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I can read people's mind

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I can read peoples mind since childhood, nobody believed as they thought it's my imaginations.

The great part is I get accurate proof that I'm correct by their actions. Is there anybody else with same gift?

Posted : 21/03/2023 11:01 pm
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Yes, but only within 5-8 seconds max,  especially in business meetings, it creates some sort of reverse echo which drives me absolutely nuts, reason why i don't go to corporate meetings anymore. My dad has this capacity too. (he just told me recently ).

Posted : 22/03/2023 6:15 am
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@shekhtouhid-social me too :D, glad to meet someone same type of me 😀

Posted : 18/07/2023 1:42 am
Chin Chin reacted
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@shekhtouhid-social wow!! That's amazing!! ❤️❤️

Posted : 18/07/2023 10:46 pm
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@shekhtouhid-social  i can only read minds if they are currently replaying a memory in their head I can see what they see. Or sometimes (and this is embarrassing) but if they are fantasizing about me with images in their head I get clear visuals. Most of the time it embarassed me but sometimes when I'm stuck near them for too long and they just won't stop I'll go put an end to it by shocking them repeating what they are projecting in my head.

Posted : 01/08/2023 6:07 pm