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🌟 Introduce Yourself and Connect🌟
Let's start by getting to know each other better! Take a moment to introduce yourself and share your cosmic journey.

  • Answer the following questions:
  • Name: What is your name or the name you resonate with?
  • Origin: Where are you from (either physically or energetically)?
  • Cosmic Society: How did you find the cosmic society or become aware of your Starseed or Lightworker nature?
  • Something Interesting: Share something fascinating or unique about yourself, whether it's a talent, a passion, or an extraordinary experience.

By sharing these aspects of ourselves, we aim to build connections based on shared vibrations. Feel free to engage with other members, ask questions, and discover kindred spirits. 🌌

Together, we can manifest meaningful connections and create opportunities for physical meetups. Remember, the universe conspires to bring us together! ✨🌟

Posted : 22/05/2023 5:34 pm
Cailin OConnor, Rose Toner, Momo and 21 people reacted
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  • Answer the following questions:
  • Name: Kate
  • Origin: United States/Idaho
  • Cosmic Society: I stumbled across on of AE's Youtube videos, and slowly have been looking into more hidden knowledge. I bought her book, and now am a member.
  • Something Interesting: I love to rock hound and antler hunt. I love animals and being in nature. I enjoy fishing, but I'm not a hunter. The thought of killing an animal is very hard, but I have no problem processing the meat. I enjoy reading, crocheting, knitting, art, etc.

I hope you all have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading more about me.

Posted : 03/04/2024 12:25 pm
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@ohcarolyna oh my goodness! I must know what that ellipse egg thing is!!! Sensory deprivation chamber? I’m sure I can google it haha. 

Glad you enjoyed the tracks. “Contacted” was completely intended to be used for “CE5” contact experiences, so if you are ever wanting to say hi to the people in the sky, that song will let them know you’re there! I will of course reach out if I am even in Toronto! Never been to Canada before, but I feel I will definitely be going within the coming years! We can totally create something amazing! 

Posted : 06/04/2024 8:09 am
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@evamartens0096 hi Eva! I was just scrolling and saw that you also are an early education teacher! How beautiful. I teach Montessori at the 0-3 level. Working with little humans with need that extra compassion value so much!

Posted : 08/04/2024 1:58 am
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Hi Leslie, nice to meet you. I agree with you, it really values. I love Montessori. I work at an urban preschool but I'd love to change and work at one that mirrors my own values a little more. How does your spirituality influences your work? I, for example, do sound healing and energy healing on them, whenever it's possible 😀

Posted : 09/04/2024 4:37 am
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Name: Hi, I'm Jens. At a hippie-ish festival in '22, I was nicknamed Jovial Jens. I'm 50, btw.

Origin: Physically: Denmark. Energetically: I'm hoping someone can figure that out for me.


Cosmic Society: Maybe a decade ago or more, I was writing a few comments on a different channel, which "EA" had back then. I was the one who made her aware of Agnihotra.

I remember the exact words: "Are you also doing the Agnihotra sunrise/sunset rituals?"


I've always had an uncanny intuition, and I'm very sensitive. Also, I love helping others.

I have looked at Starseed origins, and though not very clear, I might be an Arcturian-Orion-Lyran hybrid, maybe. I've certainly always felt like I'm not of this world. Cats and birds are also very interesting to me.

I'm not really religious, as I've never felt I needed religion to be a good person.

My natal chart:


My educations: Chemistry at university (although I knew I was just as good at physics, but didn't like the theories of relativity). Electronics, a bit of pneumatics and hydraulics, IT-supporter, and got a year into electrician, before a health issue made me stop.


Something Interesting:

In the early 90's, I was in the equivalent of high school. In my class was a guy named Søren.

Since my late teens, I've had the ability to see, whether someone's name corresponds to their looks.

And for this guy, his name just didn't make sense to me, it didn't fit.


So, one evening, when most of our class was eating together at someone's house, I decided to tell/ask him.

I said "Søren, for a long time, I've been able to tell if someone's name fits them or not, and, I just can't make sense of it, you don't seem like a Søren. You seem more like a .. Kristian."


He looked at me slackjawed for a second, then said "how the hell do you know that??"

Then he told me; his mother, back when she was deciding on a name for him, had initially chosen Kristian, but then her sister, who was a bit of a religious fanatic, had tried to convince her to name him Krist-Jan, (Krist is danish for Christ, and Jan is a fairly common danish name).


Their argument had become very heated, and had ended up with his mother deciding to name him Søren instead, to spite her sister.

Sitting next to Søren, was his gf Tina, a girl from class, who had heard it all and had a look of utter incredulous amazement on her face.

I just said "Okay, so that's why, thanks. Makes sense."


I've also been a taxi-driver, and have used my intuition on some occasions to avoid accidents.

Once, I just stopped at a green light, because something felt wrong - then a car blasts across the intersection through red light, less than 100m from my mother's house.

Another time, I drove 160 km through thick fog, at highway speeds, trusting my intuition all the way, with no incidents.


About me, I still have very little idea what I am. There's certainly a few autistic traits; I can remember numbers just as clearly as names. F.ex. I know Pi with 102 digits, and I've tried learning up to 300, works for a while, but after a month I'm back to 102.


My hearing has always been very sensitive; I haven't been able to live within 300-400m of train tracks - the noise will wake me up in the middle of the night, although that may have changed with age.

I once emailed the musician Christopher Tin about the Baba Yetu song, because there's a glitch in it at 36.55 secs in, but apparently I'm the only one who can hear it, although his sound experts confirmed there was something odd at that spot.


I'm also very sensitive to smoke, though it depends on the type. Cigarette smoke can knock out my immune system, and make me have a cold for a few months. Smoke from putting out a candle can give me a headache. Smoke from burning fir needles instantly makes me nauseous.


Not long after my father (Aage), and older sister (Lis) died, both times, I dreamt having a hours-long conversation with each, and both ended with me going "but you're dead", then I woke up rather abruptly. Didn't happen after my mother died in '22, though.


In 2016, I think I was either asked, or saw the question; what I would dress up as, if I went to a fantasy convention/festival, and the image that came to mind was that of a 7-foot tall, faintly blue-grey angel. It didn't really make sense to me, as I'm not a religious guy, at all.

My thought was something like, "it would be nice to walk around and hug people like that, and maybe make them angels too".

Recently, this image has come up in my mind again, but everytime I think of it, I get a deeply emotional reaction; I'm close to, or in tears, as if I'm immeasurably sorry about something, so I'm actually trying to avoid thinking about it.


In early March this year, I got involved in some very long discussions about physics, and around 7-9th, I started putting together a lot of details I'd noticed over the course of my life, and everything just snowballed as details just fell into place over and over, and realizations and epiphanies kept hitting me.

Around the 21st, I was mostly done with what is essentially a new model of physics. So far, everything has fit, and I've made some predictions from it. I'm starting a channel on YT and Rumble, but I could use some help; constructive criticism, to make sure I'm not overlooking anything, or not explaining details, which may be obvious to me, but not to most people.


Also, my intuition has recently grown by orders of magnitude, and with that I'm able to pick apart anything to discern the truth, take away people's illusions, and clear up misconceptions and misunderstandings.

I rather imagine myself as a lighthouse on a small, sandy island, and ships/individuals softly running aground, realizing they've been going in the wrong direction, and then setting off in the right one.

I offer this as a service, although I fully realize it is uncomfortable to have your views and beliefs picked apart, and set straight, but know that it comes from a good heart. I will try to be as gentle as I can.


My sense of humour has grown equally, and I've been considering using that on a different channel, to go over the history of the development of theoretical physics.

If you're feeling down, you can message me, and I will always try to raise your mood and help you see things more positively.


Posted : 11/04/2024 2:45 am
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@carococo091668376047 Hi Carol-Anne.

I’m happy to hear your also from Quebec, I’m from Montreal myself and new to the forum as of tonight 😊

I am from the south shore of Montreal myself.  

We share the same fun fact as for my grand-mother name's was also Marie-Ange ! So we both have Angels in our family !

Are you from Quebec City area or Montreal area ?

Posted : 12/04/2024 7:25 pm
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Allo !! Enchantée, c'est chouette d'avoir un écho d'un compatriote de pas trop loin .

J'ai toujours l'impression que c'est du monde de partout ici sauf de chez nous... 

Je suis dans Charlevoix en fait. Quelle chance on a eu d'avoir des grands-mamans angéliques !

Au plaisir d'échanger ! 🙂


Posted : 13/04/2024 11:26 am
jay_bourdon reacted
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@carococo091668376047 oui super chouette 😀 Je t’ai écris un message perso - envois moi une invitation FB si tu désire connecter entre êtres de lumière 🌞☀️😀 Je suis de St-Hubert .

Posted : 13/04/2024 1:24 pm
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  • Answer the following questions:
  • Name: My name is Bridgett
  • Origin: I live in Northern Kentucky in the US. From Florida originally. Don't know exactly my cosmo origin however a dream I had when first starting to wake up I didn't understand at the time and then information I found here from EA has led me to believe it may be some connection with the annunaki. I hope to learn more one day.  
  • Cosmic Society: I started an inner work journey probably 2 years ago but didn't actually wake up until I started reading Dolores Cannon books and doing sleep hypnosis and meditation.  Then all of a hole new world opened up to me and continues to unfold daily.  I'm still very much new and learning how to connect. 
  • Something Interesting: I am a nurse and have always been pulled to the divine in one form or another.  It feels like I've been asleep for almost 40 years and just waking up.  I hope to help others to wake up. 
Posted : 14/04/2024 10:35 am
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@lauren Greetings! I've been following EA for some years, But new to the Forum.

So still getting used to where, what, how it all works...

I hold space on the Gold Coast, Australia. I feel like I've been on a journey my whole life. I'm not sure where this writing may lead, but I'll let my creative mind free and my fingers type as follows...

One thing leading to another, been giving insights into many things over the years. At first I thought it was just me and my crazy idea's and imagination. Always feeling different, but knowing I was meant for more.

I'm not sure what .0 version I may be, as I feel there may have been many exit points, where a step in may have taken place. But one thing I do know, is I'm a survivor, as with many challenges sometimes the only thing you can do is keep going. Even if it's one day, one moment, one step or one breathe at a time.

But somehow we just keep going, through the heartache, through the pain, through the dark nights of the soul, through the rain and through the storms we find ourselves in. But yet, with persistence we keep fighting towards creating a better tomorrow, waiting for the sun to shine once more!

Sure there are some dents in the armour, some scars that never seem to fade. But I guess that's what you call character. Like an old car, but it still keeps on going no matter what you throw at it.

But I'm looking forward to moving onwards into these 5D realms and upwards and beyond as we create this new earth reality for this generation, and for those to come. The world is changing ever so fast, timelines are conversing as we collapse this old paradigm of the 3D matrix we have led to believe was all we had. 

But we are now under new management, but with any new management there's always clean up to do from the previous management. So we have our work cut out for us as we bring love, light and healing to this new timeline we are merging into.

I love to write, create, encourage, uplift, inspire and bring a positive light into the lives I meet. Not always easy when your surrounded by so much evil, hate, and darkness. But that's why we chose to be here at this time, for this mission. As some of us are old souls that have traveled many lifetimes in order to land in this space, time and place. To help the new younger starseeds, but also to learn from them as past generations we were not able to defeat the darkness until now.

So we rise in this global awaking, building the new as the old crumbles into dust like the old ruins of past. Humanity rises from the ashes as a phoenix from the ashes of burnt offerings of long ago. From the sacrifice of past generations leading us towards this glorious light within each of us. As we unite as one collective consciousness, we endure the birthing pains of the evolution of change this world has never seen before. 

Well, I hope to energetically engage and interact with those on the same frequency, where we can entertain, motivate, inspire and motivate each other on this journey we call life. That as we walk this path of enlightenment, that we will find sacred souls, spirits and guides that will teach us patience, wisdom and a love that endures through the endless quantum realms of this world and the next.

Feel free to reach out if your on the GC and would like to grab a coffee, walk along the beaches, hike the mountainside or relax at waterfall. As I love to be around the energetic waters of life, feeling the sun upgrading my dna and breathing in the fresh air of nature.

Alex Ander

Posted : 30/04/2024 12:45 am
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I am Kate (Ksenija Katarina) and I live in Croatia. I have seen Elizabeth's video in 2012 and she was talking about how she was taken by alien beings.
Something interesting with aliens I don't have.My experience is audio and touch.For example,last time I was asking for strength when my mother died and felt touch in my heart with a lot of energy given to me by somebody I could sense in a room.I didn't see anything.Many times I would get help,even when I don't ask for it.In traffic, when going with a car...I was going to hit somebody and realized I can't stop in time.I felt 2 menly hands on mine that took over and saved me. I was alone in a car. Many more like that over time. Last one was audio and I think it was female voice telling me to do something I was  afraid of .She just said.."just do it". She knew what I was thinking. It just made me look for an answer. I know I am watched and protected by a good force. I have always known that.It is good to be here with all of you because I don't have family/friends support.

Posted : 14/05/2024 6:15 pm
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Hello Starseeds!

My name is Tan its my nickname but my birth name is Frances Anne. But I go by comfortably with my nickname Tan.

I'm currently based in Kuwait due to work, but I was born in raised in the Philippines.

During the pandemic in 2021, I got interested in tarot cards, and come accross with the videos of Matias De Stefano and Deja Blu podcast. EA was a guest of Blu in one of her podcast. Followed her in 2023 on youtube and became a member here in 2024.

I do not have any spiritual gifts open at the moment but accessing these information from these wonderful people are very eye opening I've been feeling immense awe and love because these information deeply resonates within me.

I'm still learning a lot and hoping to find my tribe for support. (If someone here is also based in Kuwait, please reach out I'll be very glad to meet and connect)


Posted : 20/05/2024 1:16 pm
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@lilynovastarseed  HI LILY!  SEAN HALLAHAN HERE.  I JUST JOINED 5/21/24!   LOVE 'N LIGHT  SEAN

Posted : 21/05/2024 2:23 pm
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I'm Sean Hallahan, I go by LiamD for Dermott, here in NYC. I've been discovering myself for decades. I had a spontaneous OBE when I was 18, saw white light, felt overwhelming LOVE.  I've studied Qi Gong, had my "channels opened" in one of the most powerful experiences of my life. I completed Fa Qi, emitting qi out of my hand. I've spent thousands of hours breaking away from the Matrix. I'm studied in the lies of history, politics, religion, education, MSM, etc.. Barbara Marciniak was hugely responsible for expanding my consciousness.  Thank you, Barbara! I follow and listen to a lot of truthers and spiritually-oriented folks. I'm particularly drawn to Elizabeth and the breadth of her talents and offerings here. I'm looking to learn and advance myself.    Love 'n Light best & cheers, Sean

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Posted : 21/05/2024 3:01 pm
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Hey, hey!

I go by Andrew, and have been a kind of silent member for some time now. It has been some time that I wanted to do an introduction and get more involved with this community. So, here I am!

It has been 5+ years that I first ran into Elizabeth’s videos, first talking about channeling mantis’ and then dove into other species and other entities. I have learned much about the universe, but am still working on my place in it.

It has been a few trying years, but in it I have learned more about myself. In that I took on sword-fighting lessons and have been very interested in HEMA or historical fighting styles…btw I am an Aries sun 😅. I love the Renaissance Festivals and go every year to my local one in MN. That is where I am from physically, but do feel like I have to mention a connection I feel with Centaurus and Triangulum galaxies. It might not be entirely accurate but we did a pendulum query and came up with around 200 lifetimes for me and if it is not true, I still feel it. Like I have been through the ringer.

Recently, my realization that I have drawn and written stories on worlds involving an arachnoid species very much associated with dryder (dnd) appearance. I feel like it may be the fate-weavers or spider aliens that Elizabeth talks about, and I have been trying to figure that out.

Finding a community has become important to me as I continue to attempt the energy healing journey I am on. Hopefully this will mean deeper journeying and healing as I continue down this path. I hope to do that with you all the community of starseeds that I have grown to admire but have been in the background like a wallflower for some time.


This post was modified 8 months ago by QZOMBS
Posted : 04/06/2024 4:49 am
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