[Sticky] channeling
Greetings Galactic and Intergalactic Friends.
My name is Shivamitra and I am very happy to have ALL of YOU!
I would like to ask you, to channel my friend.
My Guru told me, to only channel him/it/thyself (I don't know) , when everyone who is watching it live have to do thise 5 things right before the channeling.
1) clean your body especially the anus right before it.
2) clean your hands, nose, mouth, tounge, splash fresh water in your open eyes, massage your ears (inside and outside). Jump and Drink Water, while knowing that the water you drink is not WHO YOU ARE by affirming: "I am not this body, I am not even this mind."
3) massage your 3rd eye by rubbing it 3 times softly to the cosmos.
4) do a Pranayama and prayer with the whole galactic and intergalactic group altogether. AUM. ॐ
5) Everybody, Everyone and Everynoone (Iiii don't know who that should be?!? :D) set up the strong longinging to meet YOUR individual HIGEST Self and focus on the 3rd Eye by imagine a candle flame or light or beautiful color there. ॐ
I am absolutly curious what he is gonna communicate to us with this bundle of preparations and
absolutely necessary prerequisite
om Namah Shivaya ॐ
@shivamitra You can watch EA's videos on how she channels the information from the GFL: https://elizabethapril.com/all-videos/