeling when you know you’re doing something right because you can feel a puzzle piece snap into place? I began this search for more information on it, and a lot of sources had the wrong…hum? Where it’s like a sour note? And then I stumbled on EA’s book You’re not dying, you’re just waking up, and it was like this huge relief, that I had found what I was searching for. So much of it resonated.
  • Something Interesting: Actually, an experience I would like to share was from when I was a little over a year old, and my mother and I were in a very tall hospital, like 14 floors up. My mother decided to place me on a window sill without checking to see if it was latched. She said that she heard this booming voice telling her not to leave me, and she turned back to me as I leaned against the window, which opened, and I was falling out of it. She grabbed me in time thank goodness. But years later I talked to a medium that said there was a time when I was really young and almost died, that he sensed there were these large beings, which most people tend to associate with the Egyptian gods, that had stepped in, because I was supposed to do something great with my life. So! Not sure if they’re related, BUT I thought it was a cool story. 

        I cant wait to read everyone’s stories and start connecting with you fine lovelies!!!

Posted : 21/08/2024 3:31 pm
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Light Codes: 2

@lauren First, Im sorry if I'm doing this wrong, I  don't know how to use this so I'm not sure if this is where and/or how I was supposed to introduce myself, but here I go and if its supposed to be some different way please let me know. My name is Sonia, I was physically born in Bogota, Colombia 51 years ago. I live in Oklahoma since December 1997. I started to feel weirder than my usual when I  started to have none epileptic seizuresin 2020 that progressed to this weird magical trips to cristal castles or temples made either just of like eneralds or other just of purple like amethyst or of yellow like citrine maybe? Also I  could feel myself running inside the body of a male lion in Africa. The thing is that this year I have had visions. The first one this female presence put me inside a tesseract made of and outside frame of cream or white-ish crystals joined by copper coils in between, and and inside frame made of teal crystals joined by copper coils all this crystals turned into light and when the presence put me inside she let me know thet she was who told me "relax baby angel, relax" when I had the first episode none epileptic seizure and I  could not breath and my husband had to call the ambulance.  This vision happened while sitting with my eyes open and I  could see my husband and son under me but I  was out in space when my husband got desperate and started to scream to call me to react, I felt like if was falling back but I was still sitting with my eyes open.  Have three more and then and why I'm in distress las week I was with my middle son looking at silly videos of his brother with his classmates.  When all of the sudden I was there with him with eyes open but gone, but I  could feel information getting to me but not that I could see or hear. It told me that my oldest son had two possibilities one was to be a great lider for humanity or the other one was to leave young. That my husband and I  could not do nothing to intervene in his choice. That no matter what he picked he knew how much we loved hi. And that he wanted us to know how much he loved us. Needless to say I'm in total anguish anyway no matter what happens. I also feel that i produce purple, orange and white light ovetall while orgasming and I  do cover the planet as to protect and transmit good warm energy to everybody, everywhere. If anybody reads this and has any advice about my circumstances and experiences please letme know. I'm in search of my mission my past, and future, my talents and how can I  use them to hel animals, humans, the planet, and anybody that needs thehelp.

Posted : 31/08/2024 2:20 pm
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  • Name: Kimberly and my last name is a trigger word. In spanish it means Crown. I understand the path would mean likely to shed labels and names. So I wonder if I could even pronounce my real name.


  • Origin: Austin or San Diego or the north pole...I was told I am like a Polar Bear. I would like to know where I am truly from. I think I have been through a cycle on earth a few times.


  • Cosmic Society: I don't really fit anywhere. There was lots to climb over first...lots of childhood abuse and demonic dreams. I was shown a corrupt CPS, foster care system. I was gifted with something where adults skipped me in grades. I could read and do fractions before kindergarten. I was smart enough to see the horribleness and knew it had to be dealt with.  First, instinctively,  I sought to conquer fear. Then sustain hope, then to seek the truth, know real love.  Gifts of healing came from me, I could feel people's the city's the country's the world's emotions, I would know what would happen next.  All of it scared me, but never stopped seeking.


  • Something Interesting: I love cooking, love my children. I have learned to fly and land a plane, chased bears out of my campsite, rock climbed on cliffs. What i think might be interesting... as horrific my childhood was no one can tell that about me when I meet them.  I feel I am here for a greater purpose. For what? I was no idea.  I live each day as it was my last. Joy, laughter, peace, encouragement, hope, compassion, forgiveness, courage are shades of me. I am happy to be in this enlightened group full of Light and Love.  Radiant Ripples go out every minute from this group and it why we can enter the Golden Age. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Posted : 01/09/2024 6:30 pm
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  • Name: Luz (Which means Light in Spanish) and user name Krosspaths
  • Origin: I am not really sure of my origin.  I have been having a strong pull to Arcturian star seed, but I feel I may be mixed.  I am very new to this. In this lifetime I live in Miami, FL.
  • Cosmic Society: I saw an interview on Open Minds with Elizabeth April and felt this uncontrollable knowing of her energy.  I cannot explain it. Got on this website and am intrigued but what I am learning (perhaps remembering). A few months ago, I had not even heard of Arcturian. Whenever I heard of Sirius and Orion I felt connected to the word somehow without much knowledge of anything. The word Arcturian kept following me and emotions would come over me, to the point of tears without knowing why. I still don't know why but it appears to come from happiness not sadness. I shall keep exploring.
  • Something Interesting: I am an animal lover, and nature lover. I recall my life more outdoors when I was between the ages of 2-5, than indoors.  I believe indoors has forgotten trauma, but Mother Nature took such good care of me.  I used to climb the banyan trees in front of my house, at that age, and sing to the birds in the nest, and play with the ants and lizards on the branches. I recall singing to the moon, I must have been 5 or 6, on a broken down swing set we had. I was on the top poll that holds the chains of the swing, just singing. Let me just say, I can't sing to save my life, but for some reason, I felt the need to sing to Pachamama.  I walk at the park behind my house as often as I can, many times, I feel this immense energy from Gaia that I begin to cry with happiness.  This had not happened before, but is happening more and more. The sounds of the birds singing, the water trickling, the wind blowing, the pecking from the woodpeckers are extremely intense and beautiful. Decades ago I became a Reiki Master, and practiced quite often on a friend who was diagnosed with breast cancer. Gratefully she is cancer free. I have since, reconnected with Reiki as I hadn't been practicing it as regularly as I should. I am hoping that connecting with this energy, that all continues to align as it should and I fulfill my mission here on Earth, which is to help Humanity. I have just finished watching the Astral Travel Workshop as well, and hope to reconnect with this side as well. I shut a lot down decades ago and am reconnecting with all once again.  Thank you for your time.  Have a blessed day!
Posted : 02/09/2024 5:00 am
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Desperately need guidance as soon as possible, I'm worried I'm schizophrenic. Over the course of 2 months, after a life filled with fundamentalism, isolation and multiple sexual assualts, losing my son, medical abuse and neglect, mental illness, i have been given a crash course in how to heal, channel, Astral projection, and i don't even know how to describe some others. I saw my last incarnation was as an Earth angel and my mind had been insisting i have to buy a multi million dollar property with 100 acres. I'm not rich, not in a lot of debt but quite a bit of medical debt I've been told tonight to pay off before i can buy the magical healing property in a state I've never wanted to live in because of my parents bloodlines. I think i invented a false childhood memory tonight about a significant molestation event. My vision from my last incarnation was that the 4 (including myself) youngest of my sibling set fell into this family one after another. If i have these gifts, why aren't my visions accurate? My higher self has not allowed me to seek the guidance of anyone but apparently i can ask here. I hope someone sees this tonight because i feel sane but schizophrenic at the same time

Posted : 23/09/2024 8:46 pm
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